Vision Upload Format: DataFeed Status

Vision Portfolio Management Application Layer: Application

| Headstart Applications |

Application: DataFeed Status


The DataFeedStatus application is used to display the date and time of the most recent data feed uploads and indicates the number of records updated. This application also provides links to more detailed information about the individual feeds.


  • No inputs are necessary for this report.

  • By default, the report is sorted by the time of upload. It can also be sorted alphabetically by data feed. Each sort can be achieved by clicking on the individual column heading.

  • Each feed has a link to a report containing the parent name and a list of available fields.

Key Data Feeds:

Sample Usage:

    Interface ApplicationWS runWith: "DataFeedStatus";

Sample Output:

--- DataFeed Update Status ---

Sorted By: [time]
Sorted By Time
Data FeedUpdate TimeRecords
HoldingsFeed         01/25/99 09:24:20                    1491
PriceFeed            01/25/99 09:24:10                    2296
PortfolioMaster      01/25/99 09:24:06                      12
SecurityMaster       01/25/99 09:24:05                    1200
SecurityTypeMaster   01/25/99 09:23:51                      13
CompanyMaster        01/25/99 09:23:50                    1185
IndustryMaster       01/25/99 09:23:47                     103
SectorMaster         01/25/99 09:23:46                      14
CountryMaster        01/25/99 09:23:45                     248
CurrencyMaster       01/25/99 09:23:44                     180

Feed: HoldingsFeed

This feed is used to update instances of the class Holding.

--- Basics ---
Parent:  TransactionFeed
Last Updated:        01/25/99@09:24:20
Records Updated:          1491
--- Available Fields ---
Available Fields:  
date used as 'as of' date for ts updates
price split/curr adjusted
shares split/curr adjusted
totalCost curr adjusted
--- Miscellaneous ---
required fields:           NA 
fields from header:  TRUE
uses local fields:   TRUE