Vision Upload Format: EconFeed

Vision Portfolio Management Application Layer: Data Feeds

| Application Feeds |

Data Feed: EconFeed

Category: EntityExtenderFeed


    The EconFeed feed is used to create and update EconomicData data record instances for countries. A single EconomicData record is created for each Country; time series properties are defined for this record and can be updated at whatever frequency is appropriate for the series. The data is accessed via the property econData defined for the Country class.

    This feed can include data for any number of countries for any number of dates and can be used to set initial values for properties and/or change existing values.

    This class is described in the Portfolio Management Application Supplemental Classes document.

Available Fields:

--- Required Fields ---
entityId entity String any valid country identifier
date date Date date of data
--- Suggested Fields ---
gnp gnp Number Gross National Production
cpi cpi Number Consumer Price Index

Special Processing Rules:

  • The entityId must correspond to an existing Country instance. Any valid country alias can be used to identify the country.

  • The date is used to update any of the fields associated with time series properties. It can be in any valid date format such as 9705 or 5/31/97.

  • A country's EconomicData record is attached to the country via the fixed property econData. The individual properties associated with the record are defined to vary over time. A single upload should include fields that vary over time with the same frequency.

Related Feeds:

Sample Upload:

The following tab-delimited feed could be used to create and update EconomicData instances:

  Interface ExternalFeedManager upload: "EconFeed" using:
     "entityId     date       gnp      cpi
      US           95         1234.56  987.65
      US           96         2345.67  876.54
      CA           95         111.22   33.44
      CA           96         222.33   44.55
     " ;