Vision Upload Format: PbGroups

Vision Portfolio Management Application Layer: Data Feeds

| Application Feeds |

Data Feed: PbGroups

Category: RangeGroupFeed


    The PbGroups feed is used to define and update PBGroup ranges and to classify Security instances into ranges based on a security's priceToBook value. The security property pbGroup stores the current range value. The RangeClassification class is described in more detail in the Portfolio Management Application Classes document.

Available Fields:

--- Required Fields ---
startValue lowerBound Number minimum value in range
endValue upperBound Number maximum value in range
label name - label that describes range

Special Processing Rules:

  • This feed replaces all existing instances of the PBGroup classes with the instances defined by this feed.

  • Using the ranges defined by this feed, the Security property priceToBook is used to determine an PBGroup classification which is used to update the pbGroup property at the security.

  • Use the value NA to indicate a range is unbounded for its start or end point. Ranges are assumed to be contiguous.

Related Feeds:

Sample Upload:

The following tab-delimited feed could be used to define and update price-to-book groups. The fields must be supplied in this order. The header line should be included, but the header values are ignored:

     Interface ExternalFeedManager upload: "PbGroups" using:
       "startValue     endValue   label
        NA             1          less than 1
        1              5          1 to 5
        5              10         5 to 10
        10             20         10 to 20
        20             NA         more than 20
      " ;