Vision Messages: String
Profile of Class String
Includes Classes: Ordinal, String
Object | Ordinal | +--- String
The instances of class String are objects that represent sequences of characters. The representation of a string is a sequence of characters delimited by double quotes. Unlike selectors, strings need not be unique. Any character may be included in a string. If a double quote is to be included, it must be preceded by the escape character .
Message Index
!= aString
< aNumber (Ordinal)
< aString (String)
<= aNumber (Ordinal)
<= aString (String)
= aString
> aNumber (Ordinal)
> aString (String)
>= aNumber (Ordinal)
>= aString (String)
appendOutputOf: aBlock
as: type
asBlockIn: object
asCellsOn: delimiter
asSelf (Ordinal)
asSelf (String)
at: n
at: n put: object
between: anOrdinal1 and: anOrdinal2
breakOn: aCharacterSet
breakString: aString
cbreakOn: aCharacterSet
cbreakString: aString
center: anInteger
centerNL: anInteger
classDescriptor (Ordinal)
classDescriptor (String)
concat: aString
contains: aString
containsSubstring: substring
convertFrom: string
defaultInstance (Ordinal)
defaultInstance (String)
deleteFromDictionaryOf: anObject
drop: aNumber
evaluateIn: anObject
fill: aNumber
filterOutputOf: aBlock
findPatternExtent: pattern
findPatternOrigin: pattern
findPatternSuffix: pattern
findSubstringExtent: substring
findSubstringOrigin: substring
findSubstringSuffix: substring
from: pos
from: pos1 for: count
from: pos1 to: pos2
howManyOf: charset
Ordinal inRange: aList
inSet: aList
isBlankFor: aNumber
locateInDictionaryOf: anObject
locateOrAddInDictionaryOf: anObject
matchesString: aString
max: aNumber
min: aNumber
notBetween: anOrdinal1 and: anOrdinal2
orderUsingDictionary: dictionary
pad: aNumber
patternExtentIn: string
patternOriginIn: string
prefixNotSpannedBy: aString
prefixNotSpannedIn: aString
prefixSpannedBy: aString
prefixSpannedIn: aString
prefixWith: aString
print: anInteger
printPRN: anInteger
sprint: anInteger
startingPositionOf: subString
startingPositionsOf: subString
stripChar: char
substituteOutputOf: aBlock
substringOriginIn: string
take: anInteger
to: pos
translate: charSet to: string
translateString: fromString to: toString
whatAmI (Ordinal)
whatAmI (String)
Synopsis:<String != aStringDescription:
Tests if recipient string is the same as the supplied string.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
Synopsis:<Ordinal < aNumberDescription:
Tests if recipient is smaller than supplied value. Each subclass of Ordinal must redefine this message. If a subclass does not implement <, then an attempt to send the message to a subclass results in an error message of the form: >>> '<' must be implemented for 'recipient' <<<.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - Number
Synopsis:<=String < aStringDescription:
Tests if recipient string comes before supplied string alphabetically.Type: Primitive          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
Synopsis:<=Ordinal <= aNumberDescription:
Tests if recipient is smaller than or equal to supplied value.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - Number
Synopsis:=String <= aStringDescription:
Tests if recipient string comes before or is equal to supplied string.Type: Primitive          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
Synopsis:>String = aStringDescription:
Tests if supplied string contains the identical sequence as the recipient String. Two strings are NOT identical if one has extra blanks at the beginning or end. Upper and lower case letters are NOT identical.Type: Primitive          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
Synopsis:>Ordinal > aNumberDescription:
Tests if recipient is larger than supplied value.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Date | Number | Object | String | Undefined |
Synopsis:>=String > aStringDescription:
Tests if recipient String comes after supplied String alphabetically.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
Synopsis:>=Ordinal >= aNumberDescription:
Tests if recipient is larger than or equal to supplied value.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Date | Number | Object | String | Undefined |
Synopsis:LowerCaseDictionaryString >= aStringDescription:
Tests if recipient String is the same or comes after supplied String alphabetically.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
Synopsis:UpperCaseDictionaryString LowerCaseDictionaryDescription:
Upper to lower case conversion chart.Type: Constant          Returns: Dictionary
Synopsis:__asOpenVisionChannelString UpperCaseDictionaryDescription:
Lower to upper case conversion chart.Type: Constant          Returns: Dictionary
Synopsis:additionUpdateDumpOf:String __asOpenVisionChannelType: Primitive          Returns: Object
Synopsis:appendOutputOf:String additionUpdateDumpOf:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:as:String appendOutputOf: aBlockDescription:
Appends all print statement that are invoked directly or indirectly within the supplied block to the Unix file; the recipient string represents the Unix filename.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Block
Synopsis:asBlockString as: typeDescription:
Converts the recipient String to an instance of the class indicated by the parameter, if possible. If the type is a string that is not the default String, the supplied type will be evaluated to determine its class. The implementation of 'convertFrom:' defined for that class will be used to convert the string to the correct class. The version at Object looks the string up in the class' default naming dictionary if it exists. If the recipient String contains the ',' character, this method returns a list of objects of the supplied type. Any String that cannot be converted to the supplied class returns NA.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:asBlockIn:String asBlockDescription:
Converts recipient into a Block that contains the recipient.Type: Method          Returns: Block
Synopsis:asCSVRecordsString asBlockIn: objectDescription:
Converts recipient into a Block that contains the recipient. The block is created in the execution environment of the suplied object.Type: Method          Returns: Block
Synopsis:asCellsString asCSVRecordsDescription:
Converts a comma-separated-value format file to a list of strings,
with each element responding to the message 'fields', which returns
a list of the comma-separted values. Embedded commas in the original
file are preserved. For example, if the file 'sample.dat' contains:
key1, description1, value1
key2, "description 2 with , character", value2
"sample.dat" asCSVRecords
do: [ "Field 1: " print ; fields at: 1 . printNL ;
"Field 2: " print ; fields at: 2 . printNL ;
"Field 3: " print ; fields at: 3 . printNL ;
] ;
Field 1: key1
Field 2: description1
Field 3: value1
Field 1: key2
Field 2: description 2 with , character
Field 3: value2
Type: Method          Returns: List
Synopsis:asCellsOn:String asCellsDescription:
Converts the recipient string into a list of strings extended by the 'cells' message which returns a list of strings generated using the tab or Vision delimiter. Lines containing Vision Formatter commands (i.e., @@@) are removed as are any cells that contain an escape character.Type: Method          Returns: List
Synopsis:asCurrencyString asCellsOn: delimiterDescription:
Converts the recipient string into a list of strings extended by the 'cells' message which returns a list of strings generated using supplied delimiter. Lines containing Vision Formatter commands (i.e., @@@) are removed as are any cells that contain an escape character.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - String
Synopsis:asDateString asCurrencyDescription:
Converts recipient into a Currency.Type: Method          Returns: Currency
Synopsis:asFileContentsString asDateDescription:
Converts the recipient String into a Date object. The recipient
can contain a value in one of the following forms:
"yy", "yymm", "yymmdd", "yyyymmdd"
"m/d/y" where m is 1-12; d is 1-31; y is yy or yyyy
"m-d-y" where m is 1-12; d is 1-31; y is yy or yyyy
"+ # offset", where # is integer and offset is a DateOffset
"- # offset", where # is integer and offset is a DateOffset
The 'offset' formats add/subtract the offset from the current value of '^date'.
For example:
"961231" asDate --> 12/31/96
"1/3/95" asDate --> 1/3/95
"+ 3 days" --> current date + 3 days
"today" --> today's date
Type: Method          Returns: Date
Also Defined At:
| Date | DateOffset | Number | Undefined |
Synopsis:asIntegerString asFileContentsDescription:
Converts the file name specified by the recipient string into a String containing the file's contents. If the file is not found, an empty string is returned.Type: Method          Returns: String
Synopsis:asLinesString asIntegerDescription:
Converts recipient into a Number of class Integer.Type: Method          Returns: Integer
Also Defined At:
| Date | DateOffset | Undefined |
Synopsis:asNumberString asLinesDescription:
Returns a list of strings based on carriage returns in recipient string.Type: Method          Returns: List
Synopsis:asOpenVisionChannelString asNumberDescription:
Converts recipient string into a number. Strings containing numbers with no decimal point are converted to integers. Strings containing non-numeric characters are converted to NA.Type: Method          Returns: Number
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:asOpenVisionChannelToVisionString asOpenVisionChannelType: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:asQuotedStringString asOpenVisionChannelToVisionType: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:asRecordsString asQuotedStringDescription:
Returns the recipient string enclosed in double quotes.Type: Method          Returns: String
Synopsis:asSelectorString asRecordsDescription:
Converts the file specified in the recipient string into a list of strings, with each element representing a record in the original file. Empty lines are excluded from the returned list.Type: Method          Returns: List
Synopsis:asSelfString asSelectorDescription:
Returns the recipient as a selector object. The version at Selector returns recipient.Type: Method          Returns: Selector
Synopsis:asSelfOrdinal asSelfDescription:
Returns the original object.Type: Primitive          Returns: Ordinal
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:asStringString asSelfDescription:
Returns the original object.Type: Primitive          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:asUpperLowerWordsString asStringDescription:
Returns recipient string stripped of any extensions.Type: Primitive          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:asWordsString asUpperLowerWordsDescription:
Returns a list of strings based on upper case letter word boundaries.Type: Method          Returns: List
Synopsis:at:String asWordsDescription:
Returns a list of strings representing the individual words in the recipient string where a word is terminated by a blank, tab or new line character.Type: Method          Returns: List
Synopsis:at:put:String at: nDescription:
Returns the character at the specified position. For example:
"abcdefghij" at: 3 .
returns the single character string "c".Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - Integer
Also Defined At:
| Dictionary | List |
Synopsis:basicConcat:String at: n put: objectDescription:
Inserts the supplied string at the supplied character position. For
"abcdefghij" at: 3 put: "xyz"
returns the string "abxyzcdefghij".Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - Integer
2 - String
Also Defined At:
| Dictionary | List |
Synopsis:basicContains:String basicConcat:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Synopsis:basicDrop:String basicContains:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Synopsis:basicFill:String basicDrop:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Synopsis:basicFindPatternExtent:String basicFill:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Synopsis:basicFindPatternOrigin:String basicFindPatternExtent:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Synopsis:basicFindSubstringOrigin:String basicFindPatternOrigin:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Synopsis:basicTake:String basicFindSubstringOrigin:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Synopsis:between:and:String basicTake:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Synopsis:breakOn:Ordinal between: anOrdinal1 and: anOrdinal2Description:
Tests if recipient Ordinal is between supplied Ordinal1 and supplied Ordinal2Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
2 - String
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:breakString:String breakOn: aCharacterSetDescription:
Breaks the recipient string into a list using the characters in the string parameter as break points. The break point characters are not included in the resultant list elements. For example, the expression: myString breakOn: newLine can be used to return a list of strings corresponding to the 'records' in the recipient string.Type: Primitive          Returns: List
1 - String
Synopsis:canonicalizedForSortString breakString: aStringDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - String
Synopsis:capitalizeString canonicalizedForSortDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:cbreakOn:String capitalizeDescription:
Capitalizes the first letter of the string.Type: Method          Returns: String
Synopsis:cbreakString:String cbreakOn: aCharacterSetDescription:
Breaks the recipient string into a list using the characters NOT in the string parameter as break points. The break point characters are not included in the resultant list elements. This message is the converse of 'breakOn:'.Type: Primitive          Returns: List
1 - String
Synopsis:center:String cbreakString: aStringDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - String
Synopsis:centerNL:String center: anIntegerDescription:
Centers the recipient string in specified width. If string contains more characters than supplied width, it is truncated to fit and no centering is performed.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - Integer
Synopsis:classDescriptorString centerNL: anIntegerDescription:
Centers the recipient String using the supplied width and then starts a new line.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - Integer
Synopsis:classDescriptorOrdinal classDescriptorDescription:
Reference to the object which describes the class. Class level information is stored here.Type: Constant          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:concat:String classDescriptorDescription:
Reference to the object which describes the class. Class level information is stored here.Type: Constant          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:contains:String concat: aStringDescription:
Appends supplied string to the end of the recipient string.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - String
Synopsis:containsSubstring:String contains: aStringDescription:
Tests if the supplied string is included in the recipient string.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:convertFrom:String containsSubstring: substringDescription:
This message returns TRUE if substring is found in the recipient. Unlike
the 'contains:' message, this form matches each character literally, so
no wildcard characters are recognized. For example,
"abc" contains: "^a"
returns TRUE, but
"abc" containsSubstring: "^a"
returns FALSE.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
Synopsis:convertToNumberString convertFrom: stringDescription:
This message converts the supplied string to an instance of the recipient's class if applicable, returning NA otherwise. The definition at Object will lookup the string in the class' naming dictionary, if defined. The version at String returns the recipient stripped of any extensions. The versions at Number, Integer, Double, and Float convert the recipient to a numeric value if possible. The version at Date converts the recipient to a Date using the 'asDate' message defined at String. The version at Boolean returns TRUE if the recipient contains an upper/lower case combination of 'true' and FALSE if the recipient contains an upper/lower case combination of 'false'. The version at block returns a block containing the string as a message. This message is called by the 'as:' message at String.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Date | Number | Object | Undefined |
Synopsis:countString convertToNumberDescription:
Removes any non-numeric characters (0-9 . - +) from the start and end of the string and any commas from within the remaining string. If the resultant string can be converted by a number it is, otherwise NA is returned.Type: Method          Returns: Number
Synopsis:defaultInstanceString countDescription:
Counts the number of characters in recipient string. Returns a non-negative integer.Type: Primitive          Returns: Integer
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | List | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:defaultInstanceOrdinal defaultInstanceDescription:
Returns the default instance of the recipient object's classType: Constant          Returns: Ordinal
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:deleteFromDictionaryOf:String defaultInstanceDescription:
Returns the default instance of the recipient object's classType: Constant          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | OpenVision | Schema | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:drop:String deleteFromDictionaryOf: anObjectDescription:
Converts the recipient string to a selector and removes the protocol implemented by it from the dictionary associated with the supplied object.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Object
Synopsis:evaluateString drop: aNumberDescription:
Drops the specified number of characters form the beginning or end of recipient string. A positive integer drops characters starting at the beginning of the string. A negative number drops characters starting at the end of the string. If you drop more characters that the string contains, a string with 0 characters is returned.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - Number
Synopsis:evaluateIn:String evaluateDescription:
Executes string as VISION expression at ^global.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:evaluateWithCompilationErrorHandler:in:String evaluateIn: anObjectDescription:
Executes string as VISION expression in supplied environment.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Object
Synopsis:fill:String evaluateWithCompilationErrorHandler:in:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
2 - Undefined
Synopsis:filterOutputOf:String fill: aNumberDescription:
Repeats the characters in the original string until a string of the specified length is formed. A negative number repeats the pattern from right to left.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - Number
Synopsis:findPatternExtent:String filterOutputOf: aBlockDescription:
Supplies the printed output associated with the execution of the
supplied block as input to the recipient string as a Unix Command.
For example:
"format" filterOutputOf: [ Named Company IBM displayReport ]
will redirect the report through the format program as standard input
(i.e., format < report). By default, the results of executing this
expression will be printed on your screen.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Block
Synopsis:findPatternOrigin:String findPatternExtent: patternDescription:
Returns the length of the pattern if it is present in the recipient. If it is not present, zero is returned. This version views the pattern as a regular expression (i.e., wildcards are interpretted).Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
Synopsis:findPatternSuffix:String findPatternOrigin: patternDescription:
Returns the zero-based position of the first occurrence of the pattern in the recipient. If the string is not found, the length of the recipient is returned. This version views the pattern as a regular expression (i.e., wildcards are interpretted).Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
Synopsis:findSubstringExtent:String findPatternSuffix: patternDescription:
Returns the zero-based position of the first character after the first occurrence of the pattern in the recipient. If the string is not found, the length of the recipient is returned. This version views the pattern as a regular expression (i.e., wildcards are interpretted).Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
Synopsis:findSubstringOrigin:String findSubstringExtent: substringDescription:
Returns the length of the sub-string if it is present in the recipient. If the string is not prsent, zero is returned. This version matches the characters in the sub-string explicitly.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
Synopsis:findSubstringSuffix:String findSubstringOrigin: substringDescription:
Returns the zero-based position of the first occurrence of the sub-string in the recipient. If the string is not found, the length of the recipient is returned. This version matches the characters in the sub-string explicitly.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
Synopsis:fixedString findSubstringSuffix: substringDescription:
Returns the zero-based position of the first character after the first occurrence of the sub-string in the recipient. If the string is not found, the length of the recipient is returned. This version matches the characters in the sub-string explicitly.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
Synopsis:formatForExcelString fixedDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Synopsis:formatForPRNString formatForExcelDescription:
reformats the recipient string for use as tab delimited output. This message assumes that the recipient string is delimited by the tab or Vision delimiter.Type: Method          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Block |
Synopsis:from:String formatForPRNDescription:
reformats the recipient string for use as PRN-style input Strings are printed in quotes, numbers are printed as is, and field are separated by a space. This message assumes that the recipient string is delimited by the tab or Vision delimiter.Type: Method          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Block |
Synopsis:from:for:String from: posDescription:
Returns a substring of recipient starting from position indicated by parameter. If 'pos' is numeric, the substring starting with this character position to the end of the string is returned. If 'pos' is a character, the substring starting from the first occurrence of this character to the end of the string is returned.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - Ordinal
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:from:to:String from: pos1 for: countDescription:
Returns a substring of the recipient object from the supplied position for count characters. If count is positive, supplied position is the first position of the returned string. If count is negative, supplied position is the last position of the returned string.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - Integer
2 - Integer
Synopsis:howManyOf:String from: pos1 to: pos2Description:
Returns a substring of the recipient object from the starting position to the ending position. The supplied parameters should be positive integers. If pos1 is greater than pos2, the resultant string is reversed.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - Integer
2 - Integer
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:inRange:String howManyOf: charsetDescription:
Returns the number of occurrences of any of the characters in the supplied
character set in the recipient String. For example:
"1/15/96" howManyOf: "/" . printNL ;
Type: Method          Returns: Integer
1 - String
Synopsis:inSet:Ordinal Ordinal inRange: aListDescription:
Tests if recipient Ordinal is in range specified by aList, where aList contains 2 elements - the start and end of the range (inclusive).Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
Synopsis:isBlankOrdinal inSet: aListDescription:
Tests if recipient Ordinal is included in supplied list.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
Synopsis:isBlankFor:String isBlankDescription:
Returns TRUE if string is all blanks.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
Synopsis:isDefaultString isBlankFor: aNumberDescription:
Returns TRUE if string is blank for first n characters.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - Number
Synopsis:isOrdinalString isDefaultDescription:
Returns TRUE if string is empty.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
Also Defined At:
| Collection | Date | Object | Undefined |
Synopsis:isStringOrdinal isOrdinalDescription:
Returns a TRUE value when sent to any Ordinal.Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:locateInDictionaryOf:String isStringDescription:
Returns a TRUE value when sent to any String.Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:locateOrAddInDictionaryOf:String locateInDictionaryOf: anObjectDescription:
Converts the recipient string into a selector and returns the intensional form of the value assessed in the dictionary of the supplied object. Send the 'value' message to evaluate the object returned.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Object
Synopsis:lowercaseString locateOrAddInDictionaryOf: anObjectDescription:
Converts the recipient string into a selector and looks up this selector in the supplied object's dictionary, returning the intensional form of the value if present. Otherwise the selector is added to the dictionary and the intensional form is returned. Send 'value' message to intensional form to evaluate it.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Object
Synopsis:matchesString:String lowercaseDescription:
Converts the first letter of a string to lowercase.Type: Method          Returns: String
Synopsis:max:String matchesString: aStringDescription:
Tests whether supplied string is identical to recipient string.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:min:Ordinal max: aNumberDescription:
Computes the larger of the supplied value and the recipient Number. If an invalid parameter is supplied, NA is returned.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Collection | Undefined |
Synopsis:newOrdinal min: aNumberDescription:
Computes the smaller of the supplied value and the recipient Number. If an invalid parameter is supplied, NA is returned.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Collection | Undefined |
Synopsis:notBetween:and:Ordinal newDescription:
Undefines the 'new' message for Ordinal classes.Type: Method          Returns: Ordinal
Also Defined At:
| Boolean | Collection | DateRange | Dictionary | Object | Undefined |
Synopsis:notifyAsCommentOrdinal notBetween: anOrdinal1 and: anOrdinal2Description:
Tests if recipient Ordinal is not between supplied Ordinal1 and supplied Ordinal2.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
2 - String
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:notifyAsErrorString notifyAsCommentDescription:
Obsolete.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:notifyAsWarningString notifyAsErrorDescription:
Obsolete.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:orderUsingDictionary:String notifyAsWarningDescription:
Obsolete.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:pad:String orderUsingDictionary: dictionaryDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:patternExtentIn:String pad: aNumberDescription:
Pads the string with blanks if number of characters in the string is less than supplied parameter. If 'n' is negative, string is padded on the left; otherwise, it is padded on the right.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - Number
Synopsis:patternOriginIn:String patternExtentIn: stringType: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:prefixNotSpannedBy:String patternOriginIn: stringType: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:prefixNotSpannedIn:String prefixNotSpannedBy: aStringDescription:
This message returns the number of characters at the beginning of the recipient string that do not match any character in the supplied string.Type: Primitive          Returns: Integer
1 - String
Synopsis:prefixSpannedBy:String prefixNotSpannedIn: aStringDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - String
Synopsis:prefixSpannedIn:String prefixSpannedBy: aStringDescription:
This message returns the number of characters at the beginning of the recipient string that match any character in the supplied stringType: Primitive          Returns: Integer
1 - String
Synopsis:prefixWith:String prefixSpannedIn: aStringDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - String
Synopsis:printString prefixWith: aStringDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:print:String printDescription:
Redefines the standard print message so that the content of the string is printed. All characters are printed; no truncation or padding occurs. Strings can contain the carraige return character.Type: Primitive          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Block | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Entity | IndexedList | List | Object | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:printPRNString print: anIntegerDescription:
Prints the string using the supplied width. Strings containing fewer characters than the supplied width are padded with the appropriate number of blanks on the right (i.e., left-justified). If the supplied width is negative, the string will be padded with the blanks on the left (right- justified). If the string contains more characters than the width supplied, the rightmost characters will be removed.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - Integer
Also Defined At:
| Boolean | Date | Entity | Number | Object | Undefined |
Synopsis:printPRN:String printPRNDescription:
Prints the recipient string using 'prn' format. The recipient is printed surrounded by quotes.Type: Method          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:putStringTo:String printPRN: anIntegerDescription:
Prints the recipient object in 'prn' format using the supplied width. The output string is surrounded by quotes.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - Integer
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:replacementUpdateDumpOf:String putStringTo:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Synopsis:reverseString replacementUpdateDumpOf:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:sprint:String reverseDescription:
Returns the recipient string with each character in reverse order.Type: Primitive          Returns: String
Synopsis:startingPositionOf:String sprint: anIntegerDescription:
Returns the recipient string in a new string formatted to the number of characters specified in supplied widthType: Method          Returns: String
1 - Integer
Synopsis:startingPositionsOf:String startingPositionOf: subStringDescription:
Returns the position number at which the first occurence of the supplied substring starts in the recipient string.Type: Method          Returns: Integer
Synopsis:stripBoundingBlanksString startingPositionsOf: subStringDescription:
Returns the list of position numbers at which the supplied substring starts in the recipient string.Type: Method          Returns: List
Synopsis:stripChar:String stripBoundingBlanksDescription:
Returns the string stripped of blanks on either side.Type: Method          Returns: String
Synopsis:stripCommasString stripChar: charDescription:
Returns the recipient string with the supplied character removed for every occurrenceType: Method          Returns: String
1 - String
Synopsis:stripLeadingBlanksString stripCommasDescription:
Returns the string stripped of any commas.Type: Method          Returns: String
Synopsis:stripTrailingBlanksString stripLeadingBlanksDescription:
Returns the string stripped of any leading blanks.Type: Method          Returns: String
Synopsis:substituteOutputOf:String stripTrailingBlanksDescription:
Returns the string stripped of any blanks that follow the last character.Type: Method          Returns: String
Synopsis:substringOriginIn:String substituteOutputOf: aBlockDescription:
Creates a Unix file containing all print statement that are invoked directly or indirectly within the supplied block; the recipient string represents the Unix filenameType: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Block
Synopsis:take:String substringOriginIn: stringType: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:to:String take: anIntegerDescription:
Keeps the specified number of characters from the beginning or end of the string. A positive number keeps characters starting at the beginning of the string. A negative number keeps characters starting at the end of the string. If you keep more characters than the string contains, blanks will be added to the beginning or end of the string.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - Integer
Synopsis:toDoubleString to: posDescription:
Returns a substring of recipient from start of recipient to position indicated by parameter. If 'pos' is numeric, the substring ending with this character position is returned. If 'pos' is a character, the substring starting from the beginning of the recipient through to the first occurrence of this character is returned.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - Ordinal
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:toListString toDoubleDescription:
Converts recipient string to a double precision number if possible. If recipient does not contian a valid number, NA is returned.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Synopsis:toLowerString toListDescription:
Converts recipient string to a list of characters. The resultant list has one element for each character in the recipient string.Type: Method          Returns: List
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | List | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:toUpperString toLowerDescription:
Converts the characters in the recipient string to lower case letters and returns a single string.Type: Method          Returns: String
Synopsis:translate:to:String toUpperDescription:
Converts the characters in the recipient string to upper case letters and returns a single string.Type: Method          Returns: String
Synopsis:translateString:to:String translate: charSet to: stringDescription:
Replaces all occurrences of any character in the string supplied as the first parameter with the string supplied a the second parameter. This differs from the 'translateString:to:' message which replaces all occurrences of the first string with the second string.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - String
2 - String
Synopsis:unixFileContentsString translateString: fromString to: toStringDescription:
Replaces all occurrences of the 'fromString' with 'toString'. Note that this differs from the 'translate:to:' message which replaces any character in the first parameter with the string supplied as the second parameter. Note that this version returns NA when the translation encounters overlapping replacments.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - String
2 - String
Synopsis:whatAmIString unixFileContentsType: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:whatAmIOrdinal whatAmIDescription:
Returns the string 'Ordinal'.Type: Constant          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:String whatAmIDescription:
Returns the string 'String'.Type: Constant          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |