Vision Messages: DateRange
| Home | Class | Message XRef | Messages (Gen) |
= aValue              Method     defined at DateRange     returning Boolean
Tests if recipient equals the supplied value.
Also Defined At
| Object | Date | String |
asDateList              Method     defined at DateRange     returning List
Converts a date range into a list of dates.
asSelf              Primitive     defined at DateRange     returning DateRange
Returns the original object.
classDescriptor              Constant     defined at DateRange     returning Object
Reference to the object which describes the class. Class level information is stored here.
date1              FixedProperty     defined at DateRange     returning Date
Returns the starting date of the date range.
date2              FixedProperty     defined at DateRange     returning Date
Returns the ending date of the date range.
defaultInstance              Constant     defined at DateRange     returning DateRange
Returns the default instance of the recipient object's class
evaluate: aBlock              Method     defined at DateRange     returning DateRange
Evaluates all statements in the block for each date in the Date Range. Each Date in the Date Range becomes the default inside the block (changing the value of the 'magic word' ^date).
Also Defined At
| Date | Currency |
extract: block for: object              Method     defined at DateRange     returning TimeSeries
This message evaluates the supplied block for the supplied object for each date in the recipient date range and returns the result as a time series, oen point for each date in the range.
Also Defined At
| Date |
increment              FixedProperty     defined at DateRange     returning DateOffset
Returns the increment of the date range.
isDateRange              Constant     defined at DateRange     returning TRUE
Returns a TRUE value when sent to any DateRange.
Also Defined At
| Object |
iterate:              Method     defined at DateRange     returning Object
This message is used to consider each element in the recipient collection or date range one at a time in sequential order. Unlike the 'do:' message which operates in parallel, this message works sequentially and may be much slower. It is useful in cases where you need to use the results of a prior element in each iteration and where the size of the structures generated by parallel execution consumes more memorry resource than desired.
Also Defined At
| Collection | TimeSeries |
new              Method     defined at DateRange     returning DateRange
Disables the 'new' message.
Also Defined At
| Object | Boolean | Collection | Undefined | Dictionary |
print              Method     defined at DateRange     returning DateRange
Redefines the standard print message to print out a description of the date range.
whatAmI              Constant     defined at DateRange     returning String
Returns the string 'DateRange'.
vision on-line | insyte © June 1996 |