Vision Upload Format: IndexAccountMaster

Vision Portfolio Management Application Layer: Data Feeds

| Application Feeds |

Data Feed: IndexAccountMaster

Category: MasterFeed


    The IndexAccountMaster feed is used to create and refresh basic information for IndexAccount instances. An index account is an Account whose holdings are created starting with a list of securities that can be explicitly provided or derived from a Universe. The IndexAccount class is described in detail in the Portfolio Management Application Classes document. A number of related feeds are available to update and derive IndexAccount holdings and to update other account-based information.

Available Fields:

--- Required Fields ---
entityId code String id of new or existing IndexAccount instance
--- Suggested Fields ---
currencyId baseCurrency String id of existing Currency instance
name name String descriptive name
--- Other Fields ---
numericCode numericCode Number numeric code
shortName shortName String short name
sortCode sortCode String sort code

Special Processing Rules:

  • The entityId is the unique id that permanently identifies the IndexAccount. When a new IndexAccount is created, this field is used to update the code property of the new instance. This id is also added to the Named IndexAccount naming dictionary. It is added to the Named Account dictionary if the id does not conflict with the id of an instance from a different subclass of Account. If a Portfolio instance is later created with the same id as an existing IndexAccount, the reference in the Named Account dictionary will return the Portfolio instance.

  • To distinguish IndexAccount instances from instances of other Account subclasses that may be identified with the same id, a unique identifier is created by prepending the string I_ to the entityId. This id is used to update the uniqueId property of new IndexAccount instances and is added to the Account naming dictionary as well.

  • The currencyId is used to identify the currency in which monetary values for the index account are displayed by default. This includes the totalMarketValue and the totalMarketValueCash values for the IndexAccount as well as the totalMarketValue for its individual holdings. The default value is US Dollars.

Related Feeds:

  • HoldingsFeed: loads holding records for one or more Portfolio or IndexAccount instances for one or more time periods
  • IndexAccountBuilder: creates holdings for one or more IndexAccount instances over time using existing Security Universe instances and a weighting rule
  • PortfolioMaster: creates Portfolio instances
  • AggAccountMaster: creates AggAccount instances
  • PortfolioAggregates: defines Portfolio memberships in AggAccounts over time
  • CompositeAccountMaster: creates CompositeAccount instances
  • CompositeAccountMembers: defines weighted combinations of Portfolio, AggAccount, IndexAccount, and/or other CompositeAccount instances that make up a composite over time

Sample Upload:

The following tab-delimited feed could be used to create IndexAccount instances and refresh basic information:

   Interface ExternalFeedManager upload: "IndexAccountMaster" using:
   "entityId 		name    	ShortName
    INDEX1	Index Account 1		Index Acct 1
    INDEX2	Index Account 2		Index Acct 2
    "  ;