Vision Messages: Schema

Profile of Class Schema

Includes Classes: Schema, Schema ClassDescriptor, Schema Descriptor, Schema MessageDescriptor, Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor, ToolKit

  +--- Schema
  |      |
  |      +--- Schema Descriptor
  |      |      |
  |      |      +--- Schema ClassDescriptor
  |      |      |
  |      |      +--- Schema MessageDescriptor
  |      |      |
  |      |      +--- Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor

Message Index

o CD

This constant returns the default instance of the Schema ClassDescriptor class.
o ClassDescriptor
This constant returns the default instance of the Schema ClassDescriptor class.
o Descriptor
This constant returns the default instance of the Schema Descriptor class.
o MD
This constant returns the default instance of the Schema MessageDescriptor class.
This constant returns the default instance of the Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor class.
o MessageDescriptor
This constant returns the default instance of the Schema MessageDescriptor class.
o MessageDictionary (Schema)
This constant returns the internal dictionary used to cross-reference schema entries.
o MessageDictionary (Schema MessageDescriptor)
Returns an internal dictionary used to cross reference all message names.
o MessageImplementationDescriptor
This constant returns the default instance of the Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor class.
o _htmlDocName
Returns the name of the HTML document that describes this class in detail on insyte's www.
o _imageName
Returns the name of the image file associated with this class.
o accessBlock
This property contains a block that could be sent to an object to execute this message.
o addClass: class
This method creates a class descriptor instance for the supplied class if it does not currently have one and its super class does have a class descriptor.
o addClass: class as: name at: object
This method creates a new class descriptor instance supplying a name to use as the class descriptor's code (if different from the class' 'whatAmI' value) and the object representing the default access path (if different from ^global).
o addClass: class at: object
This method creates a new class descriptor instance, supplying the object representing the default access path (if different from ^global).
o asClassDescriptor
Returns the recipient stripped of extensions.
o asSelf (ToolKit)
Returns the default Schema object, stripped of any extensions.
o asSelf (Schema)
Returns the default Schema object, stripped of any extensions.
o asSelf (Schema Descriptor)
Returns the default Schema Descriptor object, stripped of any extensions.
o asSelf (Schema ClassDescriptor)
Returns the recipient, stripped of extensions.
o asSelf (Schema MessageDescriptor)
Returns the recipient, stripped of extensions.
o asSelf (Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor)
Returns the recipient, stripped of extensions.
o assignDefaultType
Updates the 'type' property in the recipient with a default ClassType based on the underlying class.
o audit
This method is run by the 'Schema processAllMessages' message, summarizing the status of the schema classes after the processing has run.
o autoCreateNamingDictionary
Indicates whether the 'createSubclass' message should automatically create a new naming dictionary for the class.
o briefDescription
Returns the first line of description supplied for a class or message implementation instance
o buildInheritance
This method is invoked by the 'initializeLocalAttributes' message and is used to create the super and subclass maps for the recipient class descriptor.
o childList
This property contains an indexed list of class descriptors that are direct subclasses of the recipient's class.
o class (Schema ClassDescriptor)
This property returns the default instance of the actual class associated with this class descriptor.
o class (Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor)
Returns the default instance of the underlying class associated with the recipient.
o classDescriptor (ToolKit)
Returns the class descriptor for the Schema class.
o classDescriptor (Schema)
Returns the class descriptor for the Schema class.
o classDescriptor (Schema Descriptor)
Returns the class descriptor for the Schema Descriptor class.
o classDescriptor (Schema ClassDescriptor)
This constant returns the class descriptor for the Schema ClassDescriptor class.
o classDescriptor (Schema MessageDescriptor)
This constant returns the class descriptor for the Schema MD class.
o classDescriptor (Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor)
This constant returns the class descriptor for the class Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor.
o cleanupDeletedObject
This method is executed by the 'flagForDeletionWithReason:' message and should not be accessed directly.
o cleanupForClasses: cdList
This method runs as part of the 'Schema processAllMessages' process and is not invoked directly.
o clearDefaultValue
This message is used to clear the default value associated with the recipient.
o clearDefaultValueUsing: mid
This method is used by the 'clearDefaultValue' message defined at MessageImplementationDescriptor and should not be invoked directly.
o clearMessageUpdateFlag
This method is used to clear the flag that indicates that messages have been updated for this class.
o clusterStrings (Schema ClassDescriptor)
This method is used as part of schema maintenance and is not invoked directly.
o clusterStrings (Schema MessageDescriptor)
This method is used as part of the schema maintenance step and is not invoked directly.
o clusterStrings (Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor)
This method is used as part of the schema maintenance step and is not invoked directly.
o createNamingDictionaryAt: dictionary
This method is used to create a naming dictionary for the class if one does not already exist.
o createNewMessagesForClasses: cdList
This method runs as part of the 'Schema processAllMessages' process and is not invoked directly.
o createdInLastPosting
This property is used to flag messages that were created during the most recent execution of the 'Schema processAllMessages' processing.
o defaultAccessPath
This property contains a reference to the class at which this class was defined.
o defaultInstance (ToolKit)
Returns the default Schema instance.
o defaultInstance (Schema)
Returns the default Schema instance.
o defaultInstance (Schema Descriptor)
Returns the default Schema Descriptor instance.
o defaultInstance (Schema ClassDescriptor)
Returns the default Schema ClassDescriptor
o defaultInstance (Schema MessageDescriptor)
Returns the default Schema MessageDescriptor instance.
o defaultInstance (Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor)
Returns the default Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor.
o defaultPropertyList
This property contains a list, indexed by MessageDescriptor, of MessageImplementationDescriptors that provide default values.
o defaultValue
This property is used to store the default value associated with this message.
o deleteMessage: name in: cd
This method runs as part of the 'deleteMessage:' method and is not invoked directly.
o describe
This method is used to display descriptive information about the recipient in a multi-line format.
o description
o displayInfo
Displays the message, type, and class associated with the recipient
o displayStatus
This message displays a description of the current Schema class status.
o flagAsKeyField
Flags the message to indicate it could serve as the 'key' for the class.
o flagAsPartialKeyField
Flags the message to indicate it could serve as one of the 'keys' for the class.
o flagForMessageUpdate
This method is used to set the flag that indicates that messages have been updated for this class.
o formatMessageDescription
Formats the description to adjust for various conventions used by different document browsers.
o formatMessageImplementation
Formats the implementation of the message as a single string that could be used to re-define the message.
o fullSelector
Returns the name of the message with appropriate parameters names filled in for binary and keyword messages.
o functionType (Schema MessageDescriptor)
This property returns an instance of the class FunctionType.
o functionType (Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor)
This property returns an instance of the class FunctionType.
o genericClassDescriptor
o getAllChildren
This message returns a list of class descriptors that refer to sub classes of the recipient.
o getClassesNeedingUpdate
This method runs as part of the 'Schema processAllMessages' process and is not invoked directly.
o getInheritancePath
This message returns a list of class descriptors representing the super class hierarchy of the recipient.
o getInternalMessage
This method returns the internal form of the underlying message and is not used directly.
o getMessage: string in: cd
This method returns the MessageImplementationDescriptor for the supplied message string and classDescriptor combination.
o getMessageFor: string
This method returns the MessageDescriptor for the supplied string.
o getMessageImplementationFor: message
This method is invoked by the "getMessage:" message and is not used directly.
o getMessagesReturningClass
Returns the list of MessageImplementationDescriptors that return an instance of the recipient's class or one of its subclasses.
o getMessagesReturningSuperClass
Returns the list of MessageImplementationDescriptors that return an instance of one of the recipient's super classes.
o getOrCreate: name in: cd
This method returns the MessageImplementationDescriptor for the message string and classDescriptor provided, creating new instances of Schema MessageDescriptor and Schema MessageImplementation as needed.
o getSelector
This method returns the underlying message and is used to initialize the 'fullSelector' property.
o hasDefaultValue
This property contains the value TRUE if the recipient has a default value, NA otherwise.
o htmlDocName
Returns the name of the HTML document that describes this class in detail on insyte's www.
o imageName
Returns the name of the image file associated with this class formatted as an image tag if defined.
o implementationList
This property contains an indexed list of message implementation descriptors defined for the message associated with the recipient.
o implementationSource
This property tracks the actual implementation of a message over time.
o includeInDataModel (Schema ClassDescriptor)
Returns TRUE if the recipient's class is an application class, FALSE otherwise.
o includeInDataModel (Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor)
This method returns TRUE if the functionType property is set to the Data instance.
o inheritancePath
This property returns a list, indexed by class descriptor of the class descriptors in the recipient's super class hierarchy including the recipient.
o inheritsFrom: classDescriptor
This method returns TRUE if the class associated with the recipient object inherits from the class associated with the class descriptor provided, FALSE otherwise.
o initializeClass: class
This method runs as part of the 'addClass:' process and is not invoked directly.
o initializeDefaultInstance
This method is run as part of the 'initializeLocalAttributes' step of new class descriptor creation.
o initializeDefaultPropertyList
This method is run as part of the 'initializeLocalAttributes' step of new class descriptor creation.
o initializeForPosting (Schema)
This method runs as part of the 'Schema processAllMessages' process and is not invoked directly.
o initializeForPosting (Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor)
This method runs as part of the 'Schema processAllMessages' process.
o initializeKeys: keys (Schema ClassDescriptor)
This method is run as part of the 'createInstance:' process.
o initializeKeys: key (Schema MessageDescriptor)
This method is run as part of the 'createInstance:' process.
o initializeKeys: keys (Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor)
This method is run as part of the 'createInstance:' process.
o initializeLocalAttributes (Schema ClassDescriptor)
This method is run as part of the 'createInstance:' process.
o initializeLocalAttributes (Schema MessageDescriptor)
This method is run as part of the 'createInstance:' process.
o initializeLocalAttributes (Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor)
This method is run as part of the 'createInstance:' process.
o initializeNamingDictionary
This method looks at the 'autoCreateNamingDictionary' flag and creates a new naming dictionary if it is set to TRUE.
o internalMethod
This property contains the internal form of the underlying message and is not used directly.
o internalSelector
This property is used to store an internal representation of the selector used to define the message.
o isApplicationClass
Returns TRUE if the recipient's type is Named ClassType Application.
o isBuiltInClass
Returns TRUE if the recipient's type is Named ClassType BuiltIn.
o isClassDescriptor
Returns the value TRUE.
o isDescriptor
Returns the value TRUE when sent to any Schema Descriptor.
o isInInheritancePathOf: classDescriptor
This method returns TRUE if the recipient inherits from the supplied parameter or the supplied parameter inherits from the recipient.
o isIncorporatorClass
Returns TRUE if the recipient's class inherits from IncorporatorPrototype.
o isMessageDescriptor
Returns the value TRUE.
o isMessageImplementationDescriptor
Returns the value TRUE.
o isObjectDescriptor
This method returns TRUE if the recipient is Object's classDescriptor.
o isObjectSpaceClass
Returns TRUE if the recipient's type is Named ClassType ObjectSpace.
o isSchema
Returns the value TRUE when recipient is any Schema object.
o isSubClassOf: classDescriptor
Returns TRUE if the recipient is a sub class of the parameter.
o isSuperClassOf: classDescriptor
Returns TRUE if the recipient is a super class of the parameter.
o isTimeVarying
This method returns TRUE if the 'type' property refers to a TimeSeriesProperty or a TimeVaryingMethod.
o isToolKit
o keyType
Returns the KeyType (Full or Partial) if appropriate, NA otherwise.
o lastPosting
This property contains the time stamp of the last Schema update.
o loadDescriptionsFrom: file
Loads descriptive information from a tab-delimited file containing the following fields: class, message, keyType, returns, container, tvFlag, description, parameter1, .
o message (Schema MessageDescriptor)
This method returns the recipient's message name.
o message (Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor)
This method returns the string associated with the message.
o messageClassDescriptor
This property returns the class descriptor for the class associated with this recipient.
o messageDescriptor
This property returns the message descriptor for the message associated with this recipient.
o messageType
Used to determine the underlying type of a message, this message is not normally used directly.
o messagesHaveBeenUpdated
This property flags classes whose message dictionary has changed since messages were last posted.
o name
Returns descriptive name for recipient.
o namingDictionary
This property returns the naming dictionary for the class.
o number
This property contains the instance number for this class descriptor.
o objectDescriptor
This constant returns the classDescriptor for the class Object.
o parameterList
Returns an indexed list of class descriptors describing the parameters associated with this message if this is a keyword or binary and message.
o parent
This property returns the class descriptor associated with the super class of the recipient's underlying class.
o print
Prints the recipient object's code.
o print: format
Prints the recipient object's code.
o processAllMessages
This method is used to post all new and updated messages in the schema database.
o refreshExistingSelectorsForClasses: cdList
This method runs as part of the 'Schema processAllMessages' process and is not invoked directly.
o refreshValues
This method is executed as part of the 'Schema processAllMessages' process.
o refreshedInLastPosting
This property is used to flag messages that were refreshed during the most recent execution of the 'Schema processAllMessages' processing.
o returnObjectContainer
This property contains the class descriptor for the type of container returned by this message.
o returnObjectType
This property contains the class descriptor for the type of object returned by this message.
o sampleUsage
Describes sample syntax for accessing instances of the recipient's underlying class.
o setAutoCreateNamingDictionaryOff
This method is used to indicate that new subclasses should not automatically create new naming dictionaries.
o setAutoCreateNamingDictionaryOn
This method is used to indicate that new subclasses should automatically create new naming dictionaries.
o setClassTypeTo: typeCode
This method is used to change the value of 'type' from its initial value (e.
o setDefaultValueOf: name at: cd to: default
This method runs as part of the 'defineFixedProperty:withDefault:' method and is not invoked directly.
o setDefaultValueTo: val
This method is used to set the default value for messages that are fixed properties.
o setDescriptionTo: string (ToolKit)
Sets the description for this message descriptor and sets the description for any implementations of this message that currently have no description.
o setDescriptionTo: text (Schema MessageDescriptor)
Sets the description for this message descriptor and sets the description for any implementations of this message that currently have no description.
o setDescriptionTo: text (Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor)
This method is used to update the description property.
o setFunctionTypeTo: type (Schema MessageDescriptor)
This method is used to set or change the value of the 'functionType' property.
o setFunctionTypeTo: type (Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor)
This method is used to set or change the value of the 'functionType' property.
o setGenericClassTo: descriptor
o setHtmlDocNameTo: string
Redefines the name of the html document describing the recipient's underlying class.
o setImplementationTextTo: text forMethod: method
This method is executed as part of the 'Schema processAllMessages' process.
o setImplementationTo: text
This method is executed as part of the 'Schema processAllMessages' process.
o setLevelTo: string
This method is used to set or change the value of the 'usageLevel' property.
o setNamingDictionaryTo: dictionary
This method is used to set the naming dictionary for the recipient to an existing dictionary.
o setParameter: number typeTo: parameterType
Indicates the type of value expected for a parameter of a binary or keyword message.
o setReturnObjectContainerTo: cd
This method sets the value of the returnObjectContainer property and should be one of Object, List, TimeSeries, or IndexedList.
o setReturnObjectTypeTo: cd
This method is used to set the value of the 'returnObjectType' property.
o setSampleUsageTo: text
Updates the property 'sampleUsage'.
o setSelectorTo: string
This method is used to update the 'fullSelector' property.
o setSiteNameTo: name
Defines a constant representing the name of the Vision database.
o setTypeTo: newType
This method is used to set the 'type' property to the message type of the current implementation.
o setupAccessBlocks
This method is used to set the values for 'accessBlock' and 'updateBlock'.
o showChildren
This method recursively displays each subclass of the recipient class.
o showChildrenAtLevel: level
This method is used to implement the recursive display of child classes in the 'showChildren' method.
o showInheritance
This method displays the inheritance hierarchy for the recipient.
o showParents
This method displays the super class hierarchy for the recipient.
o siteDescription
Returns a description of this Vision database.
o siteName
Returns the name of this Vision database
o trackDefaultValueUsing: mid
This method is used to manage the default values for the class and should not be accessed directly.
o type (Schema ClassDescriptor)
This property returns an instance of the class ClassType.
o type (Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor)
This property returns the value if the recipient's message type: Constant, FixedProperty, TimeSeriesProperty, Method, TimeVaryingMethod, or Primitive.
o updateBlock
This property contains a block that could be sent to an object to update the property associated with this message.
o updateDate
This property returns the date this message implementation was last changed.
o updateMethod: name at: cd with: source
This method runs as part of the 'defineMethod:' method when you provide your method definition as a text string.
o usageLevel
This property returns the usage level of the recipient.
o whatAmI (ToolKit)
Returns the name of the recipient's class.
o whatAmI (Schema)
Returns the name of the recipient's class.
o whatAmI (Schema Descriptor)
Returns the string "Schema Descriptor".
o whatAmI (Schema ClassDescriptor)
Returns the string "Schema ClassDescriptor".
o whatAmI (Schema MessageDescriptor)
Returns the string "Schema MessageDescriptor".
o whatAmI (Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor)
Returns the string "Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor" .


o CD

Schema CD


This constant returns the default instance of the Schema ClassDescriptor class.

Type: Constant          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

o ClassDescriptor

Schema ClassDescriptor


This constant returns the default instance of the Schema ClassDescriptor class.

Type: Constant          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

o Descriptor

Schema Descriptor


This constant returns the default instance of the Schema Descriptor class.

Type: Constant          Returns: Schema Descriptor

o MD

Schema MD


This constant returns the default instance of the Schema MessageDescriptor class.

Type: Constant          Returns: Schema MessageDescriptor


Schema MID


This constant returns the default instance of the Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor class.

Type: Constant          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor

o MessageDescriptor

Schema MessageDescriptor


This constant returns the default instance of the Schema MessageDescriptor class.

Type: Constant          Returns: Schema MessageDescriptor

o MessageDictionary

Schema MessageDictionary


This constant returns the internal dictionary used to cross-reference schema entries.

Type: Constant          Returns: SystemDictionary

o MessageDictionary

Schema MessageDescriptor MessageDictionary


Returns an internal dictionary used to cross reference all message names.

Type: Constant          Returns: SystemDictionary

Also Defined At:
| Schema |

o MessageImplementationDescriptor

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor


This constant returns the default instance of the Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor class.

Type: Constant          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor

o _htmlDocName

Schema ClassDescriptor _htmlDocName


Returns the name of the HTML document that describes this class in detail on insyte's web site.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: String

o _imageName

Schema ClassDescriptor _imageName


Returns the name of the image file associated with this class.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: String

o accessBlock

Schema MessageDescriptor accessBlock


This property contains a block that could be sent to an object to execute this message.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Block

o addClass:

Schema addClass: class


This method creates a class descriptor instance for the supplied class if it does not currently have one and its super class does have a class descriptor.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor


1 - Object

o addClass:as:at:

Schema addClass: class as: name at: object


This method creates a new class descriptor instance supplying a name to use as the class descriptor's code (if different from the class' 'whatAmI' value) and the object representing the default access path (if different from ^global).

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor


1 - Object
2 - String
3 - Object

o addClass:at:

Schema addClass: class at: object


This method creates a new class descriptor instance, supplying the object representing the default access path (if different from ^global).

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor


1 - Object
2 - Object

o asClassDescriptor

Schema ClassDescriptor asClassDescriptor


Returns the recipient stripped of extensions.

Type: Method          Returns: Object

Also Defined At:
| Object |

o asSelf

ToolKit asSelf


Returns the default Schema object, stripped of any extensions.

Type: Primitive          Returns: Object

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o asSelf

Schema asSelf


Returns the default Schema object, stripped of any extensions.

Type: Primitive          Returns: Schema

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o asSelf

Schema Descriptor asSelf


Returns the default Schema Descriptor object, stripped of any extensions.

Type: Primitive          Returns: Schema Descriptor

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o asSelf

Schema ClassDescriptor asSelf


Returns the recipient, stripped of extensions.

Type: Primitive          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o asSelf

Schema MessageDescriptor asSelf


Returns the recipient, stripped of extensions.

Type: Primitive          Returns: Schema MessageDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o asSelf

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor asSelf


Returns the recipient, stripped of extensions.

Type: Primitive          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o assignDefaultType

Schema ClassDescriptor assignDefaultType


Updates the 'type' property in the recipient with a default ClassType based on the underlying class. This method runs as a part of new instance initializations.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

o audit

Schema audit


This method is run by the 'Schema processAllMessages' message, summarizing the status of the schema classes after the processing has run.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue

o autoCreateNamingDictionary

Schema ClassDescriptor autoCreateNamingDictionary


Indicates whether the 'createSubclass' message should automatically create a new naming dictionary for the class. This property is set using the 'setAutoCreateNamingDictionaryOn' and 'setAutoCreateNamingDictionaryOff' messages.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Boolean

o briefDescription

Schema briefDescription


Returns the first line of description supplied for a class or message implementation instance

Type: Method          Returns: String

o buildInheritance

Schema ClassDescriptor buildInheritance


This method is invoked by the 'initializeLocalAttributes' message and is used to create the super and subclass maps for the recipient class descriptor. It should not be used directly.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue

o childList

Schema ClassDescriptor childList


This property contains an indexed list of class descriptors that are direct subclasses of the recipient's class.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor


1 - Schema ClassDescriptor

o class

Schema ClassDescriptor class


This property returns the default instance of the actual class associated with this class descriptor.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Object

o class

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor class


Returns the default instance of the underlying class associated with the recipient.

Type: Method          Returns: Object

o classDescriptor

ToolKit classDescriptor


Returns the class descriptor for the Schema class.

Type: Constant          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o classDescriptor

Schema classDescriptor


Returns the class descriptor for the Schema class.

Type: Constant          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o classDescriptor

Schema Descriptor classDescriptor


Returns the class descriptor for the Schema Descriptor class.

Type: Constant          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o classDescriptor

Schema ClassDescriptor classDescriptor


This constant returns the class descriptor for the Schema ClassDescriptor class.

Type: Constant          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o classDescriptor

Schema MessageDescriptor classDescriptor


This constant returns the class descriptor for the Schema MD class.

Type: Constant          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o classDescriptor

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor classDescriptor


This constant returns the class descriptor for the class Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor.

Type: Constant          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o cleanupDeletedObject

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor cleanupDeletedObject


This method is executed by the 'flagForDeletionWithReason:' message and should not be accessed directly.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Object |

o cleanupForClasses:

Schema cleanupForClasses: cdList


This method runs as part of the 'Schema processAllMessages' process and is not invoked directly.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue


1 - List

o clearDefaultValue

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor clearDefaultValue


This message is used to clear the default value associated with the recipient. Default values are used to initialize new instances of the class during instance creation.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor

o clearDefaultValueUsing:

Schema ClassDescriptor clearDefaultValueUsing: mid


This method is used by the 'clearDefaultValue' message defined at MessageImplementationDescriptor and should not be invoked directly.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue


1 - Object

o clearMessageUpdateFlag

Schema ClassDescriptor clearMessageUpdateFlag


This method is used to clear the flag that indicates that messages have been updated for this class. It is not usually invoked directly.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue

o clusterStrings

Schema ClassDescriptor clusterStrings


This method is used as part of schema maintenance and is not invoked directly.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue

Also Defined At:
| Entity |

o clusterStrings

Schema MessageDescriptor clusterStrings


This method is used as part of the schema maintenance step and is not invoked directly.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue

Also Defined At:
| Entity |

o clusterStrings

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor clusterStrings


This method is used as part of the schema maintenance step and is not invoked directly.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Entity |

o createNamingDictionaryAt:

Schema ClassDescriptor createNamingDictionaryAt: dictionary


This method is used to create a naming dictionary for the class if one
does not already exist. The parameter should itself be a dictionary
that is used to name references to other dictionaries (e.g., Named).
This method creates a new instance of this dictionary, assigns it to
the 'namingDictionary' property at the class descriptor, and defines
the class descriptor's code at the supplied dictionary to return this
new dictionary. Current instances in the class are then added to
the dictionary. For example, to create a dictionary for MyClass at Named

MyClass classDescriptor createNamingDictionaryAt: Named ;

If MyClass had an instance with code "my1", the expression:

Named MyClass my1

would access this instance. All new instances would automatically get
cross-referenced in this naming dictionary.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor


1 - Dictionary

o createNewMessagesForClasses:

Schema createNewMessagesForClasses: cdList


This method runs as part of the 'Schema processAllMessages' process and is not invoked directly.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue


1 - List

o createdInLastPosting

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor createdInLastPosting


This property is used to flag messages that were created during the most recent execution of the 'Schema processAllMessages' processing.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: TRUE

o defaultAccessPath

Schema ClassDescriptor defaultAccessPath


This property contains a reference to the class at which this class
was defined. For example, the expression:

Schema ClassDescriptor classDescriptor defaultAccessPath

returns the class Schema.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Object

o defaultInstance

ToolKit defaultInstance


Returns the default Schema instance.

Type: Constant          Returns: ToolKit

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o defaultInstance

Schema defaultInstance


Returns the default Schema instance.

Type: Constant          Returns: Schema

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | OpenVision | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o defaultInstance

Schema Descriptor defaultInstance


Returns the default Schema Descriptor instance.

Type: Constant          Returns: Schema Descriptor

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o defaultInstance

Schema ClassDescriptor defaultInstance


Returns the default Schema ClassDescriptor

Type: Constant          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o defaultInstance

Schema MessageDescriptor defaultInstance


Returns the default Schema MessageDescriptor instance.

Type: Constant          Returns: Schema MessageDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o defaultInstance

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor defaultInstance


Returns the default Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor.

Type: Constant          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o defaultPropertyList

Schema ClassDescriptor defaultPropertyList


This property contains a list, indexed by MessageDescriptor, of MessageImplementationDescriptors that provide default values. This list is used to initialize new instances of the class. The list is maintained by the messages defined at MessageImplementationDescriptor and should not be changed directly.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor


1 - Schema MessageDescriptor

o defaultValue

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor defaultValue


This property is used to store the default value associated with this message. The value is set and cleared using the 'setDefaultValueTo:' and 'clearDefaultValue' messages.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Object

o deleteMessage:in:

Schema deleteMessage: name in: cd


This method runs as part of the 'deleteMessage:' method and is not invoked directly.

Type: Method          Returns: Object


1 - String
2 - Schema ClassDescriptor

o describe

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor describe


This method is used to display descriptive information about the recipient in a multi-line format.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue

o description

ToolKit description

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Object

o displayInfo

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor displayInfo


Displays the message, type, and class associated with the recipient

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Entity | Object |

o displayStatus

Schema displayStatus


This message displays a description of the current Schema class status.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue

o flagAsKeyField

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor flagAsKeyField


Flags the message to indicate it could serve as the 'key' for the class. Although, Vision does not require or use directly, this is sometimes useful for classes that are presented as part of a data model.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor

o flagAsPartialKeyField

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor flagAsPartialKeyField


Flags the message to indicate it could serve as one of the 'keys' for the class. Although, Vision does not require or use directly, this is sometimes useful for classes that are presented as part of a data model.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor

o flagForMessageUpdate

Schema ClassDescriptor flagForMessageUpdate


This method is used to set the flag that indicates that messages have been updated for this class. It is not usually invoked directly.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue

o formatMessageDescription

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor formatMessageDescription


Formats the description to adjust for various conventions used by different document browsers.

Type: Method          Returns: String

o formatMessageImplementation

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor formatMessageImplementation


Formats the implementation of the message as a single string that could be used to re-define the message.

Type: Method          Returns: String

o fullSelector

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor fullSelector


Returns the name of the message with appropriate parameters names filled in for binary and keyword messages.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: String

o functionType

Schema MessageDescriptor functionType


This property returns an instance of the class FunctionType. You can create and set function types with the 'setFunctionTypeTo:' message.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: FunctionType

o functionType

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor functionType


This property returns an instance of the class FunctionType. You can create and set function types with the 'setFunctionTypeTo:' message.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: FunctionType

o genericClassDescriptor

Schema ClassDescriptor genericClassDescriptor


Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Object

o getAllChildren

Schema ClassDescriptor getAllChildren


This message returns a list of class descriptors that refer to sub classes of the recipient.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

o getClassesNeedingUpdate

Schema getClassesNeedingUpdate


This method runs as part of the 'Schema processAllMessages' process and is not invoked directly.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

o getInheritancePath

Schema ClassDescriptor getInheritancePath


This message returns a list of class descriptors representing the super class hierarchy of the recipient. The list is sorted with the class descriptor for Object first and the class descriptor for the recipient class last.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

o getInternalMessage

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor getInternalMessage


This method returns the internal form of the underlying message and is not used directly.

Type: Method          Returns: String

o getMessage:in:

Schema MessageDescriptor getMessage: string in: cd


This method returns the MessageImplementationDescriptor for the supplied message string and classDescriptor combination.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor


1 - String
2 - Schema ClassDescriptor

o getMessageFor:

Schema MessageDescriptor getMessageFor: string


This method returns the MessageDescriptor for the supplied string.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageDescriptor


1 - String

o getMessageImplementationFor:

Schema ClassDescriptor getMessageImplementationFor: message


This method is invoked by the "getMessage:" message and is not used directly.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor


1 - String

o getMessagesReturningClass

Schema ClassDescriptor getMessagesReturningClass


Returns the list of MessageImplementationDescriptors that return an instance of the recipient's class or one of its subclasses.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor

o getMessagesReturningSuperClass

Schema ClassDescriptor getMessagesReturningSuperClass


Returns the list of MessageImplementationDescriptors that return an instance of one of the recipient's super classes. This is useful if you want to find the messages that potentially return an instance of this class. For example, a message that returns an arbitrary Entity, could potentially return a Currency, Security, or Country object.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor

o getOrCreate:in:

Schema MessageDescriptor getOrCreate: name in: cd


This method returns the MessageImplementationDescriptor for the message string and classDescriptor provided, creating new instances of Schema MessageDescriptor and Schema MessageImplementation as needed.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageDescriptor


1 - String
2 - Schema ClassDescriptor

o getSelector

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor getSelector


This method returns the underlying message and is used to initialize the 'fullSelector' property.

Type: Method          Returns: String

o hasDefaultValue

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor hasDefaultValue


This property contains the value TRUE if the recipient has a default value, NA otherwise. Its value is controlled by the 'setDefaultValueTo:' and 'clearDefaultValue' messages.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Boolean

o htmlDocName

Schema ClassDescriptor htmlDocName


Returns the name of the HTML document that describes this class in detail on insyte's web site; if not document is specifically defined, the document name associated with the first super class in the recipient's hierarchy that has a document is returned.

Type: Method          Returns: String

o imageName

Schema ClassDescriptor imageName


Returns the name of the image file associated with this class formatted as an image tag if defined. The class name is returned otherwise.

Type: Method          Returns: String

o implementationList

Schema MessageDescriptor implementationList


This property contains an indexed list of message implementation descriptors defined for the message associated with the recipient. The list is indexed by classDescriptor.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor


1 - Schema ClassDescriptor

o implementationSource

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor implementationSource


This property tracks the actual implementation of a message over time. Each time the message definition changes, this time series is updated to reflect the new value. This property can be accessed directly to display current and prior values. Updates to this property are managed by the 'Schema processAllMessages' process.

Type: TimeSeriesProperty          Returns: String

o includeInDataModel

Schema ClassDescriptor includeInDataModel


Returns TRUE if the recipient's class is an application class, FALSE otherwise.

Type: Method          Returns: Boolean

o includeInDataModel

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor includeInDataModel


This method returns TRUE if the functionType property is set to the Data instance.

Type: Method          Returns: Boolean

o inheritancePath

Schema ClassDescriptor inheritancePath


This property returns a list, indexed by class descriptor of the class descriptors in the recipient's super class hierarchy including the recipient.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor


1 - Schema ClassDescriptor

o inheritsFrom:

Schema ClassDescriptor inheritsFrom: classDescriptor


This method returns TRUE if the class associated with the recipient object inherits from the class associated with the class descriptor provided, FALSE otherwise. This is similar to the version at Object except the class descriptors of the two classes are used for the inquiry.

Type: Method          Returns: Boolean


1 - Schema ClassDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Object |

o initializeClass:

Schema initializeClass: class


This method runs as part of the 'addClass:' process and is not invoked directly.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue


1 - Object

o initializeDefaultInstance

Schema ClassDescriptor initializeDefaultInstance


This method is run as part of the 'initializeLocalAttributes' step of new class descriptor creation. If the class has a naming dictionary, it adds a reference to the newly created Class as "Default". If the new class shares the parent's naming dictionary, the name added to the dictionary concatenates the class name to the string "Default".

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

o initializeDefaultPropertyList

Schema ClassDescriptor initializeDefaultPropertyList


This method is run as part of the 'initializeLocalAttributes' step of new class descriptor creation. It copies the defaultPropertyList from its parent class descriptor.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

o initializeForPosting

Schema initializeForPosting


This method runs as part of the 'Schema processAllMessages' process and is not invoked directly.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue

o initializeForPosting

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor initializeForPosting


This method runs as part of the 'Schema processAllMessages' process.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue

Also Defined At:
| Schema |

o initializeKeys:

Schema ClassDescriptor initializeKeys: keys


This method is run as part of the 'createInstance:' process. Three keys are supplied: the default instance of the class, the class name, and the default access path. These values are used to set the values of the 'class', 'code', and 'defaultAccessPath' properties in the new class descriptor.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor


1 - List

Also Defined At:
| Object |

o initializeKeys:

Schema MessageDescriptor initializeKeys: key


This method is run as part of the 'createInstance:' process. A single string representing the message is supplied as the key.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageDescriptor


1 - List

Also Defined At:
| Object |

o initializeKeys:

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor initializeKeys: keys


This method is run as part of the 'createInstance:' process. The first key provided represents the message descriptor and the second key is the class descriptor.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor


1 - List

Also Defined At:
| Object |

o initializeLocalAttributes

Schema ClassDescriptor initializeLocalAttributes


This method is run as part of the 'createInstance:' process. It sets the values for a number of properties, builds the inheritance map, initializes the default propertyList, creates a naming dictionary if appropriate, and initializes the default instance.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Dictionary | Entity | Object |

o initializeLocalAttributes

Schema MessageDescriptor initializeLocalAttributes


This method is run as part of the 'createInstance:' process.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Dictionary | Entity | Object |

o initializeLocalAttributes

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor initializeLocalAttributes


This method is run as part of the 'createInstance:' process.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Dictionary | Entity | Object |

o initializeNamingDictionary

Schema ClassDescriptor initializeNamingDictionary


This method looks at the 'autoCreateNamingDictionary' flag and creates a new naming dictionary if it is set to TRUE. It creates the dictionary in the same place as its parent's naming dictionary if one exists, otherwise it creates it at ^global Named.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

o internalMethod

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor internalMethod


This property contains the internal form of the underlying message and is not used directly.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: String

o internalSelector

Schema MessageDescriptor internalSelector


This property is used to store an internal representation of the selector used to define the message.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: String

o isApplicationClass

Schema ClassDescriptor isApplicationClass


Returns TRUE if the recipient's type is Named ClassType Application.

Type: Method          Returns: Boolean

o isBuiltInClass

Schema ClassDescriptor isBuiltInClass


Returns TRUE if the recipient's type is Named ClassType BuiltIn.

Type: Method          Returns: Boolean

o isClassDescriptor

Schema ClassDescriptor isClassDescriptor


Returns the value TRUE.

Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE

Also Defined At:
| Object |

o isDescriptor

Schema Descriptor isDescriptor


Returns the value TRUE when sent to any Schema Descriptor.

Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE

Also Defined At:
| Object |

o isInInheritancePathOf:

Schema ClassDescriptor isInInheritancePathOf: classDescriptor


This method returns TRUE if the recipient inherits from the supplied parameter or the supplied parameter inherits from the recipient.

Type: Method          Returns: Boolean


1 - Schema ClassDescriptor

o isIncorporatorClass

Schema ClassDescriptor isIncorporatorClass


Returns TRUE if the recipient's class inherits from IncorporatorPrototype.

Type: Method          Returns: Boolean

o isMessageDescriptor

Schema MessageDescriptor isMessageDescriptor


Returns the value TRUE.

Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE

Also Defined At:
| Object |

o isMessageImplementationDescriptor

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor isMessageImplementationDescriptor


Returns the value TRUE.

Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE

Also Defined At:
| Object |

o isObjectDescriptor

Schema ClassDescriptor isObjectDescriptor


This method returns TRUE if the recipient is Object's classDescriptor.

Type: Method          Returns: Boolean

o isObjectSpaceClass

Schema ClassDescriptor isObjectSpaceClass


Returns TRUE if the recipient's type is Named ClassType ObjectSpace.

Type: Method          Returns: Boolean

o isSchema

Schema isSchema


Returns the value TRUE when recipient is any Schema object.

Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE

Also Defined At:
| Object |

o isSubClassOf:

Schema ClassDescriptor isSubClassOf: classDescriptor


Returns TRUE if the recipient is a sub class of the parameter.

Type: Method          Returns: Boolean


1 - Schema ClassDescriptor

o isSuperClassOf:

Schema ClassDescriptor isSuperClassOf: classDescriptor


Returns TRUE if the recipient is a super class of the parameter.

Type: Method          Returns: Boolean


1 - Schema ClassDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Object |

o isTimeVarying

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor isTimeVarying


This method returns TRUE if the 'type' property refers to a TimeSeriesProperty or a TimeVaryingMethod. Note that to a flag a method as time varying, you need to explicitly set its type. Otherwise, the type is determined automatically by the method that creates and manages these descriptors.

Type: Method          Returns: Boolean

o isToolKit

ToolKit isToolKit

Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE

Also Defined At:
| Object |

o keyType

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor keyType


Returns the KeyType (Full or Partial) if appropriate, NA otherwise.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: KeyType

o lastPosting

Schema lastPosting


This property contains the time stamp of the last Schema update.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Utility UnixSeconds

o loadDescriptionsFrom:

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor loadDescriptionsFrom: file


Loads descriptive information from a tab-delimited file containing the following fields: class, message, keyType, returns, container, tvFlag, description, parameter1, ..., parameterN. The information is updated for the MessageImplementationDescriptor associated with the supplied class/message. The 'keyType' can be Full, Partial, or blank. The 'returns' field contains the class of the object returned by the message. The 'container' field contains Object, List, IndexedList, or TimeSeries, and indicates the form in which the result is returned. If the field is blank, the default is that values are returned as a scalar Object. If a collection of objects is returned, you should set the return field to one of the collection classes. The 'tvFlag' field can be used to indicate that a method is time varying. If this field is blank or the message type is not a method, this flag is derived from the database. The 'description' field sets the description for the message. The parameter fields can be used to indicate the types of inputs for binary and keyword messages (one field per keyword) and can also be used to indicate the index type for objects that return an IndexedList container.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue


1 - String

o message

Schema MessageDescriptor message


This method returns the recipient's message name.

Type: Method          Returns: String

o message

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor message


This method returns the string associated with the message. The actual message is stored in the 'code' property.

Type: Method          Returns: String

o messageClassDescriptor

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor messageClassDescriptor


This property returns the class descriptor for the class associated with this recipient.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

o messageDescriptor

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor messageDescriptor


This property returns the message descriptor for the message associated with this recipient.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Schema MessageDescriptor

o messageType

Schema ClassDescriptor messageType


Used to determine the underlying type of a message, this message is not normally used directly.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: MessageType

o messagesHaveBeenUpdated

Schema ClassDescriptor messagesHaveBeenUpdated


This property flags classes whose message dictionary has changed since messages were last posted.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Boolean

o name

Schema ClassDescriptor name


Returns descriptive name for recipient. This is normally the 'whatAmI' for the underlying class.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: String

Also Defined At:
| Entity |

o namingDictionary

Schema ClassDescriptor namingDictionary


This property returns the naming dictionary for the class.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Dictionary

o number

Schema ClassDescriptor number


This property contains the instance number for this class descriptor.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Integer

o objectDescriptor

Schema ClassDescriptor objectDescriptor


This constant returns the classDescriptor for the class Object.

Type: Constant          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

o parameterList

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor parameterList


Returns an indexed list of class descriptors describing the parameters associated with this message if this is a keyword or binary and message. The first parameter is used to store the index type if this message returns its value as an IndexedList.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor


1 - Integer

o parent

Schema ClassDescriptor parent


This property returns the class descriptor associated with the super class of the recipient's underlying class.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Classification |

o print

Schema ClassDescriptor print


Prints the recipient object's code.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

Also Defined At:
| Block | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Entity | IndexedList | List | Object | String | TimeSeries | Undefined |

o print:

Schema ClassDescriptor print: format


Prints the recipient object's code.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor


1 - Integer

Also Defined At:
| Boolean | Date | Entity | Number | Object | String | Undefined |

o processAllMessages

Schema processAllMessages


This method is used to post all new and updated messages in the schema database. It is periodically run as part of standard update procedures and can be executed temporarily during a session in which you have defined new messages.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue

o refreshExistingSelectorsForClasses:

Schema refreshExistingSelectorsForClasses: cdList


This method runs as part of the 'Schema processAllMessages' process and is not invoked directly.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue


1 - List

o refreshValues

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor refreshValues


This method is executed as part of the 'Schema processAllMessages' process.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue

o refreshedInLastPosting

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor refreshedInLastPosting


This property is used to flag messages that were refreshed during the most recent execution of the 'Schema processAllMessages' processing.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Boolean

o returnObjectContainer

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor returnObjectContainer


This property contains the class descriptor for the type of container returned by this message. Objects can be returned as a single scalar value, in which case the return object container is Object. Some messages return collections of values, in which case the return object container will be List, IndexedList, or TimeSeries. A message that returns a TimeSeries should not be confused with a time series property or a method that varies over time. Time varying messages will produce different results if they are evaluated as of different dates but do not actually return a TimeSeries object. A message that returns a TimeSeries container is actually returning a TimeSeries object which responds to all the TimeSeries messages.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

o returnObjectType

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor returnObjectType


This property contains the class descriptor for the type of object returned by this message. By default, the class descriptor for Object is returned. You can change this value using the 'setReturnObjectTypeTo:' message. If the message returns a collection of objects, this property is set to the type of object included in the collection. The property 'returnObjectContainer' would indicate that the result is returned as a collection.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

o sampleUsage

Schema ClassDescriptor sampleUsage


Describes sample syntax for accessing instances of the recipient's underlying class.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: String

o setAutoCreateNamingDictionaryOff

Schema ClassDescriptor setAutoCreateNamingDictionaryOff


This method is used to indicate that new subclasses should not automatically create new naming dictionaries.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

o setAutoCreateNamingDictionaryOn

Schema ClassDescriptor setAutoCreateNamingDictionaryOn


This method is used to indicate that new subclasses should automatically create new naming dictionaries.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor

o setClassTypeTo:

Schema ClassDescriptor setClassTypeTo: typeCode


This method is used to change the value of 'type' from its initial value (e.g., Named ClassType Application) to a different type. Available types are: BuiltIn, Application, DataFeed, ToolKit, Dictionary, ObjectSpace, Other, and Unused. The initial value of type is set during instance creation using the method 'assignDefaultType'.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor


1 - String

o setDefaultValueOf:at:to:

Schema setDefaultValueOf: name at: cd to: default


This method runs as part of the 'defineFixedProperty:withDefault:' method and is not invoked directly.

Type: Method          Returns: Object


1 - String
2 - Schema ClassDescriptor
3 - Object

o setDefaultValueTo:

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor setDefaultValueTo: val


This method is used to set the default value for messages that are fixed properties. This default value will be used to initialize any new instances created for the underlying class. This message also initializes the returnObjectType property to be the class descriptor of the default value.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor


1 - Object

o setDescriptionTo:

ToolKit setDescriptionTo: string


Sets the description for this message descriptor and sets the description for any implementations of this message that currently have no description.

Type: Method          Returns: Object

o setDescriptionTo:

Schema MessageDescriptor setDescriptionTo: text


Sets the description for this message descriptor and sets the description for any implementations of this message that currently have no description.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageDescriptor


1 - String

o setDescriptionTo:

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor setDescriptionTo: text


This method is used to update the description property. If the recipient's message description is NA, it will be set to the same value.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor


1 - String

o setFunctionTypeTo:

Schema MessageDescriptor setFunctionTypeTo: type


This method is used to set or change the value of the 'functionType' property. The parameter can be an instance of the class FunctionType or a string. If a string is supplied, and a function type instance by that name does not exist, a new instance of FunctionType is created.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageDescriptor


1 - String

o setFunctionTypeTo:

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor setFunctionTypeTo: type


This method is used to set or change the value of the 'functionType' property. The parameter can be an instance of the class FunctionType or a string. If a string is supplied, and a function type instance by that name does not exist, a new instance of FunctionType is created. If the message descriptor associated with this recipient does not have a function type, it is set to the value provided here.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor


1 - String

o setGenericClassTo:

Schema ClassDescriptor setGenericClassTo: descriptor


Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor


1 - Schema ClassDescriptor

o setHtmlDocNameTo:

Schema ClassDescriptor setHtmlDocNameTo: string


Redefines the name of the html document describing the recipient's underlying class.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor


1 - String

o setImplementationTextTo:forMethod:

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor setImplementationTextTo: text forMethod: method


This method is executed as part of the 'Schema processAllMessages' process.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor


1 - String
2 - Method

o setImplementationTo:

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor setImplementationTo: text


This method is executed as part of the 'Schema processAllMessages' process.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor


1 - String

o setLevelTo:

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor setLevelTo: string


This method is used to set or change the value of the 'usageLevel' property. The parameter can be an instance of the class UsageLevel or a string.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor


1 - String

o setNamingDictionaryTo:

Schema ClassDescriptor setNamingDictionaryTo: dictionary


This method is used to set the naming dictionary for the recipient to an existing dictionary.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor


1 - Dictionary

o setParameter:typeTo:

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor setParameter: number typeTo: parameterType


Indicates the type of value expected for a parameter of a binary or keyword message. The first input corresponds to the parameter number; the second input corresponds to the type which will be converted and stored as a class descriptor. Parameter 1 can also be used to store the type of index for messages that return IndexedList containers.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor


1 - Integer
2 - Object

o setReturnObjectContainerTo:

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor setReturnObjectContainerTo: cd


This method sets the value of the returnObjectContainer property and should be one of Object, List, TimeSeries, or IndexedList.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor


1 - Object

o setReturnObjectTypeTo:

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor setReturnObjectTypeTo: cd


This method is used to set the value of the 'returnObjectType' property.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor


1 - Object

o setSampleUsageTo:

Schema ClassDescriptor setSampleUsageTo: text


Updates the property 'sampleUsage'.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor


1 - String

o setSelectorTo:

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor setSelectorTo: string


This method is used to update the 'fullSelector' property.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor


1 - String

o setSiteNameTo:

Schema setSiteNameTo: name


Defines a constant representing the name of the Vision database.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema


1 - String

o setTypeTo:

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor setTypeTo: newType


This method is used to set the 'type' property to the message type of the current implementation. The message type is an instance of the class MessageType. This method is executed as part of the 'Schema processAllMessages' process and should not be run directly.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor


1 - Object

o setupAccessBlocks

Schema MessageDescriptor setupAccessBlocks


This method is used to set the values for 'accessBlock' and 'updateBlock'. It should not be accessed directly.

Type: Method          Returns: Schema MessageDescriptor

o showChildren

Schema ClassDescriptor showChildren


This method recursively displays each subclass of the recipient class.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue

o showChildrenAtLevel:

Schema ClassDescriptor showChildrenAtLevel: level


This method is used to implement the recursive display of child classes in the 'showChildren' method.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue


1 - Integer

o showInheritance

Schema ClassDescriptor showInheritance


This method displays the inheritance hierarchy for the recipient.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue

Also Defined At:
| Object |

o showParents

Schema ClassDescriptor showParents


This method displays the super class hierarchy for the recipient.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue

o siteDescription

Schema siteDescription


Returns a description of this Vision database.

Type: Method          Returns: Object

o siteName

Schema siteName


Returns the name of this Vision database

Type: Constant          Returns: String

o trackDefaultValueUsing:

Schema ClassDescriptor trackDefaultValueUsing: mid


This method is used to manage the default values for the class and should not be accessed directly.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue


1 - Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor

o type

Schema ClassDescriptor type


This property returns an instance of the class ClassType. Available types are: BuiltIn, Application, DataFeed, ToolKit, Dictionary, ObjectSpace, Other, and Unused. The initial value of type is set during instance creation using the method 'assignDefaultType'.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: ClassType

o type

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor type


This property returns the value if the recipient's message type: Constant, FixedProperty, TimeSeriesProperty, Method, TimeVaryingMethod, or Primitive.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: MessageType

o updateBlock

Schema MessageDescriptor updateBlock


This property contains a block that could be sent to an object to update the property associated with this message.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Schema MessageDescriptor

o updateDate

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor updateDate


This property returns the date this message implementation was last changed.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: Date

o updateMethod:at:with:

Schema updateMethod: name at: cd with: source


This method runs as part of the 'defineMethod:' method when you provide your method definition as a text string.

Type: Method          Returns: NoValue


1 - String
2 - Schema ClassDescriptor
3 - String

o usageLevel

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor usageLevel


This property returns the usage level of the recipient.

Type: FixedProperty          Returns: UsageLevel

o whatAmI

ToolKit whatAmI


Returns the name of the recipient's class.

Type: Constant          Returns: String

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o whatAmI

Schema whatAmI


Returns the name of the recipient's class.

Type: Constant          Returns: String

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o whatAmI

Schema Descriptor whatAmI


Returns the string "Schema Descriptor".

Type: Constant          Returns: String

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o whatAmI

Schema ClassDescriptor whatAmI


Returns the string "Schema ClassDescriptor".

Type: Constant          Returns: String

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o whatAmI

Schema MessageDescriptor whatAmI


Returns the string "Schema MessageDescriptor".

Type: Constant          Returns: String

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

o whatAmI

Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor whatAmI


Returns the string "Schema MessageImplementationDescriptor" .

Type: Constant          Returns: String

Also Defined At:
| Block | Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |

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