Vision Messages: Security
Profile of Class Security
Includes Classes: Entity, Security
Object | Entity | +--- Security
Instances of the Security class represent the individual securities issued by a company or equivalent entity such as the government. A variety of security types may exist including cash, common and preferred stocks, convertible and non-convertible bonds, and put and call options. Data maintained for a security typically includes price, dividend and shares/amount outstanding information. Portfolios hold specific amounts of one or more securities.
Message Index
XRef (Entity)
XRef (Security)
_sharesOut (Security)
accessExpression (Entity)
addAlias: alias (Entity)
addAlias: string (Security)
addAlias: string toXRefIn: dictionary (Entity)
addSplitFactorOf: aFactor onExDate: aDate (Security)
adjustmentFactor (Security)
adjustmentRelativeTo: aDate (Security)
aliases (Entity)
asSelf (Entity)
asSelf (Security)
canCusip (Security)
canCusip8 (Security)
classDescriptor (Entity)
classDescriptor (Security)
cleanupClassStructures (Entity)
cleanupHoldingsAsOf: date (Security)
cleanupLocalNames (Entity)
cleanupLocalNames (Security)
clusterStrings (Entity)
company (Security)
createAndLink: id (Security)
createInitializationListFrom: initList (Entity)
createNewXRefManager (Entity)
createPrivateStructure (Entity)
createXRef: id withProperty: propertyId (Entity)
cusip (Security)
cusip8 (Security)
defaultInstance (Entity)
defaultInstance (Security)
deleteAlias: aliasList (Entity)
deleteAlias: string (Security)
deleteCurrentHoldings (Security)
displayInfo (Entity)
displayInfo (Security)
displayLabel (Entity)
displayLabelKey (Entity)
displayXRefAuditReport (Entity)
dividend (Security)
dividendSeries (Security)
dividends (Security)
getAdjustedDataFor: aTimeSeries (Security)
getAdjustedSharesDataFor: aTimeSeries (Security)
getAggAccounts (Security)
getDivsFrom: date1 to: date2 (Security)
getHoldingIn: portfolio (Security)
getIndexAccounts (Security)
getOrCreate: key (Entity)
getPriceRecord (Security)
getRecordForUser: userName (Entity)
heldIn: portfolio (Security)
helpMessage (Entity)
holdings (Security)
holdingsDate (Security)
holdingsPrototype (Security)
holdingsSeries (Security)
id (Security)
initializationList (Entity)
initializationList (Security)
initialize (Entity)
initialize (Security)
initializeDataBaseLinks (Entity)
initializeForHoldingsPrecalcs (Security)
initializeGlobalInstanceProperties (Entity)
initializeGlobalSubclassProperties (Entity)
initializeLocalAttributes (Entity)
isEntity (Entity)
isMemberOf: universe (Entity)
isSecurity (Security)
isin (Security)
locateId: id (Entity)
locateId: id (Security)
locateIds: string (Entity)
masterListCodes (Entity)
name (Entity)
named (Entity)
named (Security)
newAs: string (Entity)
numericCode (Entity)
price (Security)
priceChangeFrom: date1 to: date2 (Security)
prices (Security)
pricingSeries (Security)
print (Entity)
print: aFormat (Entity)
profile (Entity)
profile (Security)
purgeHoldings (Security)
rawSplitFactor (Security)
rebuildAdjustmentFactor (Security)
rebuildAliases (Entity)
rebuildHoldings (Security)
resetCanCusipTo: string (Security)
resetCodeTo: string (Security)
resetCompany (Security)
resetCusipTo: string (Security)
resetIsinTo: string (Security)
resetSedolTo: string (Security)
resetValorTo: string (Security)
sedol (Security)
sedol6 (Security)
setCanCusipTo: string (Security)
setCompanyTo: comp (Security)
setCusipTo: string (Security)
setIsinTo: string (Security)
setNameTo: string (Entity)
setNumericCodeTo: string (Entity)
setSedolTo: string (Security)
setShortNameTo: string (Entity)
setSortCodeTo: string (Entity)
setTickerTo: string (Security)
setTypeTo: sectype (Security)
setValorTo: string (Security)
setXRefIn: dictionary to: string (Entity)
sharesOut (Security)
shortName (Entity)
sortCode (Entity)
specializeAs: string at: object (Entity)
ticker (Security)
totalReturnFrom: date1 to: date2 (Security)
type (Security)
universes (Entity)
updateInitializationListWith: block (Entity)
validateInputString: input (Entity)
valor (Security)
volume (Security)
whatAmI (Entity)
whatAmI (Security)
Synopsis:XRefEntity XRefDescription:
Provides cross reference for alternative identifiers.Type: Constant          Function: Schema          Level: DBA
Returns: XRef
Synopsis:_sharesOutSecurity XRefDescription:
Provides cross reference for alternative identifiers.Type: Constant          Function: Schema          Level: DBA
Returns: Security XRef
Synopsis:accessExpressionSecurity _sharesOutDescription:
Shares outstanding (unadjusted for splits).Type: Method (time varying)          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: Number
Synopsis:addAlias:Entity accessExpressionDescription:
Returns a string that could be used to request recipientType: Method          Function: Format          Level: Advanced
Returns: String
Synopsis:addAlias:Entity addAlias: aliasDescription:
Adds supplied string as alternate name in recipient's naming dictionary.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Entity
1 - String
Synopsis:addAlias:toXRefIn:Security addAlias: stringDescription:
Adds the parameter as an alias in Named Security. The alias is also added to the Named Company dictionary if the recipient is associated with a non-default Company.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Security
1 - String
Synopsis:addSplitFactorOf:onExDate:Entity addAlias: string toXRefIn: dictionaryDescription:
Adds the supplied string as an alias in the supplied cross reference dictionary.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Entity
1 - String
2 - XRef
Synopsis:adjustmentFactorSecurity addSplitFactorOf: aFactor onExDate: aDateDescription:
Adds the supplied split factor to the recipient's 'rawSplitFactor' on the supplied date. A 2-for-1 stock split should get added with a factor of 2.0. A 10% stock dividend should get added with a factor of 1.1.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Security
1 - Number
2 - Date
Synopsis:adjustmentRelativeTo:Security adjustmentFactorDescription:
Cumulative adjustment factor. This property has an initial value of 1.0. Each time a split occurs, a new point representing the product of the new raw factor and the last adjustment factor is stored in this property as of the ex-date. To properly use the adjustment factor, you access values as of the two dates involved, the adjustment date and the current date. The ratio of these factors gives you the correct adjustment.Type: TimeSeriesProperty          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: Number
Synopsis:aliasesSecurity adjustmentRelativeTo: aDateDescription:
Adjustment value that accounts for any splits in the recipient since supplied date. This value will be 1.0 if no splits have occurred. The value is used to adjust historic per-share and shares outstanding data.Type: Method          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: Number
1 - Date
Synopsis:asSelfEntity aliasesDescription:
Returns list of aliases defined for recipient. These aliases should represent valid identifier to use with the recipient's naming dictionary.Type: FixedProperty          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: List of String
Synopsis:asSelfEntity asSelfDescription:
Recipient stripped of any extensions.Type: Primitive          Function: Conversion          Level: Basic
Returns: Entity
Synopsis:canCusipSecurity asSelfDescription:
Recipient stripped of any extensions.Type: Primitive          Function: Conversion          Level: Basic
Returns: Security
Synopsis:canCusip8Security canCusipDescription:
Canadian cusip.Type: FixedProperty          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: String
Synopsis:classDescriptorSecurity canCusip8Description:
First 8 characters of canadian cusip.Type: Method          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: String
Synopsis:classDescriptorEntity classDescriptorDescription:
Class descriptor for recipient's class.Type: Constant          Function: Schema          Level: Basic
Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor
Synopsis:cleanupClassStructuresSecurity classDescriptorDescription:
Class descriptor for recipient's class.Type: Constant          Function: Schema          Level: Basic
Returns: Schema ClassDescriptor
Synopsis:cleanupHoldingsAsOf:Entity cleanupClassStructuresDescription:
Runs 'cleanStoreAndDictionary' at Object, this method is redefined as needed by subclasses to perform general cleanup functions.Type: Method          Function: DBAdmin          Level: DBA
Returns: NoValue
Synopsis:cleanupLocalNamesSecurity cleanupHoldingsAsOf: dateDescription:
Deletes holdingsSeries lists for all Securities as of supplied date. This method is normally run as part of the purging of holdings for all accounts ('Account purgeOldHoldingsForAll').Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: NoValue
1 - Date
Synopsis:cleanupLocalNamesEntity cleanupLocalNamesDescription:
This method is executed by the 'flagForDeletionWithReason:' message and is used to remove aliases from the appropriate naming dictionaries.Type: Method          Function: DBAdmin          Level: DBA
Returns: NoValue
Synopsis:clusterStringsSecurity cleanupLocalNamesDescription:
Deletes cusip8 and sedol6 aliases from appropriate naming dictionaries.Type: Method          Function: DBAdmin          Level: DBA
Returns: NoValue
Synopsis:companyEntity clusterStringsDescription:
Reclusters string property values.Type: Method          Function: DBAdamin          Level: DBA
Returns: NoValue
Synopsis:createAndLink:Security companyDescription:
Company issuing the recipient.Type: FixedProperty          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: Company
Synopsis:createInitializationListFrom:Security createAndLink: idDescription:
Creates Security and/or Company using supplied id. The security's 'company' is set to this company. The company's 'primarySecurity' is set to this security if it is currently not set.Type: Method          Function: Creation          Level: DBA
Returns: Security
1 - String
Synopsis:createNewXRefManagerEntity createInitializationListFrom: initListDescription:
Creates a new class constant for the recipient's class named 'initializationList' and copies the list of blocks in supplied parameter to this list. The initializationList is used during the instance creation process to initialize default values in the new instance.Type: Method          Function: Schema          Level: DBA
Returns: Entity
1 - List
Synopsis:createPrivateStructureEntity createNewXRefManagerDescription:
Creates a new XRef manager as a class constant for the recipient's class and stores the Default reference to the recipient's class naming dictionary.Type: Method          Function: Schema          Level: DBA
Returns: XRef
Synopsis:createXRef:withProperty:Entity createPrivateStructureDescription:
Creates private extension of recipient's class.Type: Method          Function: Schema          Level: DBA
Returns: PrivateRecord
Synopsis:cusipEntity createXRef: id withProperty: propertyIdDescription:
Creates a new XRef for recipient's class and defines the supplied property for this class.Type: Method          Function: Schema          Level: DBA
Returns: XRef
1 - String
2 - String
Synopsis:cusip8Security cusipDescription:
Cusip identifier.Type: FixedProperty          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: String
Synopsis:defaultInstanceSecurity cusip8Description:
First 8 characters of cusip.Type: Method          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: Object
Synopsis:defaultInstanceEntity defaultInstanceDescription:
Returns the default Entity instance.Type: Constant          Function: Schema          Level: Basic
Returns: Entity
Synopsis:deleteAlias:Security defaultInstanceDescription:
Returns the default Security instance.Type: Constant          Function: Schema          Level: Basic
Returns: Security
Synopsis:deleteAlias:Entity deleteAlias: aliasListDescription:
Deletes the alias from the recipient's naming dictionary.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Entity
1 - String
Synopsis:deleteCurrentHoldingsSecurity deleteAlias: stringDescription:
Deletes the alias from the Named Security and Name Company dictionaries.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Security
1 - String
Synopsis:displayInfoSecurity deleteCurrentHoldingsDescription:
Deletes holdingsSeries list as of ^date. This method is normally run as part of a global purge of old holdings.Type: Method (time varying)          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: NoValue
Synopsis:displayInfoEntity displayInfoDescription:
Displays the code and name for the recipient followed by a new line. This message is often redefined by the subclasses to display one line of simple formatted information about an entity.Type: Method          Function: Display          Level: Basic
Returns: NoValue
Synopsis:displayLabelSecurity displayInfoDescription:
One line display of code, ticker, and name.Type: Method          Function: Display          Level: Basic
Returns: NoValue
Synopsis:displayLabelKeyEntity displayLabelDescription:
Returns recipient's name by default. This message is often redefined by the Entity subclasses.Type: Method          Function: Display          Level: Basic
Returns: String
Synopsis:displayXRefAuditReportEntity displayLabelKeyDescription:
Returns the recipient's code by default. This message is often redefined by the Entity subclasses.Type: Method          Function: Display          Level: Basic
Returns: String
Synopsis:dividendEntity displayXRefAuditReportDescription:
Displays a report summarizing the different XRef dictionaries defined for recipient's class.Type: Method          Function: Display          Level: DBA
Returns: NoValue
Synopsis:dividendSeriesSecurity dividendDescription:
Last cash dividend paid on or before ^date (adjusted for splits and currency).Type: Method (time varying)          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: Number
Synopsis:dividendsSecurity dividendSeriesDescription:
Last DivRecord on or before ^date.Type: TimeSeriesProperty          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: DivRecord
Synopsis:getAdjustedDataFor:Security dividendsDescription:
TimeSeries of all DivRecords for the recipient.Type: Method          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: TimeSeries of DivRecord
Synopsis:getAdjustedSharesDataFor:Security getAdjustedDataFor: aTimeSeriesDescription:
Returns the value of the supplied time series as of ^date, adjusted for any splits that have occurred since the value went into effect. The raw value in the time series is divided by the adjustment (i.e., per share).Type: Method (time varying)          Function: Data          Level: Advanced
Returns: Number
1 - TimeSeries
Synopsis:getAggAccountsSecurity getAdjustedSharesDataFor: aTimeSeriesDescription:
Returns the value of the supplied time series as of ^date, adjusted for any splits that have occurred since the value went into effect. The raw value in the time series is multipled by the adjustment (i.e., shares out).Type: Method (time varying)          Function: Data          Level: Advanced
Returns: Number
1 - TimeSeries
Synopsis:getDivsFrom:to:Security getAggAccountsDescription:
List of AggAccounts holding recipient.Type: Method (time varying)          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: List of AggAccount
Synopsis:getHoldingIn:Security getDivsFrom: date1 to: date2Description:
Total cash dividend paid between two supplied dates.Type: Method          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: Number
1 - Date
2 - Date
Synopsis:getIndexAccountsSecurity getHoldingIn: portfolioDescription:
If recipient is held by supplied Portfolio, the Holdng is returned. If it is not held, the default Holding is returned.Type: Method (time varying)          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: Holding
1 - Portfolio
Synopsis:getOrCreate:Security getIndexAccountsDescription:
List of IndexAccounts that include recipient.Type: Method (time varying)          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: List of IndexAccount
Synopsis:getPriceRecordEntity getOrCreate: keyDescription:
Returns object named by string in recipient class' naming dictionary. If not found, a new instance is created and returned.Type: Method          Function: Access          Level: DBA
Returns: Entity
1 - String
Synopsis:getRecordForUser:Security getPriceRecordDescription:
Latest PriceRecord on or before ^date.Type: Method (time varying)          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: PriceRecord
Synopsis:heldIn:Entity getRecordForUser: userNameDescription:
Returns private data extension for recipient maintained by specified user.Type: Method          Function: Access          Level: Advanced
Returns: PrivateRecord
1 - String
Synopsis:helpMessageSecurity heldIn: portfolioDescription:
Is recipient held in supplied Portfolio?Type: Method (time varying)          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: Boolean
1 - Portfolio
Synopsis:holdingsEntity helpMessageDescription:
Returns a message describing the recipient.Type: Method          Function: Descriptive          Level: Basic
Returns: String
Synopsis:holdingsDateSecurity holdingsDescription:
List of Holding instances that reference recipient. Holdings list are maintained over time and reflect all Portfolios that owned recipient as of a date.Type: Method (time varying)          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: List of Holding
Synopsis:holdingsPrototypeSecurity holdingsDateDescription:
Effective date of holdings relative to ^date.Type: Method (time varying)          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: Date
Synopsis:holdingsSeriesSecurity holdingsPrototypeDescription:
Used to cluster 'holdingsSeries' list objects.Type: Constant          Function: Schema          Level: DBA
Returns: List of Holding
Synopsis:idSecurity holdingsSeriesDescription:
TimeSeries of Lists of Holdings of recipient security.Type: TimeSeriesProperty          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: List of Holding
Synopsis:initializationListSecurity idDescription:
Returns the ticker if non-NA, the code otherwise.Type: Method          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: String
Synopsis:initializationListEntity initializationListDescription:
Returns the list of blocks used to initialize default values in new instances of the recipient's class.Type: Constant          Function: Schema          Level: DBA
Returns: List of Block
Synopsis:initializeSecurity initializationListDescription:
Default values set on instance creation, this list includes 'baseCurrency'.Type: Constant          Function: Schema          Level: DBA
Returns: List of Block
Synopsis:initializeEntity initializeDescription:
Initializes properties in newly created instance.Type: Method          Function: Creation          Level: DBA
Returns: Entity
Synopsis:initializeDataBaseLinksSecurity initializeDescription:
Initializes properties in newly created instance.Type: Method          Function: Creation          Level: DBA
Returns: Security
Synopsis:initializeForHoldingsPrecalcsEntity initializeDataBaseLinksDescription:
Initializes a new instance. Run as part of the instance creation process.Type: Method          Function: Creation          Level: DBA
Returns: Entity
Synopsis:initializeGlobalInstancePropertiesSecurity initializeForHoldingsPrecalcsDescription:
Initializes properties prior to holdings cross reference for securities.Type: Method (time varying)          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: NoValue
Synopsis:initializeGlobalSubclassPropertiesEntity initializeGlobalInstancePropertiesDescription:
Initializes a new instance. Run as part of the instance creation process.Type: Method          Function: Creation          Level: DBA
Returns: Entity
Synopsis:initializeLocalAttributesEntity initializeGlobalSubclassPropertiesDescription:
This method is run as part of the 'specialized' method and is used to initialize properties in the default row of the new class.Type: Method          Function: Creation          Level: DBA
Returns: Entity
Synopsis:isEntityEntity initializeLocalAttributesDescription:
Initializes a new instance. Run as part of the instance creation process.Type: Method          Function: Creation          Level: DBA
Returns: Entity
Synopsis:isMemberOf:Entity isEntityDescription:
Returns the value TRUE when sent to any Entity.Type: Constant          Function: Inquiry          Level: Basic
Returns: TRUE
Synopsis:isSecurityEntity isMemberOf: universeDescription:
Returns TRUE if recipient is a member of supplied Universe or Classification.Type: Method (time varying)          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: Boolean
1 - Universe
Synopsis:isinSecurity isSecurityDescription:
Returns the value TRUE.Type: Constant          Function: Inquiry          Level: Basic
Returns: TRUE
Synopsis:locateId:Security isinDescription:
Isin code.Type: FixedProperty          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: String
Synopsis:locateId:Entity locateId: idDescription:
Returns entity associated with id supplied, searching naming dictionaries associated with entity class. By default only 'named' is searched; this message can be redefined for subclasses that can use multiple dictionaries.Type: Method          Function: Access          Level: Basic
Returns: Entity
1 - String
Synopsis:locateIds:Security locateId: idDescription:
Returns the Security object associated with the supplied id. If the id is not found in the Named Security dictionary, the Cusip, Sedol, CanCusip, Valor, and Isin XRef dictionaries are searched in order until a match is found. If no match is found, NA is returned.Type: Method          Function: Access          Level: Basic
Returns: Security
1 - String
Synopsis:masterListCodesEntity locateIds: stringDescription:
Returns a list of entities of recipient's class. The parameter should be supplied as a single string with the ',' character used to separate the ids to locate (e.g., "GM, IBM, XON" ).Type: Method          Function: Access          Level: Basic
Returns: List of Entity
1 - String
Synopsis:nameEntity masterListCodesDescription:
Displays code and name for all non-default instances in recipient's class.Type: Method          Function: Display          Level: Basic
Returns: NoValue
Synopsis:namedEntity nameDescription:
recipient's name.Type: FixedProperty          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: String
Synopsis:namedEntity namedDescription:
Naming dictionary for recipient's class.Type: Constant          Function: Schema          Level: Basic
Returns: Dictionary
Synopsis:newAs:Security namedDescription:
Naming dictionary associated with recipient's class.Type: Constant          Function: Schema          Level: Basic
Returns: Named
Synopsis:numericCodeEntity newAs: stringDescription:
Special version of 'newAs:' message designed to address the additional requirements of entity instance creation.Type: Method          Function: Creation          Level: DBA
Returns: Entity
1 - String
Synopsis:priceEntity numericCodeDescription:
Numeric code. This value can be used to assign numeric orderings for instances of a class.Type: FixedProperty          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: String
Synopsis:priceChangeFrom:to:Security priceDescription:
Closing price for recipient (adjusted for splits and currency).Type: Method (time varying)          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: Number
Synopsis:pricesSecurity priceChangeFrom: date1 to: date2Description:
Percent change in price between two supplied dates.Type: Method          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: Number
1 - Date
2 - Date
Synopsis:pricingSeriesSecurity pricesDescription:
TimeSeries of all PriceRecords for recipient.Type: Method          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: TimeSeries of PriceRecord
Synopsis:printSecurity pricingSeriesDescription:
Multi-level pricing structure used to efficiently store references to the PriceRecords associated with the reicpient.Type: TimeSeriesProperty          Function: DBAdmin          Level: Advanced
Returns: TimeSeries of TimeSeries
Synopsis:print:Entity printDescription:
Redefines the standard print message so that recipient's 'code' is printed.Type: Method          Function: Display          Level: Basic
Returns: Entity
Synopsis:profileEntity print: aFormatDescription:
Prints recipient's 'code' using supplied format.Type: Method          Function: Display          Level: Basic
Returns: Entity
1 - Integer
Synopsis:profileEntity profileDescription:
Displays a multi-line description of recipient.Type: Method          Function: Display          Level: Basic
Returns: NoValue
Synopsis:purgeHoldingsSecurity profileDescription:
Basic descriptive report about the recipient.Type: Method          Function: Display          Level: Basic
Returns: NoValue
Synopsis:rawSplitFactorSecurity purgeHoldingsDescription:
Removes list from 'holdingsSeries' on ^date.Type: Method (time varying)          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: NoValue
Synopsis:rebuildAdjustmentFactorSecurity rawSplitFactorDescription:
Records stock split and stock dividends for the recipient by ex-date. A 2-for-1 stock split is stored as a 2.0. A 10% stock dividend is stored as a 1.1.Type: TimeSeriesProperty          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: Number
Synopsis:rebuildAliasesSecurity rebuildAdjustmentFactorDescription:
Rebuilds the 'adjustmentFactor' time series for the recipient using the values in 'rawSplitFactor'.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: NoValue
Synopsis:rebuildHoldingsEntity rebuildAliasesDescription:
Rebuilds the 'aliases' list for all instances of recipient's using the current selector in recpient's naming dictionary.Type: Method          Function: Schema          Level: DBA
Returns: NoValue
Synopsis:resetCanCusipTo:Security rebuildHoldingsDescription:
Rebuilds the holdings cross reference for all securities. The holdings for all Portfolio instances are included.Type: Method (time varying)          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: NoValue
Synopsis:resetCodeTo:Security resetCanCusipTo: stringDescription:
Delete the recipient's current canadian cusip and set the 'canCusip' to the supplied value. The current value is removed from the Named Security, Named Company, and XRef CanCusip dictionaries.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Security
1 - String
Synopsis:resetCompanySecurity resetCodeTo: stringDescription:
Change the recipient's 'code' to the supplied string. If the recipient's company code was the same as the recipient's code, it is changed to the supplied string as well.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Security
1 - String
Synopsis:resetCusipTo:Security resetCompanyDescription:
Resets recipient's 'company' to the default.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Security
Synopsis:resetIsinTo:Security resetCusipTo: stringDescription:
Delete the recipient's current cusip and set the 'cusip' to the supplied value. The current value is removed from the Named Security, Named Company, and XRef Cusip dictionaries.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Security
1 - String
Synopsis:resetSedolTo:Security resetIsinTo: stringDescription:
Delete the recipient's current isin and set the 'cusip' to the supplied value. The current value is removed from the Named Security, Named Company, and XRef Isin dictionaries.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Security
1 - String
Synopsis:resetValorTo:Security resetSedolTo: stringDescription:
Delete the recipient's current sedol and set the 'sedol' to the supplied value. The current value is removed from the Named Security, Named Company, and XRef Sedol dictionaries.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Security
1 - String
Synopsis:sedolSecurity resetValorTo: stringDescription:
Delete the recipient's current valor and set the 'valor' to the supplied value. The current value is removed from the Named Security, Named Company, and XRef Valor dictionaries.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Security
1 - String
Synopsis:sedol6Security sedolDescription:
Sedol identifier.Type: FixedProperty          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: String
Synopsis:setCanCusipTo:Security sedol6Description:
First 6 characters of sedol.Type: Method          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: String
Synopsis:setCompanyTo:Security setCanCusipTo: stringDescription:
Sets the recipient's 'canCusip' to supplied string. If the current 'code' is the same as the old 'canCusip', it is reset to the supplied string as well. The string is added as an alias to the Named Security and Named Company dictionaries (with a prepended 'c') and to the XRef CanCusip (as an 8 and 9 character id).Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Security
1 - String
Synopsis:setCusipTo:Security setCompanyTo: compDescription:
Set company for recipient. Note that security/company pairs that are created together with 'createAndLink:' will have identical 'code' value and should not be reset because you will lose aliases at the company. The recipient's aliases that are associated with the original company are deleted from this company and added to the supplied company. If the supplied company does not refer to a primary security, its 'primarySecurity' is set to recipient.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Security
1 - Company
Synopsis:setIsinTo:Security setCusipTo: stringDescription:
Sets the recipient's 'cusip' to supplied string. If the current 'code' is the same as the old 'cusip', it is reset to the supplied string as well. The string is added as an alias to the Named Security and Named Company dictionaries and to the XRef Cusip (as an 8 and 9 character id).Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Security
1 - String
Synopsis:setNameTo:Security setIsinTo: stringDescription:
Sets the recipient's 'isin' to supplied string. If the current 'code' is the same as the old 'isin', it is reset to the supplied string as well. The string is added as an alias to the Named Security and Named Company dictionaries and to the XRef Isin.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Security
1 - String
Synopsis:setNumericCodeTo:Entity setNameTo: stringDescription:
Updates recipient's 'name' property with supplied string.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Entity
1 - String
Synopsis:setSedolTo:Entity setNumericCodeTo: stringDescription:
Updates recipient's 'numericCode' property with supplied number.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Entity
1 - Number
Synopsis:setShortNameTo:Security setSedolTo: stringDescription:
Sets the recipient's 'sedol' to supplied string. If the current 'code' is the same as the old 'sedol', it is reset to the supplied string as well. The string is added as an alias to the Named Security and Named Company dictionaries and to the XRef Sedol (6 and 7 character sedol id).Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Security
1 - String
Synopsis:setSortCodeTo:Entity setShortNameTo: stringDescription:
Updates recipient's 'shortName' property with string.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Entity
1 - String
Synopsis:setTickerTo:Entity setSortCodeTo: stringDescription:
Updates recipient's 'sortCode' property with string.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Entity
1 - String
Synopsis:setTypeTo:Security setTickerTo: stringDescription:
Sets the recipient's 'ticker' to supplied string. The string is added as an alias to the Named Security and Named Company dictionaries.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Security
1 - String
Synopsis:setValorTo:Security setTypeTo: sectypeDescription:
Sets recipient's 'type' property to the supplied SecurityType.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Security
1 - SecurityType
Synopsis:setXRefIn:to:Security setValorTo: stringDescription:
Sets the recipient's 'valor' to supplied string. If the current 'code' is the same as the old 'valor', it is reset to the supplied string as well. The string is added as an alias to the Named Security and Named Company dictionaries (prepended with 'v') and to the XRef Valor.Type: Method          Function: Update          Level: DBA
Returns: Security
1 - String
Synopsis:sharesOutEntity setXRefIn: dictionary to: stringDescription:
Sets the supplied string in the supplied XRef dictionary to return recipient.Type: Method          Function: Schema          Level: DBA
Returns: Entity
1 - XRef
2 - String
Synopsis:shortNameSecurity sharesOutDescription:
Latest shares outstanding on or before ^date (adjusted for splits).Type: Method (time varying)          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: Number
Synopsis:sortCodeEntity shortNameDescription:
Short name. This is the same as 'code' by default.Type: FixedProperty          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: String
Synopsis:specializeAs:at:Entity sortCodeDescription:
Code that can be used to sort instances. This is the same as 'code' by default.Type: FixedProperty          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: String
Synopsis:tickerEntity specializeAs: string at: objectDescription:
Creates a subclass of recipient named by supplied string. The name is defined at the supplied object. Note that this class is NOT installed in the Schema database by defaultType: Method          Function: Creation          Level: DBA
Returns: Entity
1 - String
2 - Object
Synopsis:totalReturnFrom:to:Security tickerDescription:
Ticker symbol.Type: FixedProperty          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: String
Synopsis:typeSecurity totalReturnFrom: date1 to: date2Description:
Total return between supplied dates. This value is computed using starting and ending price and the dividends in the period.Type: Method          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: Number
1 - Date
2 - Date
Synopsis:universesSecurity typeDescription:
Security type.Type: FixedProperty          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: SecurityType
Synopsis:updateInitializationListWith:Entity universesDescription:
List of Universe in which recipient is a member.Type: Method (time varying)          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: List of Universe
Synopsis:validateInputString:Entity updateInitializationListWith: blockDescription:
Adds the supplied block to the recipient class' initializationList.Type: Method          Function: Schema          Level: DBA
Returns: Entity
1 - Block
Synopsis:valorEntity validateInputString: inputDescription:
Instance in recipient's class associated with the supplied string. If not found, NA is returned.Type: Method          Function: Access          Level: Basic
Returns: Entity
1 - String
Synopsis:volumeSecurity valorDescription:
Valor identifier.Type: FixedProperty          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: String
Synopsis:whatAmISecurity volumeDescription:
Lates trading volume on or before ^date.Type: Method (time varying)          Function: Data          Level: Basic
Returns: Number
Synopsis:whatAmIEntity whatAmIDescription:
Return the string "Entity".Type: Constant          Function: Descriptive          Level: Basic
Returns: String
Synopsis:Security whatAmIDescription:
Returns the string "Security".Type: Constant          Function: Schema          Level: Basic
Returns: String