Vision Messages: Block
Profile of Class Block
Object | Function | ComputedFunction | +--- Block
A Block is a set of one or more expressions that are viewed together as a unit. Each expression in a block is known as a statement. Statements are separated by the character ; . The block itself is surrounded by square brackets. The general form for a block is: [ statement1 ; statement2 ; statement3 ; . . . ] ;
Message Index
asClosure: anObject
asOf: aDate
aveForDateRange: aDateRange
cGrowForDateRange: aDateRange
changeLag: aDateOffset
changeLead: aDateOffset
convergeTo: aValue within: tolerance initialGuess: guess
convertFrom: string
environment: anObject
environmentWith: anObject
environmentWith: object1 and: object2
environmentWith: obj1 and: obj2 and: obj3
environmentWith: obj1 and: obj2 and: obj3 and: obj4
environmentWith: obj1 and: obj2 and: obj3 and: obj4 and: obj5
environmentWith: obj1 and: obj2 and: obj3 and: obj4 and: obj5 and: obj6
extractForDateRange: aDateRange
gMeanForDateRange: aDateRange
lag: aDateOffset
lead: aDateOffset
lsGrowForDateRange: aDateRange
maxForDateRange: aDateRange
medianForDateRange: aDateRange
minForDateRange: aDateRange
pctChangeLag: aDateOffset
pctChangeLead: aDateOffset
productForDateRange: aDateRange
stdDevForDateRange: aDateRange
totalForDateRange: aDateRange
value: anObject
valueWith: anObject
valueWith: obj1 and: obj2
valueWith: obj1 and: obj2 and: obj3
valueWith: obj1 and: obj2 and: obj3 and: obj4
valueWith: obj1 and: obj2 and: obj3 and: obj4 and: obj5
valueWith: obj1 and: obj2 and: obj3 and: obj4 and: obj5 and: obj6
whileTrue: aBlock
Synopsis:asMethodBlock asClosure: anObjectType: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Object
Synopsis:asOf:Block asMethodDescription:
Converts Block to MethodType: Primitive          Returns: Method
Synopsis:asRowsColumnsBlock asOf: aDateDescription:
Returns the value of the Block as of the supplied date. If no value is stored for the date, the closest date prior to the supplied date is used.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Date
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:asSelfBlock asRowsColumnsDescription:
Executes the recipient block and returns a list of strings representing the rows of the output where each element of the list is extended by the variable 'columns' which represent the columns of output for the row. Each element in 'columns' is a string that corresponds to each print statement in the recipient block.Type: Method          Returns: List
Synopsis:asUndelimitedStringBlock asSelfDescription:
Returns the original object.Type: Primitive          Returns: Block
Also Defined At:
| Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:aveForDateRange:Block asUndelimitedStringDescription:
Returns the block as a string with surrounding brackets [ ] removed.Type: Method          Returns: String
Synopsis:cGrowForDateRange:Block aveForDateRange: aDateRangeDescription:
Computes the average value of the recipient block over the specified date range.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - DateRange
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:changeLag:Block cGrowForDateRange: aDateRangeDescription:
Computes the compound growth rate of the recipient block over the specified date range.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - DateRange
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:changeLead:Block changeLag: aDateOffsetDescription:
Computes the absolute change between the value of the block as of the default date and an earlier relative date.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - DateOffset
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:classDescriptorBlock changeLead: aDateOffsetDescription:
Computes the absolute change between the value of the block as of the default date and a future relative date.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - DateOffset
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:convergeTo:within:initialGuess:Block classDescriptorDescription:
Reference to the object which describes the class. Class level information is stored here.Type: Constant          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:convertFrom:Block convergeTo: aValue within: tolerance initialGuess: guessDescription:
Executes recipient block until it converges to within tolerance distance from supplied value using guess as the initial guess. The recipient block contains the function you wish to evaluate. Iteration terminates if value converges to within tolerance or a maximum of forty iterations have been reached.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - Number
2 - Number
3 - Number
Synopsis:currentBlock convertFrom: stringDescription:
This message converts the supplied string to an instance of the recipient's class if applicable, returning NA otherwise. The definition at Object will lookup the string in the class' naming dictionary, if defined. The version at String returns the recipient stripped of any extensions. The versions at Number, Integer, Double, and Float convert the recipient to a numeric value if possible. The version at Date converts the recipient to a Date using the 'asDate' message defined at String. The version at Boolean returns TRUE if the recipient contains an upper/lower case combination of 'true' and FALSE if the recipient contains an upper/lower case combination of 'false'. The version at block returns a block containing the string as a message. This message is called by the 'as:' message at String.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Boolean | Date | Number | Object | String | Undefined |
Synopsis:defaultInstanceBlock currentDescription:
Returns current environment of block.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Synopsis:displayAllBlock defaultInstanceDescription:
Returns the default instance of the recipient object's classType: Constant          Returns: Block
Also Defined At:
| Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:divertDelimitedOutputBlock displayAllDescription:
Displays block definition (see TimeSeries)Type: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:divertOutputBlock divertDelimitedOutputDescription:
Prints block with marked areas for internal formatting purposes.Type: Primitive          Returns: String
Synopsis:environmentBlock divertOutputDescription:
Captures output as a string instead of to terminal.Type: Primitive          Returns: String
Synopsis:environment:Block environmentDescription:
Returns block's environment.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Synopsis:environmentWith:Block environment: anObjectDescription:
Return's block's environment, evaluated with one input.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Object
Synopsis:environmentWith:and:Block environmentWith: anObjectDescription:
Returns block's environment, evaluated with one inputs.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Object
Synopsis:environmentWith:and:and:Block environmentWith: object1 and: object2Description:
Returns block's environment, evaluated with two inputs.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Object
2 - Object
Synopsis:environmentWith:and:and:and:Block environmentWith: obj1 and: obj2 and: obj3Description:
Returns block's environment, evaluated with three inputs.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Object
2 - Object
3 - Object
Synopsis:environmentWith:and:and:and:and:Block environmentWith: obj1 and: obj2 and: obj3 and: obj4Description:
Returns block's environment, evaluated with four inputs.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Object
2 - Object
3 - Object
4 - Object
Synopsis:environmentWith:and:and:and:and:and:Block environmentWith: obj1 and: obj2 and: obj3 and: obj4 and: obj5Description:
Returns block's environment, evaluated with five inputs.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Object
2 - Object
3 - Object
4 - Object
5 - Object
Synopsis:extractForDateRange:Block environmentWith: obj1 and: obj2 and: obj3 and: obj4 and: obj5 and: obj6Description:
Returns block's environment, evaluated with six inputs.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Object
2 - Object
3 - Object
4 - Object
5 - Object
6 - Object
Synopsis:formatForExcelBlock extractForDateRange: aDateRangeDescription:
Extracts the value of the recipient block for each point in the date range and returns a time series containing those date-value pairs.Type: Method          Returns: TimeSeries
1 - DateRange
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:formatForPRNBlock formatForExcelDescription:
Executes the recipient block and generates tab-delimited output suitable for loading into Excel.Type: Method          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| String |
Synopsis:gMeanForDateRange:Block formatForPRNDescription:
Executes the recipient block and generates PRN-style output.Type: Method          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| String |
Synopsis:isBlockBlock gMeanForDateRange: aDateRangeDescription:
Computes the geometric mean value of the recipient block over the specified date range.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - DateRange
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:lag:Block isBlockDescription:
Returns the value TRUE when sent to any block.Type: Constant          Returns: TRUE
Also Defined At:
| Object |
Synopsis:latestBlock lag: aDateOffsetDescription:
Returns the value of the block as of a date relative to the default date. The derived date is defined as: ^date - anOffset. If no value is stored for the derived date, the closest date prior to the supplied date is used.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - DateOffset
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:lead:Block latestDescription:
Returns the value of the recipient block as of the current date. Identical to [ ] asOf: ^today.Type: Method          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:lsGrowForDateRange:Block lead: aDateOffsetDescription:
Returns the value of the block as of a date relative to the default date. The derived date is defined as: ^date + aDateOffset. If no value is stored for the derived date, the closest date prior to the supplied date is used.Type: Method          Returns: Object
1 - DateOffset
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:maxForDateRange:Block lsGrowForDateRange: aDateRangeDescription:
Computes the least squares growth value of the recipient block over the specified date range.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - DateRange
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:medianForDateRange:Block maxForDateRange: aDateRangeDescription:
Computes the maximum value of the recipient block over the specified date range.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - DateRange
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:minForDateRange:Block medianForDateRange: aDateRangeDescription:
Computes the median value of the recipient block over the specified date range.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - DateRange
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:myBlock minForDateRange: aDateRangeDescription:
Computes the minimum value of the recipient block over the specified date range.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - DateRange
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:pctChangeLag:Block myDescription:
Returns environment in which block was defined.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Synopsis:pctChangeLead:Block pctChangeLag: aDateOffsetDescription:
Computes the percent change between the value of the block as of the default date and an earlier relative date.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - DateOffset
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:printBlock pctChangeLead: aDateOffsetDescription:
Computes the percent change between the value of the block as of the default date and a later relative date.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - DateOffset
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:productForDateRange:Block printDescription:
Redefines the standard print message to print out the contents of the recipient block.Type: Primitive          Returns: Block
Also Defined At:
| Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Entity | IndexedList | List | Object | String | TimeSeries | Undefined |
Synopsis:selectorBlock productForDateRange: aDateRangeDescription:
Computes the product of the values of the recipient block over the specified date range.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - DateRange
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:selfBlock selectorDescription:
Returns the selector for the block (i.e., the message name).Type: Primitive          Returns: Selector
Synopsis:sprintBlock selfDescription:
Returns recipient Block.Type: Primitive          Returns: Block
Synopsis:stdDevForDateRange:Block sprintDescription:
Returns recipient Block as string.Type: Primitive          Returns: String
Synopsis:totalForDateRange:Block stdDevForDateRange: aDateRangeDescription:
Computes the standard deviation of the values of the recipient Block over the specified date range.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - DateRange
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:valueBlock totalForDateRange: aDateRangeDescription:
Computes the sum of the values of the recipient block over the specified date range.Type: Method          Returns: Number
1 - DateRange
Also Defined At:
| TimeSeries |
Synopsis:value:Block valueDescription:
Evaluates the recipient block.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
Also Defined At:
| Object | TimeSeries |
Synopsis:valueWith:Block value: anObjectDescription:
Evaluates the recipient block with one parameter.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Object
Synopsis:valueWith:and:Block valueWith: anObjectDescription:
Evaluates the recipient block with one parameter.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Object
Synopsis:valueWith:and:and:Block valueWith: obj1 and: obj2Description:
Evaluates the recipient block with two parameters.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Object
2 - Object
Synopsis:valueWith:and:and:and:Block valueWith: obj1 and: obj2 and: obj3Description:
Evaluates the recipient block with three parameters.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Object
2 - Object
3 - Object
Synopsis:valueWith:and:and:and:and:Block valueWith: obj1 and: obj2 and: obj3 and: obj4Description:
Evaluates the recipient block with four parameters.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Object
2 - Object
3 - Object
4 - Object
Synopsis:valueWith:and:and:and:and:and:Block valueWith: obj1 and: obj2 and: obj3 and: obj4 and: obj5Description:
Evaluates the recipient block with five parameters.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Object
2 - Object
3 - Object
4 - Object
5 - Object
Synopsis:whatAmIBlock valueWith: obj1 and: obj2 and: obj3 and: obj4 and: obj5 and: obj6Description:
Evaluates the recipient block with six parameters.Type: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Object
2 - Object
3 - Object
4 - Object
5 - Object
6 - Object
Synopsis:whileTrue:Block whatAmIDescription:
Returns the string 'Block'.Type: Constant          Returns: String
Also Defined At:
| Boolean | Classification | Collection | Currency | Date | DateOffset | DateRange | Dictionary | Entity | IndexedList | Interface | List | Number | Object | OpenVision | Schema | String | TimeSeries | Undefined | Utility |
Synopsis:Block whileTrue: aBlockDescription:
While recipient block evaluates to TRUE, executes supplied blockType: Primitive          Returns: Object
1 - Block