Vision Upload Format: UniverseMaster

Vision Portfolio Management Application Layer: Data Feeds

| Application Feeds |

Data Feed: UniverseMaster

Category: MasterFeed


    The UniverseMaster feed is used to create and refresh basic information for Universe instances. A Universe is used to name and track lists of related entities over time. This class is described in detail in the Vision Class: Universe document. A number of related feeds are also available.

Available Fields:

--- Required Fields ---
entityId code String id of new or existing Universe instance
memberType memberType String id of existing Entity class
--- Suggested Fields ---
name name String descriptive name
--- Other Fields ---
numericCode numericCode Number numeric code
shortName shortName String short name
sortCode sortCode String sort code

Special Processing Rules:

  • The memberType should reference an existing Entity class that represents the type of entity to be tracked by this universe.

Related Feeds:

Sample Upload:

The following tab-delimited feed could be used to create Universe instances and refresh basic information:

   Interface ExternalFeedManager upload: "UniverseMaster" using:
   "Id	     Name                        MemberType
    SP500    Standard & Poors 500        Security
    DJ30     Dow Jones 30 Industrials    Security
   "  ;