Vision Messages: Number
Profile of Class Number
Includes Classes: Double, Float, Integer, Number, Ordinal
Object | Ordinal | +--- Number | | | +--- Double | | | +--- Float | | | +--- Integer
The class Number is an abstract class that is used to organize the numeric classes in the VISION hierarchy. Each different kind of numerical value is represented by one of three specializations of the class Number: Double, Float, or Integer. Most numbers are either Integer (no decimal value) or Double (decimal value). The Float class is used for efficiency in storing numbers in large databases that are known not to require the extra precision and space associated with double precision numbers.
Message Index
!= aValue
* aValue (Double)
* aValue (Float)
* aValue (Integer)
+ aValue (Double)
+ aValue (Float)
+ aValue (Integer)
- aValue (Double)
- aValue (Float)
- aValue (Integer)
/ aValue (Double)
/ aValue (Float)
/ aValue (Integer)
< aNumber (Ordinal)
< aValue (Double)
< aValue (Float)
< aValue (Integer)
<= aNumber (Ordinal)
<= aValue (Double)
<= aValue (Float)
<= aValue (Integer)
= aValue (Double)
= aValue (Float)
= aValue (Integer)
> aNumber (Ordinal)
> aValue (Number)
>= aNumber (Ordinal)
>= aValue (Number)
__fixReference (Double)
__fixReference (Float)
__fixReference (Integer)
_nthPOPReferencedBy: pop
_packPOPWithSpace: space
adjustedMod: aNumber
arcCosine (Number)
arcCosine (Double)
arcSine (Number)
arcSine (Double)
arcTangent (Number)
arcTangent (Double)
asAPowerOf: baseNumber (Number)
asAPowerOf: aBaseNumber (Double)
asDate (Number)
asDate (Integer)
asDouble (Double)
asDouble (Float)
asDouble (Integer)
asFloat (Double)
asFloat (Float)
asFloat (Integer)
asInteger (Double)
asInteger (Float)
asInteger (Integer)
asMonthEndInYear: aYear
asNumber (Double)
asNumber (Float)
asNumber (Integer)
asPointerTo: (Double)
asPointerTo: (Float)
asPointerTo: (Integer)
asSelf (Ordinal)
asSelf (Number)
asSelf (Double)
asSelf (Float)
asSelf (Integer)
base0CellPositionOf: aList (Number)
base0CellPositionOf: aList (Integer)
base1CellPositionOf: aList (Number)
base1CellPositionOf: aList (Integer)
becomeSeekOffsetOf: openVisionChannel (Number)
becomeSeekOffsetOf: openVisionChannel (Integer)
between: anOrdinal1 and: anOrdinal2
canonicalizedForSort (Double)
canonicalizedForSort (Float)
canonicalizedForSort (Integer)
classDescriptor (Ordinal)
classDescriptor (Number)
classDescriptor (Double)
classDescriptor (Float)
classDescriptor (Integer)
convertFrom: string (Number)
convertFrom: string (Double)
convertFrom: string (Float)
convertFrom: string (Integer)
cosine (Number)
cosine (Double)
defaultInstance (Ordinal)
defaultInstance (Number)
defaultInstance (Double)
defaultInstance (Float)
defaultInstance (Integer)
dividedInto: (Double)
dividedInto: (Float)
dividedInto: (Integer)
dropFromString: aString
evaluate: aBlock
exp (Number)
exp (Double)
fillFromString: aString
getStringFrom: openVisionChannel
hyperbolicCosine (Number)
hyperbolicCosine (Double)
hyperbolicSine (Number)
hyperbolicSine (Double)
hyperbolicTangent (Number)
hyperbolicTangent (Double)
Ordinal inRange: aList
inSet: aList
log (Number)
log (Double)
log: aNumber
max: aNumber
min: aNumber
mod: aValue
notBetween: anOrdinal1 and: anOrdinal2
orderUsingDictionary: (Double)
orderUsingDictionary: (Float)
orderUsingDictionary: (Integer)
pctChangeTo: aNumber
prefixWith: aString
print (Double)
print (Float)
print (Integer)
print: aNumber
printOf: (Double)
printOf: anObject (Float)
printOf: (Integer)
printWithCommas: aNumber
printWithCommasOf: (Double)
printWithCommasOf: anObject (Float)
printWithCommasOf: (Integer)
printWithLeadingZeros: width
printWithLeadingZerosNL: width
putByteTo: openVisionChannel (Number)
putByteTo: (Integer)
putDoubleTo: openVisionChannel (Number)
putDoubleTo: (Double)
putFloatTo: openVisionChannel (Number)
putFloatTo: (Float)
putLongTo: openVisionChannel (Number)
putLongTo: (Integer)
putShortTo: openVisionChannel (Number)
putShortTo: (Integer)
round: anInteger
sequence (Number)
sequence (Integer)
sequence0 (Number)
sequence0 (Integer)
sequenceTo: endNumber
sine (Number)
sine (Double)
sprint: aNumber
sprintOf: (Double)
sprintOf: anObject (Float)
sprintOf: (Integer)
sprintWithCommas: aNumber
sprintWithCommasOf: (Double)
sprintWithCommasOf: anObject (Float)
sprintWithCommasOf: (Integer)
sqrt (Number)
sqrt (Double)
subtractedFrom: (Double)
subtractedFrom: (Float)
subtractedFrom: (Integer)
takeFromString: aString
tangent (Number)
tangent (Double)
to: aDate by: aDateOffset
toThe: aNumber (Number)
toThe: aValue (Double)
whatAmI (Ordinal)
whatAmI (Number)
whatAmI (Double)
whatAmI (Float)
whatAmI (Integer)
within: x percentOf: y
Synopsis:*Number != aValueDescription:
Tests if supplied value is not equal to recipient Number.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - Value
Synopsis:*Double * aValueDescription:
Multiplies recipient by the supplied value. If invalid parameter is given, it returns NA.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| DateOffset | List | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:*Float * aValueDescription:
Multiplies recipient by the supplied value. If an invalid paramter is given, it returns NA.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| DateOffset | List | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:+Integer * aValueDescription:
Multiplies recipient by the supplied value. If an invalid parameter is given, it returns NA.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| DateOffset | List | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:+Double + aValueDescription:
Adds supplied value to the recipient. If an invalid parameter is given, it returns NA.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Date | DateOffset | List | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:+Float + aValueDescription:
Adds supplied value to the recipient. If an invalid parameter is given, it returns NA.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Date | DateOffset | List | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:-Integer + aValueDescription:
Adds supplied value to the recipient.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Date | DateOffset | List | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:-Double - aValueDescription:
Subtracts supplied value from the recipient. If an invalid parameter is given, it returns NA.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Date | List | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:-Float - aValueDescription:
Subtracts supplied value from the recipient. If an invalid parameter is given, it returns NA.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Date | List | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:/Integer - aValueDescription:
Subtracts supplied value from the recipient.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Date | List | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:/Double / aValueDescription:
Divides recipient by the supplied value. If invalid parameter is given, it returns NA.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| List | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:/Float / aValueDescription:
Divides recipient by the supplied value. If an invalid parameter is given, it returns NA.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| List | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:<Integer / aValueDescription:
Divides recipient by the supplied value.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| List | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:<Ordinal < aNumberDescription:
Tests if recipient is smaller than supplied value. Each subclass of Ordinal must redefine this message. If a subclass does not implement <, then an attempt to send the message to a subclass results in an error message of the form: >>> '<' must be implemented for 'recipient' <<<.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - Number
Synopsis:<Double < aValueDescription:
Tests if recipient is less than supplied value.Type: Primitive          Returns: Boolean
1 - Number
Synopsis:<Float < aValueDescription:
Tests if recipient is less that supplied value. If an invalid parameter is given, it returns NA.Type: Primitive          Returns: Boolean
Synopsis:<=Integer < aValueDescription:
Tests if recipient is less than supplied value.Type: Primitive          Returns: Boolean
Synopsis:<=Ordinal <= aNumberDescription:
Tests if recipient is smaller than or equal to supplied value.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - Number
Synopsis:<=Double <= aValueDescription:
Tests if recipient is less than or equal to supplied value.Type: Primitive          Returns: Boolean
1 - Number
Synopsis:<=Float <= aValueDescription:
Tests if recipient is less than or equal to supplied value. If an invalid parameter is given, it returns NA.Type: Primitive          Returns: Boolean
Synopsis:=Integer <= aValueDescription:
Tests if recipient is less than or equal to supplied value.Type: Primitive          Returns: Boolean
Synopsis:=Double = aValueDescription:
Tests if recipient equals the supplied value.Type: Primitive          Returns: Boolean
1 - Number
Synopsis:=Float = aValueDescription:
Tests if recipient equals the supplied value. If an invalid parameter is given, it returns NA.Type: Primitive          Returns: Boolean
Synopsis:>Integer = aValueDescription:
Tests if recipient equals the supplied value.Type: Primitive          Returns: Boolean
Synopsis:>Ordinal > aNumberDescription:
Tests if recipient is larger than supplied value.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Date | Number | Object | String | Undefined |
Synopsis:>=Number > aValueDescription:
Tests if recipient Number is greater than supplied value.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - Value
Synopsis:>=Ordinal >= aNumberDescription:
Tests if recipient is larger than or equal to supplied value.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Date | Number | Object | String | Undefined |
Synopsis:__asOpenVisionChannelNumber >= aValueDescription:
Tests if recipient Number is greater than or equal to supplied value. If invalid parameter is supplied, NA is returned.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - Value
Synopsis:__fixReferenceInteger __asOpenVisionChannelType: Primitive          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| String |
Synopsis:__fixReferenceDouble __fixReferenceType: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Date | DateOffset | Object |
Synopsis:__fixReferenceFloat __fixReferenceType: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Date | DateOffset | Object |
Synopsis:_integerRefTo:Integer __fixReferenceType: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Date | DateOffset | Object |
Synopsis:_nthPOPReferencedBy:Integer _integerRefTo:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:_packPOPWithSpace:Integer _nthPOPReferencedBy: popType: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:_primitiveRefTo:Integer _packPOPWithSpace: spaceType: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:absoluteValueInteger _primitiveRefTo:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:adjustedMod:Number absoluteValueDescription:
Computes the absolute value of the Number. Non-negative values return unchanged; negative values returned without the negative sign.Type: Method          Returns: Number
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:arcCosineInteger adjustedMod: aNumberDescription:
Returns the recipient modulo supplied number as a value from 1 to aNumber (instead of mod: which returns a number from 0 to aNumber - 1).Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Number
Synopsis:arcCosineNumber arcCosineDescription:
Basic mathematical function.Type: Method          Returns: Undefined
Synopsis:arcSineDouble arcCosineDescription:
Basic mathematical function.Type: Primitive          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:arcSineNumber arcSineDescription:
Basic mathematical function.Type: Method          Returns: Undefined
Synopsis:arcTangentDouble arcSineDescription:
Basic mathematical function.Type: Primitive          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:arcTangentNumber arcTangentDescription:
Basic mathematical function.Type: Method          Returns: Double
Synopsis:asAPowerOf:Double arcTangentDescription:
Basic mathematical function.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:asAPowerOf:Number asAPowerOf: baseNumberDescription:
Raises the baseNumber to the recipient Number power (baseNumber ^ recipient).Type: Method          Returns: Double
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:asClusterTypeDouble asAPowerOf: aBaseNumberDescription:
Raises supplied number to the recipient power (baseNumber ^recipient).Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
1 - Number
Synopsis:asDateInteger asClusterTypeType: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:asDateNumber asDateDescription:
Converts the recipient Number into a Date.Type: Method          Returns: Date
Also Defined At:
| Date | DateOffset | String | Undefined |
Synopsis:asDateFromMMDDInteger asDateDescription:
Converts an Integer into a Date. Assumes recipient is in one of the following forms: YYYYMMDD, YYMMDD, YYMM, YY.Type: Method          Returns: Date
Also Defined At:
| Date | DateOffset | Number | String | Undefined |
Synopsis:asDateFromMMDDYYInteger asDateFromMMDDDescription:
Converts an integer in month-day form to a date. Invalid month-day combination returns an NA.Type: Method          Returns: Date
Synopsis:asDateFromMMDDYYYYInteger asDateFromMMDDYYDescription:
Converts an integer in month-day-year form to a date. Invalid month-day-year combination returns an NA.Type: Method          Returns: Date
Synopsis:asDateFromMMYYInteger asDateFromMMDDYYYYDescription:
Converts an integer in month-day-year form to a date. Invalid month-day-year combination returns an NA.Type: Method          Returns: Date
Synopsis:asDateFromYYMMDDInteger asDateFromMMYYDescription:
Converts an integer in month-year format to a date. Invalid month-year combination returns an NA.Type: Method          Returns: Date
Synopsis:asDateFromYYYYMMInteger asDateFromYYMMDDType: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:asDoubleInteger asDateFromYYYYMMDescription:
Converts integer to a month-end date where year is represented by the
full four digits. For example:
200012 asDateFromYYYYMM
returns the date 12/31/2000.Type: Method          Returns: Date
Synopsis:asDoubleDouble asDoubleDescription:
Returns recipient stripped of any extensions.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:asDoubleFloat asDoubleDescription:
Converts recipient into a Number of class DoubleType: Primitive          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:asFloatInteger asDoubleDescription:
Converts recipient into a Number of class Double.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:asFloatDouble asFloatDescription:
Converts recipient into a Number of class Float.Type: Primitive          Returns: Float
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:asFloatFloat asFloatDescription:
Returns recipient stripped of any extensions.Type: Primitive          Returns: Float
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:asIntegerInteger asFloatDescription:
Converts recipient into a Number of class Float.Type: Primitive          Returns: Float
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:asIntegerDouble asIntegerDescription:
Converts recipient into a Number of class Integer.Type: Primitive          Returns: Integer
Also Defined At:
| Date | DateOffset | String | Undefined |
Synopsis:asIntegerFloat asIntegerDescription:
Converts recipient into a Number of class Integer.Type: Primitive          Returns: Integer
Also Defined At:
| Date | DateOffset | String | Undefined |
Synopsis:asMonthEndInteger asIntegerDescription:
Returns recipient stripped of any extensions.Type: Primitive          Returns: Integer
Also Defined At:
| Date | DateOffset | String | Undefined |
Synopsis:asMonthEndInYear:Integer asMonthEndDescription:
Returns month-end date in current year for month represented by recipient.Type: Method          Returns: Date
Also Defined At:
| Date |
Synopsis:asNumberInteger asMonthEndInYear: aYearDescription:
Returns month-end date in supplied year for month represented by recipient.Type: Method          Returns: Date
1 - Integer
Synopsis:asNumberDouble asNumberDescription:
Returns recipient stripped of any extensions. Same message as 'asDouble'.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Synopsis:asNumberFloat asNumberDescription:
Returns recipient stripped of any extensions.Type: Primitive          Returns: Float
Synopsis:asObjectSpaceInteger asNumberDescription:
Returns recipient stripped of any extensions.Type: Primitive          Returns: Integer
Synopsis:asOpenVisionChannelInteger asObjectSpaceType: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:asPOPInteger asOpenVisionChannelType: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| String |
Synopsis:asPointerTo:Integer asPOPType: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:asPointerTo:Double asPointerTo:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:asPointerTo:Float asPointerTo:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:asPrimitiveInteger asPointerTo:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:asReferenceTo:Integer asPrimitiveDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:asSelfInteger asReferenceTo:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:asSelfOrdinal asSelfDescription:
Returns the original object.Type: Primitive          Returns: Ordinal
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:asSelfNumber asSelfDescription:
Returns the original object.Type: Primitive          Returns: Number
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:asSelfDouble asSelfDescription:
Returns the original object.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:asSelfFloat asSelfDescription:
Returns the original object.Type: Primitive          Returns: Float
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:asStringInteger asSelfDescription:
Returns the original object.Type: Primitive          Returns: Integer
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:base0CellPositionOf:Integer asStringDescription:
Converts recipient integer into a string.Type: Method          Returns: String
Synopsis:base0CellPositionOf:Number base0CellPositionOf: aListDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:base1CellPositionOf:Integer base0CellPositionOf: aListDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:base1CellPositionOf:Number base1CellPositionOf: aListDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:basicAsDateInteger base1CellPositionOf: aListDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:becomeSeekOffsetOf:Integer basicAsDateDescription:
Converts an Integer of form (YYYYMMDD) into a Date. Assumes Integer is in the form YYYYMMDD (e.g., 19920922 for September 22, 1992). To construct a date from three numbers, year, month, and day the following approach can be used: (year * 10000 + month * 100 + day) asInteger asDate. See the 'asDate' message for a more general implementation.Type: Primitive          Returns: Date
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:becomeSeekOffsetOf:Number becomeSeekOffsetOf: openVisionChannelType: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:between:and:Integer becomeSeekOffsetOf: openVisionChannelType: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:businessDaysOrdinal between: anOrdinal1 and: anOrdinal2Description:
Tests if recipient Ordinal is between supplied Ordinal1 and supplied Ordinal2Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
2 - String
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:canonicalizedForSortInteger businessDaysDescription:
Converts the recipient into a BusinessDays DateOffset. Used in conjunction with DateRange formation and date arithmetic.Type: Method          Returns: BusinessDays
Synopsis:canonicalizedForSortDouble canonicalizedForSortDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Synopsis:canonicalizedForSortFloat canonicalizedForSortDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Synopsis:classDescriptorInteger canonicalizedForSortDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Synopsis:classDescriptorOrdinal classDescriptorDescription:
Reference to the object which describes the class. Class level information is stored here.Type: Constant          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:classDescriptorNumber classDescriptorDescription:
Reference to the object which describes the class. Class level information is stored here.Type: Constant          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:classDescriptorDouble classDescriptorDescription:
Reference to the object which describes the class. Class level information is stored here.Type: Constant          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:classDescriptorFloat classDescriptorDescription:
Reference to the object which describes the class. Class level information is stored here.Type: Constant          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:convertFrom:Integer classDescriptorDescription:
Reference to the object which describes the class. Class level information is stored here.Type: Constant          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:convertFrom:Number convertFrom: stringDescription:
This message converts the supplied string to an instance of the recipient's class if applicable, returning NA otherwise. The definition at Object will lookup the string in the class' naming dictionary, if defined. The version at String returns the recipient stripped of any extensions. The versions at Number, Integer, Double, and Float convert the recipient to a numeric value if possible. The version at Date converts the recipient to a Date using the 'asDate' message defined at String. The version at Boolean returns TRUE if the recipient contains an upper/lower case combination of 'true' and FALSE if the recipient contains an upper/lower case combination of 'false'. The version at block returns a block containing the string as a message. This message is called by the 'as:' message at String.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Date | Object | String | Undefined |
Synopsis:convertFrom:Double convertFrom: stringDescription:
This message converts the supplied string to an instance of the recipient's class if applicable, returning NA otherwise. The definition at Object will lookup the string in the class' naming dictionary, if defined. The version at String returns the recipient stripped of any extensions. The versions at Number, Integer, Double, and Float convert the recipient to a numeric value if possible. The version at Date converts the recipient to a Date using the 'asDate' message defined at String. The version at Boolean returns TRUE if the recipient contains an upper/lower case combination of 'true' and FALSE if the recipient contains an upper/lower case combination of 'false'. The version at block returns a block containing the string as a message. This message is called by the 'as:' message at String.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Date | Number | Object | String | Undefined |
Synopsis:convertFrom:Float convertFrom: stringDescription:
This message converts the supplied string to an instance of the recipient's class if applicable, returning NA otherwise. The definition at Object will lookup the string in the class' naming dictionary, if defined. The version at String returns the recipient stripped of any extensions. The versions at Number, Integer, Double, and Float convert the recipient to a numeric value if possible. The version at Date converts the recipient to a Date using the 'asDate' message defined at String. The version at Boolean returns TRUE if the recipient contains an upper/lower case combination of 'true' and FALSE if the recipient contains an upper/lower case combination of 'false'. The version at block returns a block containing the string as a message. This message is called by the 'as:' message at String.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Date | Number | Object | String | Undefined |
Synopsis:cosineInteger convertFrom: stringDescription:
This message converts the supplied string to an instance of the recipient's class if applicable, returning NA otherwise. The definition at Object will lookup the string in the class' naming dictionary, if defined. The version at String returns the recipient stripped of any extensions. The versions at Number, Integer, Double, and Float convert the recipient to a numeric value if possible. The version at Date converts the recipient to a Date using the 'asDate' message defined at String. The version at Boolean returns TRUE if the recipient contains an upper/lower case combination of 'true' and FALSE if the recipient contains an upper/lower case combination of 'false'. The version at block returns a block containing the string as a message. This message is called by the 'as:' message at String.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Date | Number | Object | String | Undefined |
Synopsis:cosineNumber cosineDescription:
Basic mathematical function.Type: Method          Returns: Double
Synopsis:daysDouble cosineDescription:
Basic mathematical function.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:defaultInstanceInteger daysDescription:
Converts the recipient into a Days DateOffset. Used in conjunction with DateRange formation and date arithmetic.Type: Method          Returns: Days
Synopsis:defaultInstanceOrdinal defaultInstanceDescription:
Returns the default instance of the recipient object's classType: Constant          Returns: Ordinal
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:defaultInstanceNumber defaultInstanceDescription:
Returns the default instance of the recipient object's classType: Constant          Returns: Number
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:defaultInstanceDouble defaultInstanceDescription:
Returns the default instance of the recipient object's classType: Constant          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:defaultInstanceFloat defaultInstanceDescription:
Returns the default instance of the recipient object's classType: Constant          Returns: Float
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:dividedInto:Integer defaultInstanceDescription:
Returns the default instance of the recipient object's classType: Constant          Returns: Integer
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:dividedInto:Double dividedInto:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:dividedInto:Float dividedInto:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:dropFromString:Integer dividedInto:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:evaluate:Integer dropFromString: aStringDescription:
Drops the recipient number of characters from supplied string. A positive integer drops characters starting at the beginning of the string. A negative number drops characters starting at the end of the string. If you drop more characters than the string contains, a string with 0 characters is returned.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - String
Synopsis:expInteger evaluate: aBlockDescription:
Converts the recipient to a Date and evaluates the supplied block as of this date. If recipient does not convert into a valid date, the block is not evaluated.Type: Method          Returns: Date
1 - Block
Also Defined At:
| Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange |
Synopsis:expNumber expDescription:
Raises the mathematical constant e (~ 2.7183) to the recipient Number power (i.e., e ^ recipient).Type: Method          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:fillFromString:Double expDescription:
Raises the mathematical constant e (~2.7183) to the recipient power (i.e., e ^ recipient).Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Synopsis:getStringFrom:Integer fillFromString: aStringDescription:
Repeats the characters in the supplied string until a string of the length specified by the recipient is formed. A negative number repeats the pattern from right to left.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - String
Synopsis:hyperbolicCosineInteger getStringFrom: openVisionChannelType: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:hyperbolicCosineNumber hyperbolicCosineDescription:
Basic mathematical function.Type: Method          Returns: Double
Synopsis:hyperbolicSineDouble hyperbolicCosineDescription:
Basic mathematical function.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:hyperbolicSineNumber hyperbolicSineDescription:
Basic mathematical function.Type: Method          Returns: Double
Synopsis:hyperbolicTangentDouble hyperbolicSineDescription:
Basic mathematical function.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:hyperbolicTangentNumber hyperbolicTangentDescription:
Basic mathematical function.Type: Method          Returns: Double
Synopsis:inRange:Double hyperbolicTangentDescription:
Basic mathematical functionType: Primitive          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:inSet:Ordinal Ordinal inRange: aListDescription:
Tests if recipient Ordinal is in range specified by aList, where aList contains 2 elements - the start and end of the range (inclusive).Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
Synopsis:inputExpressionOrdinal inSet: aListDescription:
Tests if recipient Ordinal is included in supplied list.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
Synopsis:instancesAdjacentTo:Number inputExpressionDescription:
Used by DDMS ToolKit to format recipient as input.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:isDoubleInteger instancesAdjacentTo:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:isFloatDouble isDoubleDescription:
Returns a TRUE value when sent to any Double.Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:isIntegerFloat isFloatDescription:
Returns a TRUE value when sent to any Float.Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:isNumberInteger isIntegerDescription:
Returns a TRUE value when sent to any Integer.Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:isOrdinalNumber isNumberDescription:
Returns a TRUE value when sent to any Number.Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:logOrdinal isOrdinalDescription:
Returns a TRUE value when sent to any Ordinal.Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:logNumber logDescription:
Computes the natural log of the recipient Number. Recipient must be positive; the log is undefined for numbers less than or equal to 0.Type: Method          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:log:Double logDescription:
Computes the natural log of the recipient. Recipient must be positive; the log is undefined for numbers less than or equal to 0.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Synopsis:max:Number log: aNumberDescription:
Computes the log of the recipient number using supplied base.Type: Method          Returns: Double
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:min:Ordinal max: aNumberDescription:
Computes the larger of the supplied value and the recipient Number. If an invalid parameter is supplied, NA is returned.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Collection | Undefined |
Synopsis:mod:Ordinal min: aNumberDescription:
Computes the smaller of the supplied value and the recipient Number. If an invalid parameter is supplied, NA is returned.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Collection | Undefined |
Synopsis:monthBeginningsInteger mod: aValueDescription:
Computes the recipient Integer modulo of the supplied value.Type: Method          Returns: Integer
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:monthEndsInteger monthBeginningsDescription:
Converts the recipient into a MonthBeginnings DateOffset. Used in conjunction with DateRange formation and date arithmetic.Type: Method          Returns: DateOffset
Synopsis:monthsInteger monthEndsDescription:
Converts the recipient into a MonthEnds DateOffset. Used in conjunction with DateRange formation and date arithmetic.Type: Method          Returns: DateOffset
Synopsis:negatedInteger monthsDescription:
Converts the recipient into a Months DateOffset. Used in conjunction with DateRange formation and date arithmetic.Type: Method          Returns: DateOffset
Synopsis:newNumber negatedDescription:
Multiplies the recipient Number by -1.Type: Method          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:notBetween:and:Ordinal newDescription:
Undefines the 'new' message for Ordinal classes.Type: Method          Returns: Ordinal
Also Defined At:
| Boolean | Collection | DateRange | Dictionary | Object | Undefined |
Synopsis:numberOfDigitsOrdinal notBetween: anOrdinal1 and: anOrdinal2Description:
Tests if recipient Ordinal is not between supplied Ordinal1 and supplied Ordinal2.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - String
2 - String
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:orderUsingDictionary:Integer numberOfDigitsDescription:
Computes the number of digits in the recipient.Type: Method          Returns: Integer
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:orderUsingDictionary:Double orderUsingDictionary:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:orderUsingDictionary:Float orderUsingDictionary:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:pctChangeTo:Integer orderUsingDictionary:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:prefixWith:Number pctChangeTo: aNumberDescription:
Computes the percentage change between the recipient and supplied Number. Uses the formula: (recipient / supplied Value - 1 ) * 100. If supplied parameter is 0, NA is returned.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:printInteger prefixWith: aStringDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| String |
Synopsis:printDouble printDescription:
Redefines the standard print message so that the value of the number is printed. The default print format for doubles is 9 character positions with two decimal places. The format is expanded if more space is needed.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Block | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Entity | IndexedList | List | Object | String | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:printFloat printDescription:
Redefines the standard print message so that the value of the number is printed. The default format for floats is 9 character positions with two decimal places. The format is expanded if more space is needed.Type: Primitive          Returns: Float
Also Defined At:
| Block | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Entity | IndexedList | List | Object | String | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:print:Integer printDescription:
Redefines the standard print message so that the value of the recipient Integer is printed. The default print format for integers is 9 character positions with no decimal places. The format is expanded if more space is needed.Type: Primitive          Returns: Integer
Also Defined At:
| Block | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Entity | IndexedList | List | Object | String | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:printOf:Number print: aNumberDescription:
Prints the recipient Number using the supplied format. If no decimal is provided in the format, the default value of 2 decimal places is used. When integers are printed, the decimal specification will be ignored. If the specification width is not large enough, **** will be displayed instead of the value.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Boolean | Date | Entity | Object | String | Undefined |
Synopsis:printOf:Double printOf:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:printOf:Float printOf: anObjectDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:printWithCommas:Integer printOf:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:printWithCommasOf:Number printWithCommas: aNumberDescription:
Prints the Number using the supplied format, inserting commas where appropriate. If no decimal is provided in the format, the default value of 2 decimal places is used. When integers are printed, the decimal specification will be ignored. If the specification width is not large enough, **** will be displayed instead of the value.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:printWithCommasOf:Double printWithCommasOf:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:printWithCommasOf:Float printWithCommasOf: anObjectDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:printWithLeadingZeros:Integer printWithCommasOf:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:printWithLeadingZerosNL:Number printWithLeadingZeros: widthDescription:
Displays the recipient with leading 0s to fill out the supplied width if width is positive. If width is negative, no padding is done.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:putByteTo:Number printWithLeadingZerosNL: widthDescription:
Displays the recipient with leading 0s to fill out the supplied width followed by a new line if width is positive. If width is negative, no padding is done.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:putByteTo:Number putByteTo: openVisionChannelType: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:putDoubleTo:Integer putByteTo:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:putDoubleTo:Number putDoubleTo: openVisionChannelType: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:putFloatTo:Double putDoubleTo:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:putFloatTo:Number putFloatTo: openVisionChannelType: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:putLongTo:Float putFloatTo:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:putLongTo:Number putLongTo: openVisionChannelType: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:putShortTo:Integer putLongTo:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:putShortTo:Number putShortTo: openVisionChannelType: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:quarterBeginningsInteger putShortTo:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:quarterEndsInteger quarterBeginningsDescription:
Converts the recipient into a QuarterBeginnings DateOffset. Used in conjunction with DateRange formation and date arithmetic.Type: Method          Returns: DateOffset
Synopsis:quartersInteger quarterEndsDescription:
Converts the recipient into a QuarterEnds DateOffset. Used in conjunction with DateRange formation and date arithmetic.Type: Method          Returns: DateOffset
Synopsis:roundInteger quartersDescription:
Converts the recipient into a Quarterrs DateOffset. Used in conjunction with DateRange formation and date arithmetic.Type: Method          Returns: DateOffset
Synopsis:round:Number roundDescription:
Rounds the Number to the nearest integer.Type: Method          Returns: Integer
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:sequenceNumber round: anIntegerDescription:
Rounds the Number to the specified number of decimal places. Supplied integer must be non-negative.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Integer
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:sequenceNumber sequenceDescription:
Returns a list of integers from 1 through recipient Number.Type: Method          Returns: List
Synopsis:sequence0Integer sequenceDescription:
Returns a list of integers from 1 through recipient Integer.Type: Primitive          Returns: List
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:sequence0Number sequence0Description:
Returns a list of integets from 0 through recipient minus 1.Type: Method          Returns: List
Synopsis:sequenceTo:Integer sequence0Description:
Returns a list of integers from 0 through recipient Integer minus 1.Type: Primitive          Returns: List
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:signInteger sequenceTo: endNumberDescription:
Returns a list of integers from recipient value to the supplied end number. If the supplied paramter is not a number, 0 will be used as the end-point.Type: Method          Returns: List
Synopsis:sineNumber signDescription:
Returns the value -1, 0, or 1, depending on the sign of the recipient.Type: Method          Returns: Integer
Synopsis:sineNumber sineDescription:
Basic mathematical function.Type: Method          Returns: Double
Synopsis:sprint:Double sineDescription:
Basic mathematical function.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:sprintOf:Number sprint: aNumberDescription:
Returns the recipient number as a string formatted to the number of characters specified.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - Number
Synopsis:sprintOf:Double sprintOf:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:sprintOf:Float sprintOf: anObjectDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:sprintWithCommas:Integer sprintOf:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:sprintWithCommasOf:Number sprintWithCommas: aNumberDescription:
Returns the recipient number as a string formatted to the number of characters specified, inserting commas as appropriate.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - Number
Synopsis:sprintWithCommasOf:Double sprintWithCommasOf:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:sprintWithCommasOf:Float sprintWithCommasOf: anObjectDescription:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:sqrtInteger sprintWithCommasOf:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:sqrtNumber sqrtDescription:
Returns the square root of the recipient Number.Type: Method          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:subtractedFrom:Double sqrtDescription:
Returns the square root of the recipient. Recipient must be a non-negative Double.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Synopsis:subtractedFrom:Double subtractedFrom:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| DateOffset | Undefined |
Synopsis:subtractedFrom:Float subtractedFrom:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| DateOffset | Undefined |
Synopsis:takeFromString:Integer subtractedFrom:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| DateOffset | Undefined |
Synopsis:tangentInteger takeFromString: aStringDescription:
Keeps the recipient number of characters from supplied string. A positive number keeps characters starting at the beginning of the string. A negative number keeps characters starting at the end of the string. If you keep more characters than the string contains, blanks will be added to the beginning or end of the string.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - String
Synopsis:tangentNumber tangentDescription:
Basic mathematical function.Type: Method          Returns: Double
Synopsis:to:by:Double tangentDescription:
Basic mathematical function.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:toThe:Integer to: aDate by: aDateOffsetDescription:
Converts the recipient into a date, then constructs a date range from this date, the supplied date, and the the supplied increment.Type: Method          Returns: DateRange
1 - Date
2 - DateOffset
Also Defined At:
| Date |
Synopsis:toThe:Number toThe: aNumberDescription:
Raises the recipient Number to the specified power.Type: Method          Returns: Double
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:whatAmIDouble toThe: aValueDescription:
Raises the recipient to the specified power.Type: Primitive          Returns: Double
1 - Number
Synopsis:whatAmIOrdinal whatAmIDescription:
Returns the string 'Ordinal'.Type: Constant          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:whatAmINumber whatAmIDescription:
Returns the string 'Number'.Type: Constant          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:whatAmIDouble whatAmIDescription:
Returns the string 'Double'.Type: Constant          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:whatAmIFloat whatAmIDescription:
Returns the string 'Float'.Type: Constant          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:within:percentOf:Integer whatAmIDescription:
Returns the string 'Integer'.Type: Constant          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:yearBeginningsNumber within: x percentOf: yDescription:
Computes whether the recipient number is within x percent of the value y. This message builds a closed interval around y and tests to see if x falls in that range.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - Number
2 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:yearEndsInteger yearBeginningsDescription:
Converts the recipient into a YearBeginnings DateOffset. Used in conjunction with DateRange formation and date arithmetic.Type: Method          Returns: DateOffset
Synopsis:yearsInteger yearEndsDescription:
Converts the recipient into a YearEnds DateOffset. Used in conjunction with DateRange formation and date arithmetic.Type: Method          Returns: DateOffset
Synopsis:Integer yearsDescription:
Converts the recipient into a Years DateOffset. Used in conjunction with DateRange formation and date arithmetic.Type: Method          Returns: DateOffset