Vision Portfolio Management FAQ: Customizing the Account Characteristic Application


    To change the statistics displayed in the Account Characteristics report.


    A feed has been defined which allows you to name data items and indicate the types of summary statistics associated with each item. For example, you may want to define a data item named "mcap" which accesses the information following the navigation "funDataM marketCap" from Company. For any data item, you can indicate whether you want total, average, weighted average, and median to be displayed. Once you have defined your data items, you can use the UniverseMaster and UniverseMembers feeds to define subsets of these items to display as a unit.

    A number of data items have been pre-defined and are displayed on the characteristic report by default:

      DataItem     BaseClass     AccessPath
      mcapUS       Security      marketCapUS 
      pe           Security      pe
      pb           Security      priceToBook

    The DataItem column identifies the statistic. The BaseClass column indicates the entity class from which the navigation to the data begins. The AccessPath column contains the message or navigation expression needed to actually access the data relative to the base class.

DataFeed Assumptions:

McapGroups startValue, endValue, label
DataItemFeed id, shortName, baseClass, accessPath, isStat, showTot, showAvg, showWtAvg, showMed
UniverseMaster id, name, memberType
UniverseMembers groupId, memberId

Topic 1: Defining Statistics

  1. Use the DataItemFeed to create new items and update display options.

    1. Set up the spreadsheet to look like the following. Note that the feed name DataItemFeed is in the top left of the range.
        id     shortName  baseClass  accessPath     isStat  showTot showAvg showWtAvg showMed
        sales  Sales      Company    funDataA sales   T     T       T       F         F
        qsales Qtr Sales  Company    funDataQ sales   T     T       F       F         F
    2. Select the entire range.
    3. Select Upload Data from the VUpload menu.
    4. Select the Range button.

      The shortName field is used as the label for the statistic in the characteristic report. The isStat field should be set to True (T) to include the item as a statistic in the report. The last columns can be set to True (or T or Yes or Y) or False (or F or No or N) to indicate whether the total, average, weighted average, and/or median should be computed for the item. If weighted average is selected, the statistic is weighted by each holding's percent of portfolio.

      This feed can also include the sortCode field which can be used to control the order in which the statistics appear in the report. The defaultDecimals field can be used to control the number of decimal points displayed for a statistic.

  2. Check the results.

    1. Open the Vision Reporter in your web browser.
    2. Select Account Reports.
    3. Select AccountCharacteristics.
    4. Enter an account and run the report.

      The values for Qtr Sales-Total, Sales-Total, and Sales-Avg should now appear as part of report.

Topic 2: Creating Sets of Characteristics

  1. Define the Stat Group, SalesChars by using the UniverseMaster feed.

    1. Set up the spreadsheet to look like the following. Note that the feed name UniverseMaster is in the top left of the range.

        id          name                     memberType
        SalesChars  Sales Characteristics    DataItem
    2. Select the entire range.
    3. Select Upload Data from the VUpload menu.
    4. Select the Range button.

      SalesChars has been created.

  2. Define the members of the SalesChars group by using the UniverseMembers feed:

    1. Set up the spreadsheet to look like the following. Note that the feed name UniverseMembers is in the top left of the range.
        groupId            memberId
        SalesChars         sales
        SalesChars         qsales
    2. Select the entire range.
    3. Select Upload Data from the VUpload menu.
    4. Select the Range button.

      The SalesChars members have been defined.

  3. Check the results.

    1. Open the Vision Reporter in your web browser.
    2. Select Account Reports.
    3. Select AccountCharacteristics.
    4. Enter an account and run the report.

      SalesChars should now appear in the Stat Group menu at the bottom of report. If you choose this one, the report should only include these two statistics.