Vision Messages: Undefined
Profile of Class Undefined
Object | +--- Undefined | | | +--- NoValue
This class represents values that are not available (NA)
Message Index
&& aBoolean
* aValue
+ aValue
- aValue
/ aValue
< aValue
<= aValue
> aValue
>= aValue
as: type
asAPowerOf: aValue
between: lowerBoundary and: upperBoundary
convertFrom: object
else: object
elseIf: condition then: object
log: base
max: aNumber
min: aNumber
mod: aNumber
notBetween: lower and: upper
pctChangeTo: aNumber
print: aNumber
printWithLeadingZeros: f
printWithLeadingZerosNL: f
round: decimalPlaces
sprint: aNumber
toThe: aNumber
within: pc percentOf: y
|| aBoolean
Synopsis:*Undefined && aBooleanDescription:
Returns FALSE if parameter evaluates to FALSE, NA otherwise.Type: Method          Returns: Undefined
1 - Boolean
Synopsis:+Undefined * aValueDescription:
Since no value can meaningfully be multiplied by NA, the value NA is always returned.Type: Constant          Returns: Undefined
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| DateOffset | List | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:-Undefined + aValueDescription:
Since the value of NA cannot meaningfully be added to any value, the value NA is always returned.Type: Constant          Returns: Undefined
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Date | DateOffset | List | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:/Undefined - aValueDescription:
Since no value can meaningfully be subtracted from NA, the value NA is always returned.Type: Constant          Returns: Undefined
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Date | List | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:<Undefined / aValueDescription:
Since no value can meaningfully be divided into NA, the NA is always returned.Type: Constant          Returns: Undefined
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| List | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:<=Undefined < aValueDescription:
Since the value of NA cannot meaningfully be compared to any value, the value NA is always returned.Type: Constant          Returns: Undefined
1 - Number
Synopsis:>Undefined <= aValueDescription:
Since the value of NA cannot meaningfully be compared toany value, the value NA is always returned.Type: Constant          Returns: Undefined
1 - Number
Synopsis:>=Undefined > aValueDescription:
Since the value of NA cannot meaningfully be compared to any value, the value NA is always returned.Type: Constant          Returns: Undefined
1 - Number
Synopsis:absoluteValueUndefined >= aValueDescription:
Since the value of NA cannot meaningfully be compared to any value, the value NA is always returned.Type: Constant          Returns: Undefined
1 - Number
Synopsis:as:Undefined absoluteValueDescription:
Returns an NA value.Type: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:asAPowerOf:Undefined as: typeDescription:
Converts the recipient String to an instance of the class indicated by the parameter, if possible. If the type is a string that is not the default String, the supplied type will be evaluated to determine its class. The implementation of 'convertFrom:' defined for that class will be used to convert the string to the correct class. The version at Object looks the string up in the class' default naming dictionary if it exists. If the recipient String contains the ',' character, this method returns a list of objects of the supplied type. Any String that cannot be converted to the supplied class returns NA.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| String |
Synopsis:asClusterTypeUndefined asAPowerOf: aValueDescription:
Since no value can meaningfully be raised to the NA power, the value NA is always returned.Type: Constant          Returns: Undefined
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:asCurrencyUndefined asClusterTypeType: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Synopsis:asDateUndefined asCurrencyDescription:
Converts recipient into a Currency.Type: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Synopsis:asDoubleUndefined asDateDescription:
Returns the value NA.Type: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Date | DateOffset | Number | String |
Synopsis:asFloatUndefined asDoubleDescription:
Returns the value NAType: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Synopsis:asIntegerUndefined asFloatDescription:
Returns the value NAType: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Synopsis:asNumberUndefined asIntegerDescription:
Returns the value NAType: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Date | DateOffset | String |
Synopsis:asObjectSpaceUndefined asNumberDescription:
Returns the value NAType: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| String |
Synopsis:asPOPUndefined asObjectSpaceType: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Synopsis:asPointerTo:Undefined asPOPType: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:asSelfUndefined asPointerTo:Description:
For Internal Use Only.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Synopsis:basicAsDateUndefined asSelfDescription:
Returns the value NAType: Primitive          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Utility |
Synopsis:between:and:Undefined basicAsDateDescription:
Returns the value NAType: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Synopsis:classDescriptorUndefined between: lowerBoundary and: upperBoundaryDescription:
Returns the value NAType: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:contains:Undefined classDescriptorDescription:
Reference to the object which describes the class. Class level information is stored here.Type: Constant          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Utility |
Synopsis:convertFrom:Undefined contains:Description:
Returns the value NAType: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| String |
Synopsis:defaultInstanceUndefined convertFrom: objectDescription:
This message converts the supplied string to an instance of the recipient's class if applicable, returning NA otherwise. The definition at Object will lookup the string in the class' naming dictionary, if defined. The version at String returns the recipient stripped of any extensions. The versions at Number, Integer, Double, and Float convert the recipient to a numeric value if possible. The version at Date converts the recipient to a Date using the 'asDate' message defined at String. The version at Boolean returns TRUE if the recipient contains an upper/lower case combination of 'true' and FALSE if the recipient contains an upper/lower case combination of 'false'. The version at block returns a block containing the string as a message. This message is called by the 'as:' message at String.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Date | Number | Object | String |
Synopsis:dividedInto:Undefined defaultInstanceDescription:
Returns the default instance of the recipient object's classType: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Utility |
Synopsis:else:Undefined dividedInto:Description:
Returns the value NAType: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Synopsis:elseIf:then:Undefined else: objectDescription:
When sent to NA, evalutes supplied object, otherwise returns ^self. The expression: variable1 else: variable2 . else: variable3 can be used select the first non-na value encountered. If the parameters are supplied as blocks, they are not evaluated unless all the prior parameters have produced NA values.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:expUndefined elseIf: condition then: objectDescription:
When sent to NA, evaluates supplied object if boolean is TRUE, otherwise
returns ^self. For example:
v isNumber
ifTrue: [ list at: v asInteger ] .
elseIf: v isString
then: [ dictionary at: v ] .
elseIf: list isList
then: [ list at: 1 ] .
else: [ "Unknown object type" ]
Type: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:isDefaultUndefined expDescription:
Returns the value NAType: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:isNAUndefined isDefaultDescription:
Always returns TRUE if recipient is an NA.Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE
Also Defined At:
| Collection | Date | Object | String |
Synopsis:isUndefinedUndefined isNADescription:
Always returns TRUE if recipient is an NA.Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:isntNAUndefined isUndefinedDescription:
Returns a TRUE value when sent to any Undefined.Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:logUndefined isntNADescription:
Always returns FALSE if recipient is an NA.Type: Constant          Returns: FALSE
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:log:Undefined logDescription:
Returns an NA value.Type: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:matchesString:Undefined log: baseDescription:
Returns an NA value.Type: Method          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:max:Undefined matchesString:Description:
Returns an NA value.Type: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| String |
Synopsis:min:Undefined max: aNumberDescription:
Returns an NA value.Type: Method          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Collection |
Synopsis:mod:Undefined min: aNumberDescription:
Returns an NA value.Type: Method          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Collection |
Synopsis:negatedUndefined mod: aNumberDescription:
Returns an NA value.Type: Method          Returns: Undefined
Synopsis:newUndefined negatedDescription:
Returns an NA value.Type: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:notUndefined newDescription:
Undefines the 'new' messageType: Method          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Boolean | Collection | DateRange | Dictionary | Object |
Synopsis:notBetween:and:Undefined notDescription:
Returns an NA value.Type: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Synopsis:numberOfDigitsUndefined notBetween: lower and: upperDescription:
Returns an NA value.Type: Method          Returns: Undefined
Synopsis:pctChangeTo:Undefined numberOfDigitsDescription:
Returns an NA value.Type: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Synopsis:printUndefined pctChangeTo: aNumberDescription:
Returns an NA value.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:print:Undefined printDescription:
Redefines the standard print message to print the string 'NA'.Type: Method          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Block | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Entity | IndexedList | List | Object | String | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:printWithLeadingZeros:Undefined print: aNumberDescription:
Prints the string 'NA' formatted to the number of characters provided in supplied format. NA is always right-justified in a field followed by one blank.Type: Method          Returns: Undefined
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Boolean | Date | Entity | Number | Object | String |
Synopsis:printWithLeadingZerosNL:Undefined printWithLeadingZeros: fDescription:
Displays the recipient with leading 0s to fill out the supplied width if width is positive. If width is negative, no padding is done.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:roundUndefined printWithLeadingZerosNL: fDescription:
Displays the recipient with leading 0s to fill out the supplied width followed by a new line if width is positive. If width is negative, no padding is done.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:round:Undefined roundDescription:
Returns an NA value.Type: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:sprint:Undefined round: decimalPlacesDescription:
Returns an NA value.Type: Method          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:sqrtUndefined sprint: aNumberDescription:
Returns the value NA as a string formatted to the number of characters specified in supplied format.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - Number
Synopsis:subtractedFrom:Undefined sqrtDescription:
Returns an NA value.Type: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:toThe:Undefined subtractedFrom:Description:
Returns an NA value.Type: Constant          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| DateOffset |
Synopsis:whatAmIUndefined toThe: aNumberDescription:
Returns an NA value.Type: Method          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:within:percentOf:Undefined whatAmIDescription:
Returns the string 'undefined'.Type: Constant          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Utility |
Synopsis:||Undefined within: pc percentOf: yDescription:
Returns an NA value.Type: Method          Returns: Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Number |
Synopsis:Undefined || aBooleanDescription:
If the supplied boolean evaluates to TRUE, then TRUE, NA otherwise.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - Boolean