Vision Class: Universe
Universe Overview
The Universe class is a subclass of Entity used to name and track lists of related entities over time. For example, a Universe instance named SP500 could be defined to track the list of Security instances comprising the Standard & Poors 500 each month.
The Universe class is a direct subclass of Entity:
Object | Entity | Universe
Basic Usage
Universe instances are created to name and track related entities over time. A universe can be restricted to a certain type of entity by setting its entityType property using the setEntityTypeTo: message. For example, to create the Dow Jones 30 universe of securities:
Universe createInstance: "DJ30" . setEntityTypeTo: Security ;The time series property list is defined at the class Universe to store lists of entities over time. This property can be updated using the setListTo: message which creates a new IndexedList, adds the entities supplied in the parameter, and stores the list in the list property as of the current evaluation date. If an entityType has been specified, the elements in the supplied list are only added if they represent instances of that class. List elements can be supplied as explicit objects or as string. Strings will be converted to instances of the entityType's class using the locateId: message for that class. For example:
95 evaluate: [ Named Universe DJ30 setListTo: Named Security IBM, "XON", "GM" ; ] ;stores a list of three securities in the list property for the DJ30 universe as of year-end 1995. The strings XON and GM are converted into security instances. The addMember: and deleteMember: messages can be use used to modify an existing list. Instances are added or deleted from the list stored as of the evaluation date.
To view the universe members as of a specific date use:
#-- latest Named Universe DJ30 list do: [ displayInfo ] ; #-- as of last month ^today - 1 monthEnds evaluate: [ Named Universe DJ30 list do: [ displayInfo ] ; ] ; #-- alternative Named Universe DJ30 :list lag: 1 monthEnds . do: [ displayInfo ] ; #-- all periods Named Universe DJ30 :list do: [ ^date print ; count print ; " members" printNL ; ^self do: [ displayInfo ] ; ] ;
The displayMemberHistory report shows changes in the universe membership over time. For example:
96 evaluate: [ Named Universe DJ30 setListTo: "IBM", "XON", "GIS", "DD" ; ] ; Named Universe DJ30 displayMemberHistory ;displays:
--- Membership History Report --- for Universe DJ30 DJ30 01/01/1 0 current 0 prior 12/31/1995 3 current 0 prior added ... 30229010 XON EXXON CORP COM added ... 37044210 GM GENERAL MTRS CORP COM added ... 45920010 IBM INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACH COM 12/31/1996 4 current 3 prior added ... 26353410 DD DU PONT E I DE NEMOURS & CO COM added ... 37033410 GIS GENERAL MLS INC COM dropped ... 37044210 GM GENERAL MTRS CORP COMThe message universe has been defined for the class Entity and returns the list of Universe instances that contain the recipient object. For example:
Named Security IBM universes do: [ displayInfo ]will display the DJ30 and any other universe in which the security IBM is a member.
Using the ExternalFeedManager
The earlier sections in this document describe ways to directly create and update Universe instances. The Interface class ExternalFeedManager has been created to provide a uniform way to create and update any entity-related information. A separate DataFeed subclass is defined to translate one or more rows of information into the appropriate structures in your Vision database. Data can be supplied from a file, a spreadsheet, a relational database, or any other table-based source. You can also supply data directly as a string, using the tab character to delimit columns and the carriage return to delimit rows.
Several DataFeed classes have been defined to work with Universe data:
DataFeed | Description |
UniverseMaster | creates Universe instances and refreshes basic properties |
UniverseMembers | updates memberships for universes over time |
For example, the following tab-delimited string could be used to create and refresh Universe instances:
Interface ExternalFeedManager upload: "UniverseMaster" using: "Id Name MemberType SP500 Standard & Poors 500 Security DJ30 Dow Jones 30 Industrials Security DJT Dow Jones Transportation Security " ;The following tab-delimited string could be used to define Universe/ memberships over time:
Interface ExternalFeedManager upload: "UniverseMembers" using: "groupId date memberId SP500 19971031 45920010 SP500 19971031 37044210 SP500 19971031 88553510 #--- ... SP500 19971130 45920010 SP500 19971130 37044210 SP500 19971130 88553510 #--- ... DJT Default 01165910 DJT Default 00176510 DJT Default 00202M10 #--- ... " ;