PMA Tutorial 1: Basic Security and Account Access

To run these examples, you should first start a new session then load the sample database using:
    "/localvision/samples/pma/sample.load" asFileContents evaluate ; 
Any other files referenced can be read from the /localvision/samples/pma directory.

Note: The sample.load file runs by default on a Unix environment. If you are using a Windows NT platform, this location may be prefixed by a drive and optional path (e.g. d:/visiondb/localvision/samples/pma/sample.load). Check with your Vision Administrator for further details.

The first example displays a basic data item for a single Security. Read the file example1.a. You should see the following:

    Named Security IBM ticker print ;

Execute this program. You should see:


The message ticker is a property of Security.

This example displays two basic data items for a single Security. Read the file example1.b. You should see the following:

    Named Security IBM ticker print ;
    Named Security IBM price print ;

Execute this program. You should see:

    IBM   102.00

The next example displays multiple data items in one statement for a single security. Read the file example1.c You should see the following:

    Named Security IBM
    do: [ 
          ticker print: 5 ; 
          name print: 30 ; 
          price print:10 ;
         ] ;

Execute this program. You should see:


The do: statement is used to streamline repetitive code. In this example, the do: statement is used to write three separate messages name, ticker, and price into one statement.

In the previous examples the current date was used because one had not been supplied. However, it is possible to access data from any date. The following example displays the same data as the previous example but as of 12/10/97. Read the file example1.d. You should see:

    971210 evaluate: 
       Named Security IBM 
       do: [ 
            ticker print: 5 ; 
            name print: 30 ; 
            price print:10 ;
           ] ;

Execute this program. You should see:


The evaluate: message will access all data as of the date supplied. This date becomes the default date used for all operations contained inside the brackets.

This example displays some additional data about IBM. Read the file example1.e. You should see:

     Named Security IBM 
       do: [ 
            ticker print: 5 ; 
            company fiscalYearEnd print:-5 ;
    	company industry sector print: 8 ; 
            price print:10 ;
           ] ;

Execute this program. You should see:

    IBM  12   TECH        102.00
One aspect of navigational flow in Vision is that messages are defined to return objects from other classes. An example of this is in the message company fiscalYearEnd, which displays the month in which a company has its fiscal year end. The message company at the class Security returns an instance of the Company class, which enables you to access the message fiscalYearEnd or any other message defined at the Company class, such as industry or country.

The example company industry sector, is a continuation of the navigational theme. The message industry, which is defined at Company, allows you to find the sector for the security IBM.

This next program displays the same data, but for a list of Securities. Read the file example1.f. You should see:
    Security masterList
       first: 100 . 
       do: [ 
            ticker print: 10 ; 
            name print: 30 ; 
            price printNL:10;
           ] ;

Execute this program. You should see:

    CashUS    CashUS                               NA 
    AOL       AMERICA ONLINE INC DEL COM         83.94
    GM        GENERAL MTRS CORP COM              64.38
The expression Security masterList is a list of all securities in the database. The message first:100 limits the output to the first 100 in the database.
This next example displays the same data for multiple Securities as of a different date. Read the file example1.g. You should see:
    971210 evaluate:
     Security masterList
       do: [ 
            ticker print: 5 ; 
            name print: 30 ; 
            price printNL:10;
           ] ;

Execute this program. You should see:

    CashUCashUS                               NA 
    GM   GENERAL MTRS CORP COM              64.38

The next example displays securities with a price over $50. Read the file example1.h. You should see:
    Security masterList 
    select:[ price > 50 ] .
    sortUp: [ name ] .
    do: [ 
          code print:15 ; 
          name print:30 ;
          price printNL:10 ;

Execute this program. You should see:

    02364J10       AMERICA ONLINE INC DEL COM         83.94
    37044210       GENERAL MTRS CORP COM              64.38
    45920010       INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACH CO    102.00
    275438         ROYAL BK CDA MONTREAL QUE COM      53.50
The select: message eliminates all data that does not meet the criteria inside its brackets. The sortUp: message sorts the information in ascending order by a chosen message. In this case, it is sorted by the name.
The next example displays securities with a price over $50 as of a different date. Read the file example1.i. You should see:
    971210 evaluate:
    Security masterList 
    select:[ price > 50 ] .
    sortUp: [ name ] .
    do: [ 
          code print:15; 
          name print:30;
          price printNL:10;

Execute this program. You should see:

    02364J10       AMERICA ONLINE INC DEL COM         85.00
    37044210       GENERAL MTRS CORP COM              64.38
    45920010       INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACH CO    106.50
    275438         ROYAL BK CDA MONTREAL QUE COM      53.50

The following example improves on the previous example by grouping the securities by sector. Read the file example1.j. You should see:
    Security masterList 
    select:[ price > 50 ] .
    groupedBy: [ company industry sector ] .
    sortUp: [ name ] .
    do: [  
          name printNL;  # This is the Sector name
          newLine print;
              code print:10;
              name print:30;
              price printNL;
        newLine print;

Execute this program. You should see:

    Consumer durables
    37044210  GENERAL MTRS CORP COM             64.38
    Consumer services
    02364J10  AMERICA ONLINE INC DEL COM        83.94
The groupedBy: message groups the current list based on the supplied block. Once the list has been grouped, the securities in the group are accessed with the groupList message.

The first Account example displays data items for a single account based on the most recent pricing date of 12/15/97. Read the file example1.k You should see the following:

    Named Account \102 
        code print:5;
        name print:20;
        holdings count print:5;
        totalMarketValue printWithCommasNL:15;

Execute this program. You should see:

    102  INSYTE GROWTH FUND     11   4,655,327.20

The message holdings count is used to find the total number of holdings within the Account.

This next program displays the same data, but for a list of Accounts. Read the file example1.l. You should see:

    Account masterList 
    sortDown:[name] .
        code print:5;
        name print:35;
        holdings count print:5;
        totalMarketValue printWithCommasNL:20; 

Execute this program. You should see:

    879  RICH's INTL FUND                      22        7,822,067.28
    999  RICH'S INSYTE GLOBAL FUND             20        4,740,402.27
    892  RICH'S GROWTH FUND                    25       10,391,284.11

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