Vision Upload Format: securityMaster

Vision Portfolio Management Application Layer: Data Feeds

| Application Feeds |

Data Feed: SecurityMaster

Category: MasterFeed


    The SecurityMaster feed is used to create and refresh basic information for Security instances. This feed can also be used to create Company instances for cases where the security represents the primary issue for a company. A number of related feeds have been defined to update additional security information such as prices, dividends, and splits.

Available Fields:

Field Vision
Type Description
--- Required Fields ---
entityId code String id of new or existing Security instance
currencyId baseCurrency String id of existing Currency instance
--- Suggested Fields ---
companyId company String id of underlying Company instance which issued this security
cusip cusip String 8 or 9 character Cusip
name name String security name
sedol sedol String 6 or 7 character Sedol
ticker ticker String Ticker symbol
type type String id of existing SecurityType instance
--- Other Fields ---
isin isin String isin id
Number latest mcap available (in US$)
sharesOut _sharesOut Number latest shares outstanding
shortName shortName String short name
sortCode sortCode String sort code
valor valor String valor id
terminateFlag deletionDate Date date the security became inactive

Special Processing Rules:

  • The entityId can be a unique id assigned by your organization (or your security master source) that permanently identifies the security. Alternatively, you can use the Cusip, Sedol, or other standard security identifier to populate this field. This field updates the code property of the security instance.

  • If the value of code is the same as either the cusip or sedol and there is a change to cusip or sedol, then the value at code will also be reset.

  • The cusip, sedol, and ticker are added to the naming dictionaries defined for the Security and Company classes in addition to the entityId value. Any of these aliases can be used as the entityId for this and related security feeds. Any of these aliases can be used as the id value in the expression:
         Named Security at: "id" .

  • If a record has a cusip or sedol that is currently in the database associated with a different security, the cusip or sedol change will not be posted. This prevents accidently moving ids from one security (and its company) to another. To effect a change, change the cusip or sedol in the security that currently owns the id.

  • Data feed records with duplicate cusip or sedol id's will not be processed and an appropriate message will be displayed in the exception report. Duplicate ticker symbols will be updated.

  • The companyId is used to identify the related Company instance with which the security should be associated. If this value is identical to the security's entityId and the company instance does not exist, a new company instance is created with this security identified as its primary security. Otherwise, if the companyId does not map to an existing company instance, the security's company value is set to the default company.

  • The messages disableCusipChanges, disableSedolChanges, and disableCompanyChanges can be used to prohibit posting company, cusip and sedol changes. The records that were not updated are printed in the exception report. These options are reset to enable after each run.

  • The currencyId is used to identify the currency in which monetary values for the security are displayed by default. If this value does not map to an existing currency instance, the security's baseCurrency is set to the default currency.

  • The type is used to identify the SecurityType instance with which the security should be associated. The security type is used to store data that supports calculations such as holding market values. If this value does not map to an existing instance, the security's type value is set to the default instance.

Related Feeds:

  • securityAliases: loads cusip/sedol changes and add other aliases for securities
  • priceFeed: loads pricing information for securities
  • splitsFeed: loads stock split and dividend information
  • divFeed: loads dividend information for securities
  • companyMaster: defines Company instances which may be referenced by securities
  • currencyMaster: defines Currency instances which may be referenced by securities
  • securityTypeMaster: defines SecurityType instances which may be referenced by securities
  • mcapGroups: updates market capitalization range group for securities
  • pbGroups: updates price to book range group for securities
  • peGroups: updates price to earnings range group for securities

Sample Upload:

The following tab-delimited feed could be used to create and refresh security instances:

   Interface ExternalFeedManager upload: "securityMaster" using:
   "entityId name           companyId  cusip     ticker  currencyId  type
    00036110 AAR CORP COM   00036110   00036100	 AIR     USD         1
    00079410 ACC CORP COM   00079410   00079410  ACCC    USD         1
    00095710 ABM INDS INC   00095710   00095710  AMB     USD         1
    "  ;