Vision Upload Format: IdSourceMaster

Vision Portfolio Management Application Layer: Data Feeds

| Application Feeds |

Data Feed: IdSourceMaster

Category: MasterFeed


    The IdSourceMaster feed is used to create and refresh basic information for IdSource instances. IdSources are used to define standard sources of entity identification schemas. Alternative identifiers are stored in cross reference dictionaries (XRef's) defined for an Entity class. XRef's provide a convenient way to track identifiers that are uniquely assigned by a specific source but may overlap with identifiers assigned by other sources.

Available Fields:

--- Required Fields ---
entityId code String id of new or existing IdSource instance
--- Suggested Fields ---
name name String descriptive name
xrefName xrefName String name of XRef (if different from code)
xrefProperty xrefProperty String name of property (if different from code)
primaryFlag primaryFlag Boolean track source at Named as well
retainOldFlag retainOldFlag Boolean keep old values in cross reference
--- Other Fields ---
numericCode numericCode Number numeric code
shortName shortName String short name
sortCode sortCode String sort code

Special Processing Rules:

  • The xrefName is used to identify the name of the XRef dictionary that will be used to store aliases supplied by this source; by default, this value will be the same as the instance's code.

  • The xrefProperty is used to identify the name of the property to be defined at the entity class which will hold the current value of the identifier supplied by this source.

  • The primaryFlag can be set to Yes (True) or No (False) to indicate that the source should be viewed as a primary supplier of identifiers. Identifiers for primary sources are tracked in the local cross reference and the entity's shared naming dictionary. By default, a source is not flagged as primary.

  • The retainOldFlag can be set to Yes (True) or No (False) to indicate that the old values of the identifier should be maintained as aliases in the cross reference. If set to true, an old identifier can be used to access the underlying entity instance until it is reassigned by the source to reference a different entity. By default, a source is not flagged to retain old values.

Related Feeds:

Sample Upload:

The following tab-delimited feed could be used to create IdSource instances and refresh basic information:

   Interface ExternalFeedManager upload: "IdSourceMaster" using:
   "Id	      Name       primaryFlag   xrefName   xrefProperty  retainOldFlag
    CUSIP     Cusip      Yes           Cusip      cusip         Yes
    SEDOL     Sedol      Yes           Sedol      sedol	        Yes
    TICKERUS  US Ticker  Yes           TickerUS   ticker        No
    RIC       Reuters    No            Ric        ricCode       No
    ISIN      Isin       Yes           Isin       isin          No
    Valor     Valor      No            Valor      valor         No 
   " ;