Vision Messages: List
Profile of Class List
Includes Classes: Collection, EnumeratedFunction, Function, List, SequencedCollection
Object | Function | EnumeratedFunction | Collection | SequencedCollection | +--- List
Instances of the class List represent a group of objects which can be viewed together as a unit. The elements of the list are not indexed directly. Lists are created by sending the , anElement message to an existing List. The expression: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 returns a List containing five elements.
Message Index
* anObject
+ anObject
, anObject
- anObject
/ anObject
all: booleanBlock
any: booleanBlock
append: aList
appendListElementsFrom: aList
asSelf (Function)
asSelf (EnumeratedFunction)
asSelf (Collection)
asSelf (SequencedCollection)
asSelf (List)
atO: aNumber
at: aNumber
at: integer put: aValue
average: aBlock
average: aBlock withWeights: bBlock
basicSortDown: aBlock
basicSortUp: aBlock
classDescriptor (Function)
classDescriptor (EnumeratedFunction)
classDescriptor (Collection)
classDescriptor (SequencedCollection)
classDescriptor (List)
collect: aBlock
collect: aBlock with: input
collectGroupsForCriteria: blocks atLevel: level in: list withKeys: keys
collectListElementsFrom: aBlock
compound: aBlock
correlate: blockX with: blockY
decileDown: aBlock
decileDown: aBlock by: bBlock
decileDown: aBlock by: bBlock by: cBlock
decileDown: aBlock using: variableName
decileUp: aBlock
decileUp: aBlock by: bBlock
decileUp: aBlock by: bBlock by: cBlock
decileUp: aBlock using: variableName
defaultInstance (Function)
defaultInstance (EnumeratedFunction)
defaultInstance (Collection)
defaultInstance (SequencedCollection)
defaultInstance (List)
difference: aList
display: aBlockList
displayAcross: aBlock
do: aBlock
exclude: aList
exclude: aList using: aBlock
excludesElement: anObject
execute: message in: class
extend: aBlock
extendBy: aBlock
first: n
gMean: aBlock
groupPrintUsing: aBlock
groupedBy: aBlock
groupedBy: block1 and: block2
groupedBy: block in: list
groupedBy: block intersect: list
groupedBy: block union: list
groupedBy: aBlock usingCollector: aBlock
groupedBy: aBlock usingCutoffs: aList
groupedByCriteria: aBlockList
groupedByString: aBlock
harmonicMean: aBlock
harmonicMean: aBlock withWeights: bBlock
histogram: aBlock title: aString
includesElement: anObject
intersect: aList
intersect: aList using: aBlock
isEquivalentTo: object
iterate: block
iterate: aBlock by: anInteger
last: n
max: aBlock
median: aBlock
mgroupedBy: aBlock
min: aBlock
mode: aBlock
new (Function)
new (Collection)
normalize: aBlock
normalize: aBlock by: bBlock
normalize: aBlock by: bBlock by: cBlock
percentileDown: aBlock
percentileDown: aBlock by: bBlock
percentileDown: aBlock by: bBlock by: cBlock
percentileDown: aBlock using: variableName
percentileUp: aBlock
percentileUp: aBlock by: bBlock
percentileUp: aBlock by: bBlock by: cBlock
percentileUp: aBlock using: variableName
product: aBlock
quintileDown: aBlock
quintileDown: aBlock by: bBlock
quintileDown: aBlock by: bBlock by: cBlock
quintileDown: aBlock using: variableName
quintileUp: aBlock
quintileUp: aBlock by: bBlock
quintileUp: aBlock by: bBlock by: cBlock
quintileUp: aBlock using: variableName
rankCorrelate: blockX with: blockY
rankDown: aBlock
rankDown: aBlock by: bBlock
rankDown: aBlock by: bBlock by: cBlock
rankDown: block1 usingCollector: block2
rankUp: aBlock
rankUp: aBlock by: bBlock
rankUp: aBlock by: bBlock by: cBlock
rankUp: block1 usingCollector: block2
regress: list2
runningAverage: aBlock
runningTotal: aBlock
runningTotal: block1 usingCollector: block2
select: aBlock
send: aBlock
send: aBlock with: aValue
sortDown: aBlock
sortDownBy: block1 then: block2
sortDownBy: block1 then: block2 then: block3
sortDownBy: block1 then: block2 then: block3 then: block4
sortUp: aBlock
sortUpBy: block1 then: block2
sortUpBy: block1 then: block2 then: block3
sortUpBy: block1 then: block2 then: block3 then: block4
stdDev: aBlock
tileDown: block1 tiles: aNumber
tileDown: block using: variableName tiles: aNumber
tileDown: block1 usingCollector: block2 tiles: aNumber
tileUp: block1 tiles: aNumber
tileUp: block using: variableName tiles: aNumber
tileUp: block1 usingCollector: block2 tiles: aNumber
total: aBlock
uniformAt0: aNumber
uniformAt: aNumber
union: aList
union: aList using: aBlock
weightedDecile: aBlock
weightedQuintile: aBlock
whatAmI (Function)
whatAmI (EnumeratedFunction)
whatAmI (Collection)
whatAmI (SequencedCollection)
whatAmI (List)
Synopsis:+List * anObjectDescription:
This message is used to perform vector multiplication between two lists or a list and a scalar value. If the supplied value is a scalar, the value is multiplied by each element in the recipient list. If the supplied value is a list, the operation is applied positionally.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - List
Also Defined At:
| DateOffset | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:,List + anObjectDescription:
This message is used to perform vector addition between two lists or a list and a scalar value. If the supplied value is a scalar, the value is added to each element in the recipient list. If the supplied value is a list, the operation is applied positionally.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - List
Also Defined At:
| Date | DateOffset | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:-List , anObjectDescription:
Appends supplied element to recipient List. The , message modifies the recipient List.Type: Primitive          Returns: List
1 - Object
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:/List - anObjectDescription:
This message is used to perform vector subtraction between two lists or a list and a scalar value. If the supplied value is a scalar, the value is subtracted from each element in the recipient list. If the supplied value is a list, the operation is applied positionally.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - List
Also Defined At:
| Date | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:all:List / anObjectDescription:
This message is used to perform vector division between two lists or a list and a scalar value. If the supplied value is a scalar, the value divides each element in the recipient list. If the supplied value is a list, the operation is applied positionally.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - List
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:anElementCollection all: booleanBlockDescription:
Returns TRUE if all elements in recipient respond to supplied block with the value TRUE.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - Block
Synopsis:any:Collection anElementDescription:
Extracts a single element from the recipient List. The last element in the List is returned. Useful when dealing with single element lists to strip of the last level of protocol.Type: Method          Returns: TimeSeries
Synopsis:append:Collection any: booleanBlockDescription:
Returns TRUE if any element in recipient respond to supplied block with the value TRUE.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - Block
Synopsis:appendListElementsFrom:Collection append: aListDescription:
Appends the supplied List to a copy of the recipient List. The original list is not altered.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - List
Synopsis:asSelfList appendListElementsFrom: aListDescription:
Appends supplied list to the recipient list, changing the original. The original list IS altered.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - List
Synopsis:asSelfFunction asSelfDescription:
Returns the original object.Type: Primitive          Returns: Function
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:asSelfEnumeratedFunction asSelfDescription:
Returns the original object.Type: Primitive          Returns: EnumeratedFunction
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:asSelfCollection asSelfDescription:
Returns the original object.Type: Primitive          Returns: Collection
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:asSelfSequencedCollection asSelfDescription:
Returns the original object.Type: Primitive          Returns: SequencedCollection
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:at0:List asSelfDescription:
Returns the original object.Type: Primitive          Returns: List
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:at:List atO: aNumberDescription:
Returns the element at the supplied number, zero relative (begins counting at 0). Returns NA if number is greater than number of elements in the list.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Number
Synopsis:at:put:List at: aNumberDescription:
Returns the element at the supplied position number.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Dictionary | String |
Synopsis:averageList at: integer put: aValueDescription:
Stores the supplied value at the supplied integer in the recipient List, if the position exists in the list. The supplied integer must be a positive number less than or equal to the recipient's count.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Integer
2 - Object
Also Defined At:
| Dictionary | String |
Synopsis:average:Collection averageDescription:
Computes the average for the collection assuming the collection contains numeric values.Type: Method          Returns: Number
Synopsis:average:withWeights:Collection average: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in supplied Block for each element in the list and computes the average value. NA values are not included in the average.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Block
Synopsis:base0CellAtPosition:Collection average: aBlock withWeights: bBlockDescription:
Returns the weighted average using the formula in bBlock to weight the formula supplied in aBlock.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:base1CellAtPosition:List base0CellAtPosition:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:basicAverage:List base1CellAtPosition:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Synopsis:basicMax:List basicAverage:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Block
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:basicMin:List basicMax:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Block
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:basicProduct:List basicMin:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Block
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:basicRankDown:usingCollector:List basicProduct:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Block
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:basicRankUp:usingCollector:List basicRankDown:usingCollector:Type: Primitive          Returns: List
1 - Undefined
2 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:basicRunningTotal:usingCollector:List basicRankUp:usingCollector:Type: Primitive          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:basicSortDown:List basicRunningTotal:usingCollector:Type: Primitive          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:basicSortUp:List basicSortDown: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the statements provided in the supplied block and sorts the list in descending order. Sort is highest to lowest for numbers. Sort is ZZZ through A for strings.Type: Primitive          Returns: List
1 - Block
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:basicTotal:List basicSortUp: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the statements provided in the supplied block and sorts the list in ascending order. Sort is lowest to highest for numbers. Sort is A through Z for strings.Type: Primitive          Returns: List
1 - Block
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:classDescriptorList basicTotal:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Block
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:classDescriptorFunction classDescriptorDescription:
Reference to the object which describes the class. Class level information is stored here.Type: Constant          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:classDescriptorEnumeratedFunction classDescriptorDescription:
Reference to the object which describes the class. Class level information is stored here.Type: Constant          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:classDescriptorCollection classDescriptorDescription:
Reference to the object which describes the class. Class level information is stored here.Type: Constant          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:classDescriptorSequencedCollection classDescriptorDescription:
Reference to the object which describes the class. Class level information is stored here.Type: Constant          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:collect:List classDescriptorDescription:
Reference to the object which describes the class. Class level information is stored here.Type: Constant          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:collect:with:Collection collect: aBlockDescription:
Uses supplied block to create an extension of recipient List. The value of the block is assigned to the variable value. The returned extension responds to the value message.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:collectGroupsForCriteria:atLevel:in:withKeys:Collection collect: aBlock with: inputDescription:
Uses supplied block to create an extension of recipient List extended by the variable 'value'. The block is evaluated using the supplied input parameter.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - Object
Synopsis:collectListElementsFrom:Collection collectGroupsForCriteria: blocks atLevel: level in: list withKeys: keysType: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:compoundCollection collectListElementsFrom: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the statements provided in supplied block for each element in the list and produces a new list containing these elements. Used to combine a list of lists. The supplied block must evaluate to a list. For example, the expression: 5 sequence collectListElementsFrom: [ ^self sequence ] returns the list elements 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
Synopsis:compound:Collection compoundDescription:
Computes the compounded value for the collection assuming the collection contains numeric values.Type: Method          Returns: Number
Synopsis:copyListElementsCollection compound: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and computes the compounded value.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Block
Synopsis:correlate:with:Collection copyListElementsDescription:
Produces a copy of the recipient list. Should be used to avoid modifying the recipient List.Type: Method          Returns: List
Synopsis:countCollection correlate: blockX with: blockYDescription:
Computes the correlation of all points in the recipient based on evaluation of the formula provided by the two supplied blocks.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:createLinksList countDescription:
Counts the number of elements in the List. Returns a non-negative integer.Type: Primitive          Returns: Integer
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | String | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:decileDown:List createLinksType: Method          Returns: Object
Synopsis:decileDown:by:Collection decileDown: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and computes its decile (highest values = 1; lowest values = 10).Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
Synopsis:decileDown:by:by:Collection decileDown: aBlock by: bBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient by the criteria in bBlock and generates a decile value for each element relative to its group. The result object is the original collection extended by the variable 'decile'.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:decileDown:using:Collection decileDown: aBlock by: bBlock by: cBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient by the criteria in bBlock and cBlock and generates a decile value for each element relative to its group. The result object is the original collection extended by the variable 'decile'.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:decileUp:Collection decileDown: aBlock using: variableNameDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and computes its decile (highest values = 1; lowest values = 10). The decile value is returned as an extension to the recipient named by the supplied variableNameType: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - String
Synopsis:decileUp:by:Collection decileUp: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and computes its decile (lowest values = 1; highest = 10).Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
Synopsis:decileUp:by:by:Collection decileUp: aBlock by: bBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient by the criteria in bBlock and generates a decile value for each element relative to its group. The result object is the original collection extended by the variable 'decile'.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:decileUp:using:Collection decileUp: aBlock by: bBlock by: cBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient by the criteria in bBlock and cBlock and generates a decile value for each element relative to its group. The result object is the original collection extended by the variable 'decile'.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:defaultInstanceCollection decileUp: aBlock using: variableNameDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and computes its decile (highest values = 1; lowest values = 10). The decile value is returned as an extension to the recipient named by the supplied variableNameType: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - String
Synopsis:defaultInstanceFunction defaultInstanceDescription:
Returns the default instance of the recipient object's classType: Constant          Returns: Function
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:defaultInstanceEnumeratedFunction defaultInstanceDescription:
Returns the default instance of the recipient object's classType: Constant          Returns: EnumeratedFunction
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:defaultInstanceCollection defaultInstanceDescription:
Returns the default instance of the recipient object's classType: Constant          Returns: Collection
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:defaultInstanceSequencedCollection defaultInstanceDescription:
Returns the default instance of the recipient object's classType: Constant          Returns: SequencedCollection
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:difference:List defaultInstanceDescription:
Returns the default instance of the recipient object's classType: Constant          Returns: List
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | Number | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:display:Collection difference: aListDescription:
This message returns a list of two elements: the first element contains
the list of elements that are in list 1 and not in list 2; the second
element contains the list of elements that are in list 2 and not list 1.
For example:
!diffs <- (1,2,3,4,5) difference: (3,4,5,6) ;
"In 1 not 2" print ; diffs at: 1 . do: [ print ] ; newLine print;
"In 2 not 2" print ; diffs at: 2 . do: [ print ] ;
Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - List
Synopsis:displayAcross:List display: aBlockListDescription:
For each element in the recipient list display the list of data items specified by aBlockList. The result of this message is a report with the recipient list elements forming the rows and the data items forming the columns. All columns are formatted as 12 characters wide.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - Block
Synopsis:do:List displayAcross: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the statements provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and displays the results on one line. All columns are formatted as 12 characters wide.Type: Method          Returns: String
1 - Block
Synopsis:exclude:List do: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the statements provided in the supplied block for each element in the list.Type: Primitive          Returns: List
1 - Block
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | Object | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:exclude:using:Collection exclude: aListDescription:
Finds the elements in the recipient list that are NOT in the supplied list.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - List
Synopsis:excludesElement:Collection exclude: aList using: aBlockDescription:
Excludes elements in aList from recipient using rules supplied by block to strip any extensions from elements before comparing for equality.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - List
2 - Block
Synopsis:execute:in:Collection excludesElement: anObjectDescription:
Returns TRUE if recipient List does not include supplied object.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - Object
Synopsis:extend:List execute: message in: classDescription:
Used By DDMS ToolKitType: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
2 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:extendBy:List extend: aBlockDescription:
See 'extendBy:' messageType: Primitive          Returns: List
1 - Block
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:first:List extendBy: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the supplied block for each element in the list, where the supplied block specifies a set of new variables to which each element in the list can respond.Type: Primitive          Returns: List
1 - Block
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | Object | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:gMeanCollection first: nDescription:
Selects the first 'n' non-NA, non-Default elements from the recipient.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Integer
Synopsis:gMean:Collection gMeanDescription:
Computes the geometric mean of the time seriesType: Method          Returns: Number
Synopsis:groupPrintUsing:Collection gMean: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in supplied Block for each element in the list and computes the geometric mean.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Block
Synopsis:groupedBy:Collection groupPrintUsing: aBlockDescription:
Groups recipient List by supplied block and displays a report showing the count in each group.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Block
Synopsis:groupedBy:and:Collection groupedBy: aBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient list based on the criteria specified by the supplied block. After the groupedBy: message is sent, each element in the resultant list responds to the message groupList which returns the list of elements in that group.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
Synopsis:groupedBy:in:Collection groupedBy: block1 and: block2Description:
Groups the recipient list based on the criteria specified by the two supplied criteria. Each element in the resultant list responds to the message 'groupList' which returns the list of elements in that group. The value of each group is defined as the string formed by: first criteria value.second critria valueType: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:groupedBy:intersect:Collection groupedBy: block in: listDescription:
Groups the recipient collection based on the criteria specified by supplied blocks. The resultant list contains one element for each value that is included in supplied list. Unlike 'groupedBy:union:', groups that do not appear in supplied list are eliminated.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - List
Synopsis:groupedBy:union:Collection groupedBy: block intersect: listDescription:
Groups the recipient collection based on the criteria specified by supplied blocks. The resultant list contains one element for each value that is included in both the supplied list AND the result of applying the supplied block to the recipient collection.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - List
Synopsis:groupedBy:usingCollector:Collection groupedBy: block union: listDescription:
Groups the recipient collection based on the criteria specified by supplied blocks. The resultant list contains one element for each value that is included in supplied list OR that results from applying the supplied block to the recipient collection. For example, companyList groupedBy: [ country ] union: Country masterList will return a list with one entry for each Country including countries not represented in 'companyList' (where groupList count will be 0.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - List
Synopsis:groupedBy:usingCutoffs:List groupedBy: aBlock usingCollector: aBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient list based on the criteria specified by block1. The second block provides the name of the extension. The 'groupedBy:' message is implemented using groupList as the collector.Type: Primitive          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - Block
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:groupedByCriteria:Collection groupedBy: aBlock usingCutoffs: aListDescription:
Groups recipient List into partitions specified in aList, based on criteria specified in aBlock. The supplied list should be a list of Numbers.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - List
Synopsis:groupedByString:Collection groupedByCriteria: aBlockListDescription:
Groups the recipient collection based on the criteria specified by supplied list of blocks. The resultant list contains one element for each combination of values present from processing the supplied blocks. Each element in the resultant list responds to the message 'keyList' which is the list of values associated with this group, one per supplied block. Each element in the resultant list responds to the message 'groupList' which returns the list of elements in the specific combination of block values. For example, Company masterList groupedByCriteria: [ sector ] , [ country ] returns a list of sector/country pairs. To display the name of each key and the group count, use: Company masterList groupedByCriteria: [ sector ] , [ country ] . do: [ keyList do: [ name print: 20 ] ; #-- print keys groupList count printNL ; #-- print count ] ;Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - List
Synopsis:harmonicMeanCollection groupedByString: aBlockDescription:
Used as an alternative to 'groupedBy:' when the supplied block returns string values, this version guarantees that strings with identical content will be in the same group. The standard 'groupedBy:' will place unique string in separate groups even if they have identical content.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
Synopsis:harmonicMean:Collection harmonicMeanDescription:
Computes the harmonicMean for the collection assuming the collection contains numeric values.Type: Method          Returns: Number
Synopsis:harmonicMean:withWeights:Collection harmonicMean: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in supplied Block for each element in the list and computes the harmonicMean value.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Block
Synopsis:histogram:title:Collection harmonicMean: aBlock withWeights: bBlockDescription:
Returns the weighted harmonic mean using the formula in bBlock to weight the value supplied in aBlock.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:includesElement:Collection histogram: aBlock title: aStringDescription:
Produces a distribution chart based on each element's value of the supplied block.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Block
2 - String
Synopsis:intersect:Collection includesElement: anObjectDescription:
Returns TRUE if the recipient list does include the supplied object.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - Object
Synopsis:intersect:using:Collection intersect: aListDescription:
Finds the elements that are in BOTH the recipient list and supplied listType: Method          Returns: List
1 - List
Synopsis:isCollectionCollection intersect: aList using: aBlockDescription:
Finds intersection of elements in aList and recipient using rules supplied by block to strip any extensions from elements before comparing for equality.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - List
2 - Block
Synopsis:isDefaultCollection isCollectionDescription:
Returns a TRUE value when sent to any collection.Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:isEnumeratedFunctionCollection isDefaultDescription:
Returns TRUE if recipient collection is empty.Type: Method          Returns: TRUE
Synopsis:isEquivalentTo:EnumeratedFunction isEnumeratedFunctionDescription:
Returns a TRUE value when sent to any EnumeratedFunction.Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:isFunctionCollection isEquivalentTo: objectDescription:
Returns TRUE if the recipient collection contains the same elements as the supplied collection.Type: Method          Returns: Boolean
1 - Object
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:isListFunction isFunctionDescription:
Returns a TRUE value when sent to any Function.Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:isSequencedCollectionList isListDescription:
Returns a TRUE value when sent to any List.Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:iterate:SequencedCollection isSequencedCollectionDescription:
Returns a TRUE value when sent to any SequencedCollection.Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:iterate:by:Collection iterate: blockDescription:
This message is used to consider each element in the recipient collection or date range one at a time in sequential order. Unlike the 'do:' message which operates in parallel, this message works sequentially and may be much slower. It is useful in cases where you need to use the results of a prior element in each iteration and where the size of the structures generated by parallel execution consumes more memorry resource than desired.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
Also Defined At:
| DateRange | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:last:List iterate: aBlock by: anIntegerDescription:
Similar to the 'do:' message. The supplied integer is used to process recipient List as a series of sublists.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Block
2 - Integer
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:linkElementsCollection last: nDescription:
Selects the last 'n' non-NA, non-Default elements from the recipient.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Integer
Synopsis:maxCollection linkElementsDescription:
Extends each element in the collectionby the variables 'prior' and 'next'
which corresponds to the elements in the recipient lilst that are before
and after each element. For example:
5 sequence linkElements
do: [ print ; prior print ; next printNL ] ;
Type: Method          Returns: Collection
Synopsis:max:Collection maxDescription:
Computes the maximum for the collection assuming the collection contains numeric values.Type: Method          Returns: Number
Synopsis:medianCollection max: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and returns the maximum value.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Block
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:median:Collection medianDescription:
Computes the median value of the recipient time series.Type: Method          Returns: Number
Synopsis:mgroupedBy:Collection median: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and computes the median (middle) value. NA values are not included.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Block
Synopsis:minCollection mgroupedBy: aBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient list using result of block, where supplied block should
generate a list as its result. Elements in the original list will be
included in one or more groupLists. For example, if instances of the class
EntityCategory respond to the message 'entities' with the list of entities
included in the instance, then the expression:
EntityCategory masterList mgroupedBy: [ entities ]
returns a list of the entities included in any EntityCategory where each
element of this new list responds to the 'groupList' message with the
list of EntityCategories that include the element.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
Synopsis:min:Collection minDescription:
Computes the minimum for the collection assuming the collection contains numeric values.Type: Method          Returns: Number
Synopsis:modeCollection min: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and returns the minimum value.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Block
Also Defined At:
| Undefined |
Synopsis:mode:Collection modeDescription:
Computes the mode for the collection assuming the collection contains numeric values.Type: Method          Returns: Number
Synopsis:ncount:Collection mode: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in aBlock for each element in the list and computes the mode (most frequently occurring value). NA values are not included.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Block
Synopsis:newList ncount:Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Undefined
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:newFunction newDescription:
Disables the 'new' message.Type: Method          Returns: Function
Also Defined At:
| Boolean | Collection | DateRange | Dictionary | Object | Undefined |
Synopsis:nonDefaultsCollection newDescription:
Creates a new instance of the recipient object's class.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
Also Defined At:
| Boolean | DateRange | Dictionary | Object | Undefined |
Synopsis:normalizeCollection nonDefaultsDescription:
Selects any element in the recipient collection that is not a default.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
Synopsis:normalize:Collection normalizeDescription:
Returns the recipient extended by the property 'norm' assuming the recipient is a collectin of numbers.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
Synopsis:normalize:by:Collection normalize: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in the supplied block for each element in the collection and computes its normalized value based on the mean and standard deviation of the collection. Returns the recipient extended by the property 'norm'.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
Synopsis:normalize:by:by:Collection normalize: aBlock by: bBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient by the criteria in bBlock and generates a normalized
value for each element relative to its group. The result object is the original
collection extended by the variable 'norm'. For example:
Company masterList normalize: [ sales ] by: [ country ]
Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:numberElementsCollection normalize: aBlock by: bBlock by: cBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient by the criteria in bBlock and cBlock and generates a
normalized value for each element relative to its group. The result object
is the original collection extended by the variable 'norm'. For example:
Company masterList
normalize: [ sales ] by: [ country ] by: [ industry ]
Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:numberElementsInReverseCollection numberElementsDescription:
Extends each element in the list by the variable 'position' which corresponds to its position number in the list.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
Synopsis:percentileDown:Collection numberElementsInReverseDescription:
Extends each element in the list by the variable 'position' which corresponds to its position number in the list when the list is sorted in reverse order.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
Synopsis:percentileDown:by:Collection percentileDown: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and computes its percentile (highest values = 1; lowest values = 100).Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
Synopsis:percentileDown:by:by:Collection percentileDown: aBlock by: bBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient by the criteria in bBlock and generates a percentile value for each element relative to its group. The result object is the original collection extended by the variable 'percentile'.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:percentileDown:using:Collection percentileDown: aBlock by: bBlock by: cBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient by the criteria in bBlock and cBlock and generates a percentile value for each element relative to its group. The result object is the original collection extended by the variable 'percentile'.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:percentileUp:Collection percentileDown: aBlock using: variableNameDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and computes its percentile (highest values = 1; lowest values = 100). The percentile value is returned as an extension to the recipient named by the supplied variableNameType: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - String
Synopsis:percentileUp:by:Collection percentileUp: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and computes its percentile (lowest values = 1; highest = 100).Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
Synopsis:percentileUp:by:by:Collection percentileUp: aBlock by: bBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient by the criteria in bBlock and generates a percentile value for each element relative to its group. The result object is the original collection extended by the variable 'percentile'.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:percentileUp:using:Collection percentileUp: aBlock by: bBlock by: cBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient by the criteria in bBlock and cBlock and generates a percentile value for each element relative to its group. The result object is the original collection extended by the variable 'percentile'.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:printCollection percentileUp: aBlock using: variableNameDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and computes its percentile (lowest values = 1; highest values = 100). The percentile value is returned as an extension to the recipient named by the supplied variableNameType: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - String
Synopsis:productList printDescription:
Redefines the standard print message.Type: Method          Returns: List
Also Defined At:
| Block | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Entity | IndexedList | Object | String | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:product:Collection productDescription:
Computes the product for the collection assuming the collection contains numeric values.Type: Method          Returns: Number
Synopsis:quintileDown:Collection product: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and computes the product of the values.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Block
Synopsis:quintileDown:by:Collection quintileDown: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in aBlock for each element in the list and computes its quintile (highest values = 1; lowest values = 5)Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
Synopsis:quintileDown:by:by:Collection quintileDown: aBlock by: bBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient by the criteria in bBlock and generates a quintile value for each element relative to its group. The result object is the original collection extended by the variable 'quintile'.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:quintileDown:using:Collection quintileDown: aBlock by: bBlock by: cBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient by the criteria in bBlock and cBlock and generates a quintile value for each element relative to its group. The result object is the original collection extended by the variable 'quintile'.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:quintileUp:Collection quintileDown: aBlock using: variableNameDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and computes its quintile (highest values = 1; lowest values = 5). The quintile value is returned as an extension to the recipient named by the supplied variableNameType: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - String
Synopsis:quintileUp:by:Collection quintileUp: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in aBlock for each element in the list and computes its quintile (lowest values = 1; highest = 5).Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
Synopsis:quintileUp:by:by:Collection quintileUp: aBlock by: bBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient by the criteria in bBlock and generates a quintile value for each element relative to its group. The result object is the original collection extended by the variable 'quintile'.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:quintileUp:using:Collection quintileUp: aBlock by: bBlock by: cBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient by the criteria in bBlock and cBlock and generates a quintile value for each element relative to its group. The result object is the original collection extended by the variable 'quintile'.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:rankCorrelate:with:Collection quintileUp: aBlock using: variableNameDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and computes its quintile (lowest values = 1; highest values = 5). The quintile value is returned as an extension to the recipient named by the supplied variableNameType: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - String
Synopsis:rankDown:Collection rankCorrelate: blockX with: blockYDescription:
Computes the correlation between the relative ranks of the data items defined by the two blocks.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:rankDown:by:Collection rankDown: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and computes its rank (highest value = 1). Returns the recipient list extended by the property 'rank'.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
Synopsis:rankDown:by:by:Collection rankDown: aBlock by: bBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient by the criteria in bBlock and generates a rank value for each element relative to its group. The result object is the original collection extended by the variable 'rank'.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:rankDown:usingCollector:Collection rankDown: aBlock by: bBlock by: cBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient by the criteria in bBlock and cBlock and generates a rank value for each element relative to its group. The result object is the original collection extended by the variable 'rank'.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:rankUp:Collection rankDown: block1 usingCollector: block2Description:
Ranks down the recipient List based on the criteria specified by block1. The second block provides the name of the extension.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:rankUp:by:Collection rankUp: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and computes its rank (lowest value = 1). Returns a copy of the recipient list extended by the property 'rank'.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
Synopsis:rankUp:by:by:Collection rankUp: aBlock by: bBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient by the criteria in bBlock and generates a rank value for each element relative to its group. The result object is the original collection extended by the variable 'rank'.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:rankUp:usingCollector:Collection rankUp: aBlock by: bBlock by: cBlockDescription:
Groups the recipient by the criteria in bBlock and cBlock and generates a rank value for each element relative to its group. The result object is the original collection extended by the variable 'rank'.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:regress:Collection rankUp: block1 usingCollector: block2Description:
Ranks up the recipient List based on the criteria specified by block1. The second block provides the name of the extension.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:runningAverage:Collection regress: list2Description:
Performs a standard linear regression between the recipient collection
(the dependent variable) and the supplied parameter (the independent
variable). The returned object responds to the messages 'beta', 'alpha',
'pearson', 'rsq', and 'stdErr'. If either collection contains non-numeric
values or the two collections are not the same size, the returned values will
be NA. For example:
(2,3,9,1,8,7,5) regress: (6,5,11,7,5,4,4) .
do: [ beta print ; alpha print ;
pearson print ; rsq print ; stdErr printNL ;
] ;
runs the regression and displays the results of the various computations.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Collection
Synopsis:runningTotal:Collection runningAverage: aBlockDescription:
Extends each element in the list by the variable 'runningAverage' which is the computed running average for the element based on the supplied block.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
Synopsis:runningTotal:usingCollector:Collection runningTotal: aBlockDescription:
Computes the running total for each element in the list based on the supplied block.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
Synopsis:select:Collection runningTotal: block1 usingCollector: block2Description:
Computes the running total for the recipient timeSeries based on the criteria specified by block1. The second block provides the name of the extension.Type: Method          Returns: TimeSeries
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:send:List select: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the statements provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and selects those elements that evaluate to TRUE.Type: Primitive          Returns: List
1 - Block
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:send:with:List send: aBlockDescription:
Returns a list that contains the result of evaluating the statements provided in the supplied block for each element in the recipient. The List returned has the same number of elements as the recipient, with each element being the result of evaluating the block.Type: Primitive          Returns: List
1 - Block
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | Object | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:sortDown:Collection send: aBlock with: aValueDescription:
Sends the block to each element of the recipient. The block is evaluated with aValue as a parameterType: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - Object
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:sortDownBy:then:Collection sortDown: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the statements provided in the supplied block and sorts the list in descending order. Sort is highest to lowest for numbers. Sort is ZZZ through A for strings.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
Synopsis:sortDownBy:then:then:Collection sortDownBy: block1 then: block2Description:
Two-level descending sort.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:sortDownBy:then:then:then:Collection sortDownBy: block1 then: block2 then: block3Description:
Three-level descending sort.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - Block
3 - Block
Synopsis:sortUp:Collection sortDownBy: block1 then: block2 then: block3 then: block4Description:
Four-level descending sort.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - Block
3 - Block
4 - Block
Synopsis:sortUpBy:then:Collection sortUp: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the statements provided in the supplied block and sorts the list in ascending order. Sort is lowest to highest for numbers. Sort is A through Z for strings.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
Synopsis:sortUpBy:then:then:Collection sortUpBy: block1 then: block2Description:
Two-level ascending sort.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - Block
Synopsis:sortUpBy:then:then:then:Collection sortUpBy: block1 then: block2 then: block3Description:
Three-level ascending sort.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - Block
3 - Block
Synopsis:standardizeCollection sortUpBy: block1 then: block2 then: block3 then: block4Description:
Four-level ascending sort.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - Block
3 - Block
4 - Block
Synopsis:stdDevCollection standardizeDescription:
Strips off one layer of extension from recipient.Type: Method          Returns: List
Synopsis:stdDev:Collection stdDevDescription:
Computes the standard deviation of the values in the recipient time series.Type: Method          Returns: Number
Synopsis:tileDown:tiles:Collection stdDev: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in aBlock for each element in the list and computes the standard deviation of the values.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Block
Synopsis:tileDown:using:tiles:Collection tileDown: block1 tiles: aNumberDescription:
Divides recipient list into number of tiles specified based on criteria provided in block1; extends recipient by its tile value with the extension 'tile'.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
2 - Number
Synopsis:tileDown:usingCollector:tiles:Collection tileDown: block using: variableName tiles: aNumberDescription:
Divides recipient list into number of tiles specified based on criteria provided in block; extends recipient by its tile value with the extension being named by the string provided in variableName.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - String
3 - Number
Synopsis:tileUp:tiles:Collection tileDown: block1 usingCollector: block2 tiles: aNumberDescription:
Divides recipient list into number of tiles specified based on criteria provided in block1; extends recipient by its tile value with the extension being named by the collector provided in block2.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - Block
3 - Number
Synopsis:tileUp:using:tiles:Collection tileUp: block1 tiles: aNumberDescription:
Divides recipient list into number of tiles specified based on criteria provided in block1; extends recipient by its tile value with the extension 'tile'.Type: Method          Returns: Collection
1 - Block
2 - Number
Synopsis:tileUp:usingCollector:tiles:Collection tileUp: block using: variableName tiles: aNumberDescription:
Divides recipient list into number of tiles specified based on criteria provided in block; extends recipient by its tile value with the extension being named by the string provided in variableName.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - String
3 - Number
Synopsis:toListCollection tileUp: block1 usingCollector: block2 tiles: aNumberDescription:
Divides recipient list into number of tiles specified based on criteria provided in block1; extends recipient by its tile value with the extension being named by the collector provided in block2.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
2 - Block
3 - Number
Synopsis:totalList toListDescription:
Returns the recipient List.Type: Method          Returns: List
Also Defined At:
| IndexedList | String | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:total:Collection totalDescription:
Computes the sum for the collection assuming the collection contains numeric values.Type: Method          Returns: Number
Synopsis:uniformAt0:Collection total: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and computes the total value.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - Block
Synopsis:uniformAt:List uniformAt0: aNumberDescription:
Returns the element at the supplied number, begins counting at zero (0 relative). If supplied number is greater than the number of elements in the list, the first element is returned.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Number
Synopsis:union:List uniformAt: aNumberDescription:
Returns the element at the supplied number. If supplied number is greater than the number of elements in the list, the first element is returned.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Number
Also Defined At:
| Dictionary |
Synopsis:union:using:Collection union: aListDescription:
Finds the elements that are in EITHER or BOTH the recipient list and aList. Only unique elements are returned.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - List
Synopsis:uniqueCollection union: aList using: aBlockDescription:
Finds union of elements in aList and recipient using rules supplied by block to strip any extensions from elements before comparing for equality.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - List
2 - Block
Synopsis:weightedDecile:Collection uniqueDescription:
Finds the unique elements in the list.Type: Method          Returns: List
Synopsis:weightedQuintile:Collection weightedDecile: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in aBlock for each element in the list and computes its weighted decile (lowest values = 1; highest values = 10). The result is each decile contains approximately the same total value for the block provided. The recipient list is returned sorted from lowest to highest based on supplied Block.Type: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
Synopsis:whatAmICollection weightedQuintile: aBlockDescription:
Evaluates the formula provided in the supplied block for each element in the list and computes its weighted quintile (lowest values = 1; highest values = 5). The result is each quintile contains approximately the same total value for the block provided. The recipient list is returned sorted from lowest to highest based on the supplied blockType: Method          Returns: List
1 - Block
Synopsis:whatAmIFunction whatAmIDescription:
Returns the string 'Function'.Type: Constant          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:whatAmIEnumeratedFunction whatAmIDescription:
Returns the string 'EnumeratedFunction'.Type: Constant          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:whatAmICollection whatAmIDescription:
Returns the string 'Collection'.Type: Constant          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:whatAmISequencedCollection whatAmIDescription:
Returns the string 'SequencedCollection'.Type: Constant          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:List whatAmIDescription:
Returns the string 'List'.Type: Constant          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |