Vision Portfolio Management FAQ: Alternative Industries


    To create an alternative industry scheme that can be accessed via the primary industry scheme by using Excel or the VAdmin interface.


    An alternative table of industry codes and names is available. Each of the primary Industry instances can be associated with one of these alternative industries. An alternative industry is accessed indirectly from Company, via its industry.

DataFeed Assumptions

IndustryMaster id, name, altIndustryId, ...
AltIndustryMaster id, name

Using Excel to load alternative industries

  1. Create the Classification subclass, AltIndustry

    1. Select Create Entity from VUpload menu
    2. Enter AltIndustry as new Entity
    3. Select Classification as starting entity class

    The AltIndustry class and the AltIndustryMaster feed will be created.

  2. Load AltIndustry Instances

    1. Set up the spreadsheet to look like the following. Note that the feed name is in the top left of the range.
        id      name
        Alt110  Alt Beverages
        Alt210  Alt Automobiles
        Alt310  Alt Broadcasting
        Alt410  Alt Food Chains
    2. Select the entire range, including the feed name.
    3. Select Upload Data from the VUpload menu.

      The AltIndustry instances have been created.

  3. Define link from Industry to AltIndustry

    1. Set up the spreadsheet to look like the following example. Note that the feed name is in the top left of the range.
        classId    property     tsflag  defaultValue
        Industry   altIndustry  N       AltIndustry
    2. Select the range, including the feed name.
    3. Select Upload Data from the VUpload menu.

      The altIndustry property has been created.

  4. Connect Industry with AltIndustry

    1. Set up the spreadsheet to look like the following example:
        id      name            altIndustry
        110     Beverages       Alt110
        210     Automobiles     Alt210
        310     Broadcasting    Alt310
        410     Food Chains     Alt410
    2. Select the range.
    3. Select Upload Data from the VUpload menu.

      The altIndustry property of Industry has been created.

  5. Access the Data

    1. Assuming that you have already updated industries for your companies, set up the spreadsheet to look like the following example:
                industry name   industry altIndustry name
    2. Select the range.
    3. Select Set Defaults from the Vision menu.
    4. Enter Company as the EntityType.
    5. Select Get Entity By Item Data from the Vision menu.

      The output will look similar to the following example:

                industry name   industry altIndustry name
        ibm     Software        Alt Software
        gm      Automobiles     Alt Automobiles
      Your Extraction is complete.

Using VAdmin to load alternative industries

  1. Create the Classification subclass, AltIndustry

    1. Select Add New Entity from Schema menu
    2. Enter AltIndustry as new Entity
    3. Select Classification as starting entity class

    The AltIndustry class and the AltIndustryMaster feed will be created.

  2. Load AltIndustry Instances

    1. Set up a tab delimited text file to look like the following example.
        id      name
        Alt110  Alt Beverages
        Alt210  Alt Automobiles
        Alt310  Alt Broadcasting
        Alt410  Alt Food Chains
      Save the file and put it in the localvision/upload/feeds directory.

    2. Select the file name from the Pending DataFeeds list box.
    3. Select the category Entity and the feed name AltIndustryFeed.
    4. Select the update button.

      The AltIndustry instances have been created.

  3. Define link from Industry to AltIndustry

    1. Set up a tab delimited file to look like the following example.
        classId    property     tsflag  defaultValue
        Industry   altIndustry  N       AltIndustry
      Save the file and put it in the localvision/upload/feeds directory.

    2. Select the file name from the Pending DataFeeds list box.
    3. Select the category PropertySetup and the feed name PropertySetup.
    4. Select the Update button.

      The altIndustry property has been created.

  4. Connect Industry with AltIndustry

    1. Set up a tab delimited file to look like the following example:
        id      name            altIndustry
        110     Beverages       Alt110
        210     Automobiles     Alt210
        310     Broadcasting    Alt310
        410     Food Chains     Alt410

      Save the file and put it in the localvision/upload/feeds directory.

    2. Select the file name from the Pending DataFeeds list box.
    3. Select the category Entity and the feed name IndustryMaster.
    4. Select the Update button.

      The altIndustry property of Industry has been created.

  5. Access the Data in Excel

    1. Open Excel
    2. Assuming that you have already updated industries for your companies, set up the spreadsheet to look like the following example:
                industry name   industry altIndustry name
    3. Select the range.
    4. Select Set Defaults from the Vision menu.
    5. Enter Company as the EntityType.
    6. Select Get Entity By Item Data from the Vision menu.

      The output will look similar to the following example:

                industry name   industry altIndustry name
        ibm     Software        Alt Software
        gm      Automobiles     Alt Automobiles
      Your Extraction is complete.