Vision Messages: Dictionary
Profile of Class Dictionary
Object | +--- Dictionary | | | +--- AdminTools Named | | | +--- Environment | | | +--- Interface Named | | | +--- LocalDBDictionary | | | +--- Named | | | +--- SystemDictionary | | | +--- XRef | | | | | +--- Currency XRef
The Dictionary subclasses are used to name related objects in a homogeneous way. A Dictionary is similar to an IndexedList that is indexed by a String value.
Message Index
at: string
at: string put: object
delete: string
locate: string
newAs: string
uniformAt: string
Synopsis:at:Dictionary asSelfDescription:
Returns the original object.Type: Primitive          Returns: Dictionary
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:at:put:Dictionary at: stringDescription:
Returns the object stored at the supplied string.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - String
Synopsis:classDescriptorDictionary at: string put: objectDescription:
Stores the supplied object at the supplied string in the recipient.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - String
2 - Object
Synopsis:cleanupClassStructuresDictionary classDescriptorDescription:
Reference to the object which describes the class. Class level information is stored here.Type: Constant          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:defaultInstanceDictionary cleanupClassStructuresDescription:
Runs 'cleanStoreAndDictionary' at Object, this method is redefined as needed by subclasses to perform general cleanup functions.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:delete:Dictionary defaultInstanceDescription:
Returns the default instance of the recipient object's classType: Constant          Returns: Dictionary
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:initializeDictionary delete: stringDescription:
Removes string entry from recipient dictionary.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - String
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:initializeGlobalSubclassPropertiesDictionary initializeDescription:
Initializes a new instance of the recipient dictionary. Run as part of the instance creation process.Type: Method          Returns: Dictionary
Synopsis:initializeLocalAttributesDictionary initializeGlobalSubclassPropertiesDescription:
Initializes a new subclass of the recipient dictionary. Run as part of the subclass creation process.Type: Method          Returns: Dictionary
Synopsis:isDictionaryDictionary initializeLocalAttributesDescription:
Initializes the new instance of the recipient dictionary. Run as part of the instance creation process.Type: Method          Returns: Dictionary
Synopsis:locate:Dictionary isDictionaryDescription:
Returns a TRUE value when sent to any DictionaryType: Constant          Returns: TRUE
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:newDictionary locate: stringDescription:
Finds object associated with the supplied string in dictionary, searching inheritance path if needed.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - String
Synopsis:newAs:Dictionary newDescription:
Special version of 'new' message designed to address the peculiar requirements of dictionary instance creation.Type: Method          Returns: Dictionary
Also Defined At:
| Boolean | Collection | DateRange | Object | Undefined |
Synopsis:objectsDictionary newAs: stringDescription:
Special version of 'newAs:' message designed to address the peculiar requirements of dictionary instance creation.Type: Method          Returns: Dictionary
Synopsis:specializedDictionary objectsDescription:
Returns list of objects referenced by dictionary entries.Type: Method          Returns: List
Synopsis:uniformAt:Dictionary specializedDescription:
Special version of 'specialized' message designed to address the peculiar requirements of dictionary subclass creation.Type: Method          Returns: Dictionary
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:whatAmIDictionary uniformAt: stringDescription:
Returns the object stored at the supplied string. If no object is found, returns the object stored at the string "Default". If no object is found, returns NA.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - String
Also Defined At:
| List |
Synopsis:Dictionary whatAmIDescription:
Returns the string "Dictionary".Type: Constant          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |