PMA Tutorial : Loading Sample Data


All sample PMA Tutorials are based on the data described in this section. Several sample data files have been supplied in addition to sample Vision code which can be executed to read these files and create the database.

By default, all files referenced are in the directory /localvision/samples/pma/. Check with your Vision Administrator if you do not see the following files in the directory:

File Name Function Reference
Currency.pma Tab-delimited file containing currency identifiers and names. CurrencyMaster
Country.pma Tab-delimited file containing country identifiers and names and a currency identifier. CountryMaster
Sector.pma Tab-delimited file containing sector identifiers and names. SectorMaster
Industry.pma Tab-delimited file containing industry identifiers and names and a sector identifier. IndustryMaster
Company.pma Tab-delimited file containing basic company information: id, name, country, industry id, and fiscalYearEnd. CountryMaster
SecType.pma Tab-delimited file containing basic SecurityType information: id, name, unitcalc, assetcategory SecurityTypeMaster
Security.pma Tab-delimited file containing security information: id, name, currency, cusip, ticker, companyId, security type, and latestMarketCapUS. SecurityMaster
Portfolio.pma Tab-delimited file containing additional portfolio information: id, name SecurityMaster
Price.pma Tab-delimited file containing price information for different time points. PriceFeed
Holdings.pma Tab-delimited file containing holdings information for portfolios over time. HoldingsFeed
sample.pma File containing Vision code that loads the .pma files.

You can read the sample.load file into your favorite Vision Editor or you can execute the code in this file using the asFileContents evaluate expression:

  "/localvision/samples/pma/sample.load" asFileContents evaluate ;

Note: The sample.load file runs by default on a Unix environment. If you are using a Windows NT platform, this location may be prefixed by a drive and optional path (e.g., d:/visiondb/localvision/samples/pma/sample.load). In additition, the sample.load file must be edited by your Vision Administrator to reflect the correct locations.

Loading Currency Data

The file Currency.pma contains one line per currency. Each line contains a currency identifier and a currency name. The first few lines of this file are displayed below:

  id    name
  ADP   Andorran Peseta
  AED   UAE Dirham

CurrencyMaster is the name of the feed that is used to create and refresh basic information for Currency instances.

To manually load the file, execute the following:

      Interface ExternalFeedManager upload:"CurrencyMaster" usingFile:

The output buffer will display the total number of currencies loaded.

Loading Country Data

The file Country.pma contains one line per country. Each line contains a country identifier and a country name. The first few lines of this file are displayed below:

  id    name                    currency
  AD    Andorra                 ADP
  AE    United Arab Emirates    AED

CountryMaster is the name of the feed that is used to create and refresh basic information for Country instances.

To manually load the file, execute the following:

      Interface ExternalFeedManager upload:"CountryMaster" usingFile:

The output buffer will display the total number of countries loaded.

Loading Sector Data

The file Sector.pma contains one line per sector. Each line contains a sector identifier and a sector name. The first few lines of this file are displayed below:

 id          name
 NONDUR      Non-durables
 DUR         Durables

SectorMaster is the name of the feed that is used to create and refresh basic information for Sector instances.

To manually load the file, execute the following:

      Interface ExternalFeedManager upload:"SectorMaster" usingFile:

The output buffer will display the total number of sectors loaded.

Loading Industry Data

The file Industry.pma contains one line per industry. Each line contains an industry identifier, industry name, and a sector identifier.The first few lines of this file are displayed below:

    id          name            sector
    110         Beverages       NOND
    120         Cosmetics       NOND
IndustryMaster is the name of the feed that is used to create and refresh basic information for Industry instances.

To manually load the file, execute the following:

      Interface ExternalFeedManager upload:"IndustryMaster" usingFile:

The output buffer will display the total number of industries loaded.

Loading Company Data

The file Company.pma contains one line per company. Each line contains a company identifier, company name, country identifier, identifier, industry identifier, and a fiscalYearEnd date. The first few lines of this file are displayed below:

    id        name                           Country   Currency  Industry    fiscalYearEnd
    02364J10  AMERICA ONLINE INC             US        USD       390         6
    37044210  GENERAL MOTORS CORP            US        USD       210         12
    45920010  INTL BUSINESS MACHINES CORP    US        USD       530         12
CompanyMaster is the name of the feed that is used to create and refresh basic information for Company instances.

To manually load the file, execute the following:

      Interface ExternalFeedManager upload:"CompanyMaster" usingFile:

The output buffer will display the total number of companies loaded.

Loading SecurityType Data

The file SecType.pma contains one line per security type. Each line contains a security type identifier, security type name, UnitCalc, and an AssetCategory. The first few lines of this file are displayed below:

    id       name               unitcalc     assetcategory
    0        Cash & Equiv       1.00         Cash
    1        Common Stock       1.00         Equity
    2        Preferred Stock    1.00         Equity

SecutityTypeMaster is the name of the feed that is used to create and refresh basic information for SecurityType instances.

To manually load the file, execute the following:

      Interface ExternalFeedManager upload:"SecurityTypeMaster" usingFile:

The output buffer will display the total number of security types loaded.

Loading Security Data

The file Security.pma contains one line per security. Each line contains a security identifier, security name, currency identifier, cusip, ticker, company identifier, security type identifier, and latestMarketCapUS. The first few lines of this file are displayed below:

   id        name                              currency   cusip      ticker  companyId   type    latestMarketCapUS
    02364J10  AMERICA ONLINE INC DEL COM        USD        02364J10   AOL     02364J10    1        4792900.00
   37044210  GENERAL MTRS CORP COM             USD        37044210   GM      37044210    1       42734805.00
   45920010  INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACH COM   USD        45920010   IBM     45920010    1       88261698.75
SecurityMaster is the name of the feed that is used to create and refresh basic information for Security instances.

To manually load the file, execute the following:

      Interface ExternalFeedManager upload:"SecurityMaster" usingFile:

The output buffer will display the total number of securities loaded.

Loading Portfolio Data

The file Portfolio.pma contains one line per portfolio. Each line contains a portfolio identifier and a portfolio name. The first few lines of this file are displayed below:

   id        name
PortfolioMaster is the name of the feed that is used to create and refresh basic information for Portfolio instances.

To manually load the file, execute the following:

      Interface ExternalFeedManager upload:"PortfolioMaster" usingFile:

The output buffer will display the total number of portfolios loaded.

Loading Price Data

The file Price.pma contains multiple dates per security. Each line represents a specific security identifier, date, currency identifier, adjustmentDate closing, price, and volume. The first few lines of this file are displayed below:

  id         date            currency        adjustmentDate  close   volume
  02364J10   11/06/1997      USD             12/18/1997      79.38   2.55
  02364J10   11/07/1997      USD             12/18/1997      79.25   4.85
  02364J10   11/10/1997      USD             12/18/1997      76.06   1.75
PriceFeed is the name of the feed that is used to create and refresh basic information for security prices.

To manually load the file, execute the following:

      Interface ExternalFeedManager upload:"PriceFeed" usingFile:

The output buffer will display the total number of prices loaded.

Loading Holdings Data

The file Holdings.pma contains a line for each security held in a portfolio on a date. Multiple dates of holdings for a portfolio are involved. Each line contains a date, an account identifier, and security identifier. The first few lines of this file are displayed below:

   date      acctId  secId     shares        mval
   19971215  102     37044210  7800     497741.40
   19971215  102     00949T10  15200    589000.00
   19971215  102     02364J10  8200     695975.00
HoldingsFeed is the name of the feed that is used to create and refresh basic information for Account holdings.

To manually load the file, execute the following:

      Interface ExternalFeedManager upload:"HoldingsFeed" usingFile:

The output buffer will display the total number of holdings loaded.

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